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Is it such, that Truth is ever changing, to the observer? That Truth in its essence is stabil, static.

But to us, the observer, the Truth will allways change to our observing point. As we gain experience, the Truth will also change, because when we gain experience we see things differently from our point of view. As we move on the Path, the Truth will allways be in front of us, but not reliable as, static, but something that changes along with us. Change is Stability, and Stability is Change... As we move on the Path and get closer, the onion of Truth is pealed down to the mid-point, the essence. And hidden knowledge will reveale itself to us. The different stations on the Path, gives us different views and knowledge about Truth. But, is there any defintiv point of view of the Truth? Somewhere on the Path it doesnt change for the aspirant, but percieved as static? On the different stations(spheres) we see things from, the Truth will also be changing? As for one aspirant in Yesod, will experience Truth differently than if he/she was stationed in Chokmah. The Truth does not recide static in one sphere, but is ever changing on the whole of the Tree. Is there anything to my thinking? Or am I way off...? Its difficult to put down such thoughts on a thread, but I hope you will understand it. I am talking about the Truth which cannot be written or spoken to others in conventional communication. But about the Truth whick only can be experienced for each of us,inside us, the Truth beyond writings and speaking. Isnt that the whole point of the System, and the beauty of it? That each of us must at one point experience a Truth beyond comprehension, and Understand? "... I am alone, there is no God where I am..."

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