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Menanyakan jam

mr.djoko dj

Menit dulu baru jam Ten past nine Twenty past eight Ten to nine Twenty to twelve : 09:10 : 08:20 : 08:50 : 11:40

Jam dulu baru menit

Nine ten Eight twenty Eight fifty Eleven forty

: 09:10 : 08:20 : 08:50 : 11:40

a. Jarum menit di angka 12

09:00 : nine oclock (sharp) 10:00 : ten oclock (sharp) 12:00 : twelve oclock (sharp)

b. Menunjuk menit lebih

09.05 : five past nine 10.20 : twenty past ten 11.15 : a quarter past eleven

c. Menunjuk menit kurang

09.35 : twenty five to ten 10.45 : a quarter to eleven 11.50 : ten to twelve

d. Penggunaan quarter & half 09.15 : a quarter past nine 11.45 : a quarter to twelve 10.30 : half past ten (bukan half to eleven) 14.30 : half past four (bukan half to five)

e. Penggunaan a.m & p.m

am : rentang waktu antara jam 24:00 sampai 12:00 contoh: 9:00 am = 09:00 Pm : rentang waktu antara jam 12:00 sampai 24:00 contoh: 09:00 pm = 21:00

Cuma ada satu cewek there is only one girl Hi desy How ARE YOU?
Im fine how is your discussion group?

Cuma ada satu cewek there is only one girl My group is small. My group is large. There are 6 There are 8 students students

Cuma ada satu cewek there is only one girl Are there any girls in your group?
Yes there are 4 girls, and yours?

Cuma ada satu cewek there is only one girl There is only one Really, only one? girl, but shes so cool & sexy

Cuma ada satu cewek there is only one girl Yes, There is, she is my girl friend

Thats cool

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