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You can see many stars on the sky in a night with a cloudless sky, you can see even more if you were out of the city. But, have you ever think about how many are them?, how old are them? or what is the distance beetwen us? and Are the stars dead?


First how they live. Actually they are not live. It's a lot of gas, hydrogen (most of the times), wich stick together by atoms and make helium. This process creates light and gives the spheric to the star. A star as our sun works whit H for around 10 millions years and its about 149.600.000 km from us.

A light-year is the distance that the light can travel in a year. The speed of light is 300,000 km/h. The closer exo-star from us is arond 4.5 lightyear, that means it takes 4.5 years for us to see the light here on earth.


The answer is yes, they are. The stars that you see are millions years away from here. Probably, they are already dead but their light it's finally getting here In the other hand, there is a big amount of new stars that we can't see, because their light is not here yet When you see the stars, you are looking at the past.

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