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Haley Ervin NaNoWriMo First Draft

Chapter 1 The Party The chill ran deep on the morning of November 28, 1847, in Luxembourgs wealthiest neighborhood. Mercedes and Lucinda were at the piano in Mercedes's extravagant living room. Lucinda and Mercedes had been friends since childhood and they got along very well. Lucinda was more gentle and kind, while Mercedes was the braver, bolder friend. They were both beautiful blondes in their early twenties. Mercedes's brother Franz was just coming in to tell them that breakfast was ready in the dining room. When the girls walked in they found both families seated and waiting for them. Lucinda's mother and father were very kind and Lucinda's father was given the title General Sean Bumark when he served in the army. Mercedes's mother died when she was very young, but her kind and wealthy father, George Motarli, remarried the widow Angelina Morcell. Her husband and two children were killed in a house fire. George, being as friendly as he was, started the conversation at the breakfast table by talking up his daughter's many talents. Georges love for his daughter saw no boundaries. His wife Angelina however, struggled with the jealousy she felt about Mercedes. She tried to change the topic.

After breakfast Franz, Mercedes, and Lucinda went back into the living room, the men stayed in the dining room and continued their conversation, and Angelina and Lucinda's mother, Martha, went in to the sitting room to have tea while the servants took care of the dishes. Later that week, Mercedes and Lucinda were walking through the park. "So, are you excited for your family's Christmas party?" Lucinda asked. "Well, I don't know. I dont really enjoy big, extravagant parties. Id prefer something much more simple, replied Mercedes. Really? I know youre usually sour about going to other peoples parties, but I wouldve thought youd be at least slightly excited for your own, said Lucinda. I know, sighed Mercedes, its just that Id rather be doing something without all those people we barely know. Well, its just one night, and I promise Ill try to stay with you the whole time at the party so youll never be alone with a stranger, said Lucinda with a smile. Thanks, youre a really great friend, she laughed. Oh, its already two oclock, realized Lucinda, I have to go to my piano lesson. Maybe Ill see you later today. Good bye, have a good day, said Mercedes.

Some time had passed and it was finally the day of the party. All the servants in the Motarli house were busily running around to make sure everything was perfect for that night. The party was highly anticipated by many important people in Luxembourg, so every detail had to be flawless. The cooks were preparing a turkey with sides of mashed potatoes and rich gravy. Stuffing was being made and the aromas of a warm meal lofted through the house. The maids could be found dusting and polishing and scrubbing everything in the house. It was imperative that everything was spotless. Decorators were arranging center pieces and giving orders to movers. The house looked like a firstclass hotel. It was six oclock when the first guests arrived. It was Lucinda's family and Lucinda's fiance, Albert. More and more guests arrived until at least a hundred people were there. Soft music was playing, servers were bringing out amazing dishes, Christmas lights were twinkling, and people were sharing stories and laughing together when suddenly something broke the peace and calmness at the party. A crashing sound was heard when someone came swinging through the windows. Panicked screams and crunching glass was all that could be heard until one single terrifying sound silenced everything. It was a gunshot and George Motarli was mortally wounded with a bullet in his chest. General Sean was the last person to see him alive. When the chaos had been somewhat settled, there was no sign of Angelina. They drew the conclusion that she had been kidnapped.

Chapter 2 The Funeral

The next day was a day of mourning. Mercedes loved her father more than anything, and she knew he'd done nothing to deserve to die. Everyone was gathered in the cemetery staring at the newest headstone that read, "George Motarli, loving father of Mercedes and Franz Motarli." There was an ironic feeling of serenity and peace in the cemetery. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, but it was almost as if they knew something was wrong, for their songs didn't have their usual upbeat mood, it was more slow and solemn. When the priest finished the ceremony, all was quiet. The birds stopped singing and the breeze even slowed to silence. After the funeral, Mercedes went home feeling more alone than she ever had. Her brother was there, but since he was going through the same thing, he wasn't in any position to help her. "Now I am truly an orphan," she thought,"both my real parents are dead and my step-mother is gone." Mercedes spent the rest of the afternoon crying. The servants occasionally came into her room offering her food but she declined all their offers until her favorite servant, Marie, came in. Marie wasn't just a servant to Mercedes. She was a friend. She had been loyally serving the Motarli family since Mercedes's mother was around. She had helped Mercedes through that 15 years ago.

