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Learning Area : 2 Cell as The Basic Unit of Life

Learning Objectives : 2.3 Understanding of Cells in the Human Body Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, students should be able to : 1. Name the different types of human cells 2. State the functions of different types of human cells 3. Arrange sequentially cell organisation from simple to complex using the terms cell, tissue, organ, system and organism

Human being is a multicellular organism. There are many different types of cells in our human body. Different cells perform different functions. Some of the examples are given below.


Cell Organisation is the grouping of simple cell into more complex structures The organisation of cells in the human body is far more complex compared to others. There are about 200 different types of cells in our body The different types of cells are organised to carry out various function

The cells are arranged sequentially from simple to complex as shown below

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