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GLOBAL WARMING The global temperature risen in the last 100 years?

OPERATORS USED The global temperature risen in the last 100 years


Reliability? Yes, it is reliable because there are other links available where you can find information. The site is current, it has been updated in 2013. Authors information is provided. It belongs to a university.

RELIGION Women priests should be allowed in the Catholic Church

Women priests should be allowed in the Catholic Church

No, the website is not reliable because the information provided is biased as many people voted and gave their opinions. It is an organization that created a forum.

PRODUCT REVIEW Canon 550d (camera) is a good product

Is the canon 550d a good camera 7093310AAHKfZ8

No, it is not reliable because it does not provide us the information we were looking for. The information is biased as many people are giving their point of view about the theme. No other links are given. The author is unknown. No, it is not reliable because Wikipedia owns a variety of authors. Truthful information cannot be found as it is open to everyone.

HISTORY The atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was lawful!

Atomic bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was legal hima_and_Nagasaki

ETHICS Abortion is immoral!

abortion is immoral _immoral

No, this website is not reliable because it does not count with a specific author. No other links are provided. Information is biased.

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