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1 Billion Gamers

38 110 187 16 35 18 17 105 311 10 2 80


300 million minutes a day 400,000 years

170 hours a year per player Or 1 month of full-time work every year

called in sick

1 in 4 players

to stay home and play on launch day.

7+ billion hours a week

770m 1.3b 112m 245m


119m 560m 126m 2.17b 735m 70m




Insert 99 games

Insert 99 games

Insert 99 games

the engagement economy

Its inevitable. Soon, well all be gamers.

10 Positive Emotions
10. Joy 5. Curiosity

9. Relief
8. Love

4. Excitement
3. Awe & Wonder

7. Surprise
6. Pride

2. Contentment
1. Creativity


Gamers spend 80% of the time failing.

ADHD symptoms disappear

Social gamers are more likely to help others

Gamers with autism show increased social intelligence

In clinical trials, casual games outperform pharmaceuticals for anxiety and depression.

Games make us


The opposite of play isnt work its depression.

10 Positive Emotions
10. Delight 5. Curiosity

9. Relief
8. Love

4. Excitement
3. Awe & Wonder

7. Surprise
6. Pride

2. Contentment
1. Creativity

Massively Multiplayer Thumb-Wrestling

10 Positive Emotions
10. Delight 5. Curiosity

9. Relief
8. Love

4. Excitement
3. Awe & Wonder

7. Surprise
6. Pride

2. Contentment
1. Creativity

1 Billion Gamers
38 110 187 16 35 18 17 105 311 10 2 80


Summon crowds out of thin air

Solve the unsolvable.

Save the world.

Free job training

A targeted SMS outreach to 70,000 university students in South Africa

Free job training

In 10 weeks, we enrolled 19,893 students in >130 countries

THANK YOU. @avantgame

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