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Protect mankind from evil deeds by joining El Paso church

There are many reasons why the world is passing through the serious crisis of accidents, bomb blasting, violence and harassments. Lack of understanding, misconceptions, selfishness and greed are some of the reasons for the people to suffer from such crisis. This is the serious matter taken into consideration by the Bethel Family for the betterment of Future world. To bring peace and prosperity, bethel family ministry to guide people about the ways of living life.

The church removes all the doubts from the mind of the people about God and making them to accept the existence of God in practical life. They have scholar clergymen and polite nuns, who guide and teach the acts of Jesus and mother Marry. By enabling people to praise God, to read the Bible and to implement the principles of Christianity, the church completely changed the lifestyle of the people from fully stressed life to completely relaxed souls. Thus, they awaken the disturbed souls to achieve the highest level of peace and satisfaction by merging with the superpower God. Bethel family ministry orders their members to read and understand the teachings of the Bible in order to unite their souls with God. It is crucial for the people to understand and implement the commands of God described in the limelight of the Bible. Implementation of the commands of God helps them to get the knowledge for the purification of their soul, as only a purified soul is allowed to enter in the Heaven.

God loves those who love him. He helps those, who help his creatures. The church reminds you how to behave with other, how to be humble and polite, as only a generous person can reach to the ultimate height of purity and satisfaction of his life. They teach the people about the qualities of Jesus Christ. The church welcomes all the people coming from different races, religions, places, castes, communities and cultures. They revive the mindsets and ideology of the persons who attend the speeches of the scholars and clergymen. Besides imparting knowledge about Christianity, the church also organizes hospitals, clinics, schools, health centers, accommodation for lower berth of the society to serve humanity. The church has a large number of Hispanic members who manage all the activities of these different institutes of the church. In addition the church is also affiliated and accredited with the General Council of the Assemblies of God.

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