The innocent daughter was only eight years old when her mother, Julie died. It was early in the morning and she was out for a walk by herself. As Julie was crossing the street she was aware of a nearby carriage, but it was going slow and she thought she would be safe to cross before it. All of a sudden there was a clap of thunder which startled the horses. They took off running and poor Julie was caught in front of them. She was trampled by the horses. The coachman got out as quickly as he could to try to save her but there was no hope. She was gone. Mercedes still remembered the evening of her mother's death. It was cold and rainy and dark. Her father, her brother, Franz, and herself were all huddled in her room weeping. It was a night of true sadness. Julie meant everything to them. Mercedes recalled how that night wasn't as bad as this, because then at least some of her family was together. It may have been 15 years ago, but her memory was so vivid: After George and Franz went to bed that night, Mercedess sorrow kept her awake. Fortunately Marie could always sense when Mercedes was hurting. She brought hot chocolate even though she wasn't allowed drinks in bed. Marie convinced her that her mother was now in a safe place and not to worry. She explained how her mother would always be looking after them. Your mother was a wonderful person and she will be missed but right now neither your mother nor I would want you to worry. So just rest your head and why don't you get some sleep?" Marie consoled the young Mercedes.

"Okay," replied Mercedes. Soon after, she fell asleep. Mercedes was pulled out of her thoughts when she noticed Marie standing there with her hot chocolate. I brought this for you," she said. Thank you," Mercedes said with a forced smile. "How are you doing?" she asked. How do I even begin to answer that?" Oh, I know its hard, you just need some time, comforted Marie. Im sure youre right, sighed Mercedes, I think Im going to get some sleep now. All of this sorrow is exhausting. Okay, Ill see you in the morning, said Marie as she left the room. Mercedes rolled over in her bed, tried to clear her head and did her best to fall asleep.

Chapter 3 The Interrogation Though Franz and Mercedes wouldve liked to stay locked up in their home and let the floorboards swallow them up, they found little respite. Life always moves forward even when you wish it would just stop for a moment. The police were coming to talk to the remaining Motarlis about starting an investigation about the assassination of their father and the kidnapping of their stepmother. Mercedes was dreading this because she already knew the questions they were going to ask; questions that would bring memories and it was too soon to think about their father yet. When the police arrived they asked the routine questions like: Did your father have any enemies? Was he in debt to anyone? Was anyone threatening him? Was anyone in particular jealous of him or someone close to him? "Well, our father didn't talk to us about business at all. As far as I know he wasn't in debt and he didn't have any enemies business wise," answered Franz, seeing that Mercedes was too distraught to reply. "I strongly doubt anyone had anything against him personally, everyone always said my father was the nicest man they knew." "And your father was killed at this party," inquired the police, "maybe someone was upset or jealous that they weren't invited?"

"I don't think that's it. We invited everyone we knew and said they were welcome to bring anyone they wanted. There were at least 100 people at that party, if someone wasn't there, it must have been by choice because it was more of a public invitation than anything else," replied Franz. "Okay, we'll keep in touch," concluded the officers. "Why would anyone want to kill father?" Mercedes asked her brother. "I don't know, but I hope we find whoever is responsible," responded Franz with a faraway look in his eyes. The next day Lucinda heard a knock on the door. It was the police. "Hello, we'd like to speak with your father." "Father, the police are here to talk to you!" the daughter yelled to the back of the house. The General walked to the door and told his daughter to go to her room. "How may I help you gentlemen?" "We'd like to ask you some questions about your friend George Motarli," said one of the officers.

