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Waynes boring job was to deliver writs to people when they were issued by courts.

The city was zoned and each deliverer worked in a different zone. Waynes one was often busy. Other people doing this work would deliver writs with a wry smile, perhaps showing their wrinkles, but Wayne didnt. Wayne loved travel. The fact that Wayne liked travelling is not unusual in itself. However, when he was younger, Wayne was well known for his xenophobia. The reason why he suddenly ceased being a xenophobe is a mystery. He grew a lot of plants particularly xerophytes and could wreathe yarn and other things into beautiful handicrafts. He also wrought things from wood and iron. But he became a zealot for travel. His zealotry took him to Britain, where he walked in the countryside, imaging himself in days of yore as a yeoman, using a yoke on his oxen to pull the plough in a zany zigzag across his fields and yielding yummy vegetables and wheat to mix with yeast to make bread. He imagined that in the evening, he would have sat in a traditional pub and chatted with zest with the yokels. He went to Japan, sailing by yacht from Korea with millions of yen to spend. However, the yacht yawed when a storm wreaked havoc on him and he found himself in Russia. The yacht was wrecked on the shore, against rocks which were not yielding, but Wayne wrested and wrenched some wood from the wreckage and made a re. He was in a wretched state and writhed in pain because of an injury to his wrist. The wind yowled and he yearned to be in a more comfortable place. He looked at the moon, which was at its zenith. At long last, he yawned and fell asleep. In the morning, the wind was a zephyr, and Wayne returned to the wrecked yacht and yanked some food from it. At rst, he thought he was going to become angry again, but his zeal overcame his wroth. When he was nally rescued, he didnt allow wrath to destroy his love of travelling and continued to be a zesty traveler. The amount of travelling he did zoomed and, as Wayne discovered new places; he knew that he had not been wrongheaded in his love of travel.

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