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Lymph and Immune Function Returns leaked plasma to the blood vessels after cleaning it of bacteria and other

foreign matter. Comprised of three parts; the Lymph, Lymph Nodes, Lymph Organs. Transport aided by skeletal muscle movement, respiratory pumps and contraction of smooth muscle in the lymphatic vessels (has valves). Lymph Nodes are multiplication sites for agranular WBC; phagocytes within remove viruses and bacteria before returned to the blood. Tonsils: remove bacteria trying to enter the digestive or respiratory tract Thymus: programming regios for some lymphocytes of the body Peyers Patches: prevent bacteria in the intestine from penetrating deeper into the body Spleen: RBC graveyard and blood reservoir Inflammation Red, hot, swollen and pain. Subjective and objective signs and symptoms. Seals of area, prevents pathogen from spreading, prepares are for healing. Protective leukocytes enter the area, fibrin walls off area, tissue repair occurs. Antibiotics/Antibacterials Aids in fighting infection when barriers to infection are lost.

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