"Okay, come in," said General Sean as he led them into the sitting room. "We understand that you were with Mr. Motarli when he was shot, is that true?" "Yes," was Sean's simple answer. "Were you alone with him?" asked the police. "Yes, he was showing me the present he was planning to give to his daughter, Mercedes, for her upcoming birthday." "And... what was that gift?" "An engraved diamond. It said 'To my dearest daughter, the most amazing girl in the world.' He really loved her. Sometimes I thought he loved her more than his wife!" said the General with a smile. "I never liked Angelina. There was just something about her that I could never put my finger on." "Anyway, can you remember anything from that night that could help us?" asked the police. "No, it happened so fast there was nothing to see." "Thank you General, That will be all for now." said the police. Then they took their leave of the General.

Lucinda came into her fathers office after the officers left. "Do you think they'll find out who killed Mercedes's father?" Lucinda asked. "Well, that I can only hope for." said Sean as he left the room. The next day Lucinda went over to Mercedes's house. You could feel the emptiness in the home. It was like a garden with no flowers, a kitchen with no food. This house was missing what made it a home: family. When Mercedes came down from her room she was met with a trembling Lucinda. "Mercedes, something awful has happened! The police called today and said that my father is the lead suspect for the murder! They are checking his guns to see if they match the one that killed your father, but that's impossible right? My father could've never shot your father. They were best friends!" worried Lucinda. "Of course not!" Mercedes assured. "It has to be someone else! What about the person that crashed through the window?" "Right now they think that my father hired him to be a distraction and then to leave town because no one saw his face and there is no way to find him," stated Lucinda. "Oh no, I know this isnt true. Your father can't be punished for something he didn't do, then the real culprit would go free. We need to find a way to get him out of this!" "Yes, but how?" asked Lucinda.


"I think a might know a way," Mercedes said with a mischievous smile. The next day Lucindas doorbell rang. It was the police. Can I help you? asked Lucinda. Weve just come to tell you that weve moved off of your father as a suspect. Really? Oh, this is such a relief, sighed Lucinda, thank you so much officers. Have a good day. You too, said the officer as he left. Lucinda raced over to Mercedess house. Her emotions were a mix of grateful and curious. How on earth would she have gotten the police to leave the General alone? Mercedes, how did you do that? Do what? What do you mean? You got the police to move off my father as a suspect! exclaimed Lucinda. No, I was actually just about to go to the station to talk to them, but someone must have beat me to it. Who couldve done that though? Why would they have done it? I dont know but at least its done, replied a grateful Lucinda.


Yes, at least its done, said Mercedes, but she had plans to figure out who did it. Chapter 4 The Woman After Lucinda left, Mercedes went down to the police station to ask about anyone who had come in recently. Yes, there was a woman that came in and talked to us about your fathers case. She said that it wasnt General Sean Bumark that we should be investigating, she said we should be investigating you, said an Officer Stark. Me! Thats outrageous! Why would I kill my own father and kidnap my stepmother? What did this person look like? exclaimed Mercedes. She didnt leave her name and she was wearing a scarf that covered her face, so I have no idea what she looks like, said Officer Stark. "Oh, well if there is any thing you can remember about her would you please contact me?" asked Mercedes. "Yes. Have a good day."


As Mercedes rode the carriage back to her house she thought about who that woman could be. Who would want the police investigating her? Who else could've known that Lucinda's father was the lead suspect? When she arrived at her house Franz greeted her with a smile. "So how was your trip to the park?" asked Franz. Mercedes felt bad for keeping her brother in the dark about where she was and what she was doing but she knew that if she told him he'd say it was too dangerous and not let her go. He was always protecting her. Most of the time Mercedes appreciated his care for her, but now she needed to do this and this was something he would immediately disapprove of. "It was good," Mercedes replied to his original question. "It's such a lovely day outside." "Well I'm glad to hear it," said her cheery brother. "Franz, who do you think killed father?" asked Mercedes solemnly. "To tell you the truth, I really have no idea. I've been racking my brain for reasons why someone might want him dead and I just can't find any," said a puzzled Franz. "Do you know who or why, Mercedes?" "No, no I don't," was all the sister could say. The next day Mercedes received a call from the police about the woman that came into the station. They said that the only thing they could determine about the cloaked woman was her height, 5'6", and that is the same height as Martha Bumark, Lucinda's mother.

"This can't be true," thought Mercedes. In less than ten minutes Mercedes was ringing the Bumarks doorbell. Lucinda answered. Hello Mercedes. Hi, is your mother home? I need to ask her something. Yes, Ill go get her, said Lucinda. She left and reappeared with Martha. Ill leave you two alone. I need to talk to you about something, and I want you to know that right when I heard it I didnt believe it, but I just had to ask. Well, what is it? chuckled Martha. You know that your husband was the lead suspect in my fathers murder? Yes, said Martha getting more serious. Well, someone went down to the police station and told them not to investigate the General, started Mercedes. Oh, yes, I heard that. I need to thank them for getting my husband back his innocence. But there is something they didnt tell you about what that person said. They said that I killed my father! exclaimed Mercedes.

Oh no! The police dont believe that do they? Who said this? The woman was wearing a scarf and they couldnt see her face, but they did get her height, and that height matches yours. Well, you know it wasnt me! Of course, but who could this be? Could someone be pretending to be you? asked Mercedes. Why would someone do that? I dont know, but Im trying to figure this whole thing out. Please dont tell Lucinda, shell worry too much and try to stop me. Can you keep this our secret? Of course anything to catch your fathers murderer. I really do hope they find him. Yes, and if the police dont catch him then I will do it myself, declared Mercedes. Do be careful though, said Martha. Ill try, but I cant make any promises, said Mercedes as she left.


Mercedess mind was worn out from all this about her father and suspects and police. When she got home she went straight to bed. The second her head hit the pillow she went to sleep. A few days had passed and there was no word from the police about any new leads. Franz and Mercedes were starting to worry that they had given up on finding the killer. A certain letter they received confirmed their worries. The letter read: Dear Motarli Family, ! We regret to inform you that our investigation has not been a successful operation. There are no leads. We have ruled out General Sean Bumark as a suspect due to an anonymous tip. All further questioning has led us nowhere and we now have no ideas or suspicions on anyone else. ! As for your stepmothers kidnapping we assume that the same person that killed your father has taken her as well, or a second party was with the murderer in your home at the Christmas party and he grabbed your stepmother while the latter shot your father. ! Unfortunately, we are closing this case because of the lack of suspects and information. Good day, and Merry Christmas. ! ! Sincerely, The Luxembourg Police Force ! Oh no! This is horrible! I cant believe they are just giving up like that, said Mercedes.

The police just arent what they used to be. Now they just close the case whenever they hit a roadblock. This is ridiculous! exclaimed Franz. What will we do now? Nothing, thats all we can do, sighed Franz. But there must be something! pleaded Mercedes. Im sorry but- Franz started. Wait, I know, we could start our own investigation. No! That would be way too dangerous and if the police quit because they couldnt find anything then what makes you think youll get anywhere? Mercedes its just not logical, said Franz. Oh, why do you always have to be like this? You are always against any idea that could possibly be the slightest bit dangerous. You know that father deserves his murderer caught, but you're to afraid to do that aren't you?" Mercedes stormed off. While Mercedes lay in bed that night her mind buzzed. Thoughts about who could've shot her father and what woman would've framed her appeared in her mind. "Oh my god, I can't believe I didn't think if this sooner, but I know someone else with a height of 5'6". This may not

be logical but I know it's true," thought Mercedes. "It was the supposedly kidnapped Angelina!" There was no possibility of her falling asleep after realizing this. Mercedes got up and quickly snuck out without Franz seeing. She didn't know what her plan was but she knew she had to do something, even if it was dangerous. It was about one o'clock in the morning so no one was awake so Mercedes decided to just be alone with her thoughts in the night. "I knew father never should've married her, " Mercedes thought to herself. "but why would go through all this trouble to hurt us? What did she have against us? She did always get jealous when father paid more attention to me than her but is that enough to make someone kill? I always knew she was sensitive about family, because of what happened to her other husband and children. That house fire scarred her for life, now she won't even go near a spark. Still, that couldn't have anything to do with my father's murder, could it?" As Mercedes wandered through the chilly night air of Luxembourg she began to grow tired and started to head back to her house. When she snuck back in the house was pitch black and there was no sound that could be heard. She was asleep by 2:30 am.


Chapter 5 The Illness The next morning Mercedes immediately went to Franz's bedroom to tell him her thoughts about Angelina, but when she walked in something was terribly wrong. Franz was lying there as pale as the whitest clouds and as cold as ice. He looked so fragile but he was coughing so violently and loud that it looked like his body would break if he made another movement. Before she did anything else she called their doctor, James Francis. He was at their house in an instant. A servant showed him into the bedroom. Oh dear, said James. He is very sick. How long has he been like this? he asked Mercedes. Im not really sure, I just walked in this morning and found him like this. He was fine last night.Could something this bad happen over night? Well, it is uncommon, but yes, answered the doctor. Oh no, will he be okay? asked Mercedes.


Yes, it appears to be just a common fever and cold, but I will monitor him to make sure. Thank you so much! said Mercedes as she exited. She was heading to Lucindas house to tell her about Franzs illness. When her door opened it was Lucinda, as usual. Hello Mercedes, Lucinda greeted her good friend. Hello, Mercedes responded with a worried tone. Oh, is something wrong? Yes, Franz has fallen ill. The doctor believes it to be a simple fever and cold, but it seems to be much worse. Oh goodness! Will he be okay? asked Lucinda. The doctor predicts he will be fine, but he is monitoring him to be safe, answered Mercedes sounding slightly relieved. That is good. Make sure he gets lots of sleep, that always helps. Thank you for the advice. Id better get back to Franz. Ill see you later. Goodbye, said Lucinda.


When Mercedes walked back into the Franzs room, she found him unconscious. The doctor told her that he fell into a deep sleep and wouldnt wake up. Sometimes it is best to let them wake up on their own, advised the doctor. Mercedes was beside herself with worry, but she hesitated to question the doctor. The next day Franzs condition had not changed. Although Mercedes was sad, she used this as an opportunity to continue investigating her fathers murder without having to sneak behind her brothers back. Her first thought was to talk to General Sean, Lucindas father because he had been there with her father when he was shot, so she made the walk to the Bumarks house. Oh, hello Mercedes, said the General when he answered the door. What are you doing here? I came to talk to you. As you know the police gave up on my fathers murder case, so I had the idea to start my own investigation. Franz was immediately against it because he thought it was too dangerous for me, but now that he is sick, there is nothing he can do to stop me. Oh, okay, what did you want to talk to me about? asked Sean. Well, I wanted to see if you remembered anything from the night my father was murdered.

Oh, the General paused, maybe we should sit down. They took a seat on the plush velvet couch. That night went so quickly, I wouldnt be able to tell you the difference between hallucination and reality. That is why I didnt tell the police what I thought I saw. Anything will help. Please tell me! pleaded Mercedes. Well, I believe I saw the shooters face, but it wouldnt make sense, he didnt even know your father. I believe I saw the letter carriers face, but that couldnt be logical, he had no reason to shoot your father. Still, that is a start. Do you know where he lives? asked Mercedes. Yes, but Mercedes, please be careful if you visit his house, worried General Sean. I will, but tell me where he lives! He lives on 1818 Cherrywood Lane. Thank you so much! Mercedes yelled back to the General as she rushed out the door. She was headed to 1818 Cherrywood Lane. It was all the way on the other side of the city, so Mercedes flagged down a cab. A shiny black carriage drove up pulled by two beautiful Clydesdales.

Where to, miss? asked the coachman. 1818 Cherrywood Lane, Mercedes answered with confidence. She got in the cab with a mix of nervousness and excitement. She didnt know what to expect at this mans apartment, or what she was going to say to him when she got there. When the cab dropped her off she was hesitant. She spent a while on a bench outside the building contemplating what would happen if she entered. Her end decision was to go in. What is the worst that could happen? she thought to herself. When she walked up to the door she looked at the list of names to see which apartment he lived in. Her eyes went over the list more than once but she did not see the letter carriers name, Nick Gerrard. She went inside to ask the woman at the front desk if Nick Gerrard lived here. No, Nick passed away two days ago. It was so sudden, no one expected it. One morning he just didnt wake up. So sad... Oh, Im so sorry, Mercedes said as she walked away surprised. Mercedes again called for a cab and took it back to her house. She wanted be alone with her thoughts. Also, it was getting late to be out. It was already 10:00 p.m. When Mercedes got home she laid down in her bed and let all the thoughts buzz through her head. Eventually Mercedes grew tired and fell asleep.


Chapter 6 Poison The next day Mercedes was still puzzled about the letter carriers death, and something told her that it wasnt a natural end. She didnt know if he was poisoned or choked or what, but she sensed that someone wanted him dead and they made it look like he just didnt wake up. What she couldnt figure out is why would he shoot her father. He doesnt care if my father is dead or alive. Ah Hah! He doesnt care if my father is dead or alive, Mercedes realized, but someone else must care. Someone must have sent him to kill my father! There is one thing I know about this person, they like to keep their hands clean. Mercedes had a mischievous smile on her face. She desperately wanted to share this with someone, but she didnt know if she should. Maybe it would be best if I kept this a secret a while longer, she thought. Mercedes didnt really know what to do from here, she knew that there was another one responsible other than the actual killer, but she didnt know who. She went into Franzs room. He hadnt gotten any better nor any worse. The doctor was stumped. There was no explanation for his coma. Then it hit her. Mercedes had just visited a mans apartment who had died unexpectedly, and Mercedes thought maybe he had been poisoned. What if the same thing had happened to Franz but in a lesser extent? What if he was poisoned to the point of a coma instead of death? Dr. James, started Mercedes, is it possible that my brother was poisoned?

It is, in fact, before he fell into a coma, I noticed some symptoms of brucine poisoning, hallucination, high fever, but I never thought anyone would poison your dear brother, so that was only a thought in my head for about three-seconds. Well, certain events have led me to believe that that is an actual possibility now. Would you like me to start treating him for poisoning? asked the doctor. Only if you think it is right, said Mercedes. I think it is worth a try. Okay then. Mercedes left the room and left Dr. James and Franz alone.


Chapter 7 The Plan

Mercedes thought of someone who couldve hired Nick to shoot George Motarli. Angelina, her supposedly kidnapped stepmother, who probably was the woman who went into the police station that day to frame Mercedes! The only problem is that there is no way to find her. A good thing about this is that I know her biggest fear, fire, so it would be easy to get revenge, thought Mercedes grimly. I need someone to talk to about this, I cant keep a secret much longer. She walked over to the Bumarks house, but she wasnt going to talk to Lucinda, she would be like Franz, think its too dangerous and encourage her not to do it. She was going to talk to her father, General Sean. Hello Lucinda, said Mercedes when she saw who answered the door. Is your father home? My father? Why do you want to talk to him? asked Lucinda, puzzled. Oh, I just wanted to talk to him about something Ive been working on, answered Mercedes. This wasnt the whole truth of course, but Mercedes felt it wasnt entirely a lie. Oh, okay then, hes just in the other room.


Thank you. Hello Mercedes, welcomed the General when he saw her. Hello, I wanted to talk to you more about my fathers death. When I went to Nick Gerrards apartment building, the list didnt show his name because he had died in his sleep two nights ago. However, I dont think he died naturally. I think someone poisoned him. Like you said, he had no reason to want my father dead, but someone else might. I think someone hired him as a killer and then killed him themselves with poison. Wow, that is a very advanced theory. Do you have any speculations who this person might be? Yes, I think this person may be Angelina. Your stepmother? Yes, answered Mercedes. Thats impossible, she was kidnapped! I have a theory about that too. I believe that she faked her own kidnapping to avoid being a suspect. Why would she have your father killed? wondered Sean.


Well, Im not entirely sure about that. A possibility is that she was jealous of the love that my father gave me and not her. That is true, your father always paid more attention to you, and it was clear to anyone that he loved you much more than her, but is that motivation enough to have someone killed? I was in doubt of that too. Maybe there is something about there past that we dont know, suggested Mercedes. Perhaps there is... So, now I want to find Angelina, but I have no idea where to look. Do you have any idea where she might be? Well, there is this one place where we went as couples when you kids were younger. It was this old abandoned barn out in the countryside where we used to have picnics occasionally. Angelina especially loved it there. I bet she is hiding out in that old barn. Really? Where is it? said an excited Mercedes. It is quite a ways out from town. Possibly a half-days walk, answered General Sean. I will show you the way tomorrow. Meet me at the bakers on the corner at 6:00 a.m. and we will walk from there. Dont tell Lucinda where you are going, I wouldnt want her to worry. Thank you so much, General!

George Motarli was not only your father, but my very good friend as well. Like you, I think his death should be solved and avenged. Really, thank you so much for everything. Oh, Mercedes, you know Id do anything for you or your family. I guess Ill see you tomorrow then, said Mercedes. Yes, Ill see you tomorrow, confirmed General Sean.


Chapter 8 The Old Barn When Mercedes woke, she could see the mist out the window and thought with eager anticipation, This is the morning! The morning where we go to find Angelina. She got up and dressed quickly. It was a long journey to her stepmothers hiding place, and they had to start early. Mercedes walked downstairs and headed to the bakery, where her and the General said they would meet. When she arrived, Sean was already there, he was always so punctual. Shall we start walking? he asked. Yes, so how long did you think this walk would take? At the most six hours, but if we hurry we could probably make it there in four hours, he answered. Okay. It is pretty much straight there most of the way. So what is our plan for when we get there? To be honest, I hadnt thought about it. I suppose I was just so focused on getting there. Well, then we have at least four hours to figure it out.

Yes, so what were some of your ideas? Well, we dont even know for sure if she is there or not. It is the most probable spot though. So I suggest that we find her first, said the General. Okay, but you are almost positive that she is there? Yes, Id even say it is the best place to hide in all of Luxembourg, assured General Sean. Wonderful! Now, after we find her, what shall we do? asked Mercedes. Question her, probably. We dont want to do something well regret before we know. True, but if she is hiding, she is probably guilty, Mercedes pointed out. You are probably right. So, when we know she is there and we know she is guilty, what shall we do? asked General Sean. Ive had some thoughts, you already know that her old family died in a house fire, and living with her these past years I have learned that this has effected her very much, and that her biggest fear is fire,


Mercedes pulls out a match from her pocket. I say we light the barn on fire, but pull her out right before its too late. Mercedes, I didnt know your mind could think such dark thoughts, although after all you have been through... the General trailed off. What do you think of that plan? asked Mercedes. It is a good plan. We are almost to the barn. It is just over this hill, replied Sean. The road they were traveling was broken and in shambles. A carriage had not been on it for a number of years. A dark, ominous cloud passed over the revenge-seekers heads. This was a dark journey they were on. Once they reached the top of the hill, the old barn was in full view. It was old, grey and faded, and its door was painted a classic red. Paint was chipping and boards were rotting; it appeared abandoned, except for a single heartbeat, trying to hide from what they had done. Mercedes and General Sean reached the big red door, which was closed. The General pulled it open with a bit of a struggle, but it opened eventually. They heard a bit of rustling inside, now they knew something, or someone, was there. Once the door was open, Angelina was caught directly in their stare. She tried to run but Sean easily outran her and stopped the culprit. Why are you out here? Mercedes questioned angrily.

I was just- Angelina started. Oh, save it! We know you hired Nick Gerrard to shoot my father at the Christmas party, and then you killed him too, with poison! Mercedes yelled. Not only did you commit those murders, but you also tried to poison my dear brother, Franz. No wonder he fell ill so quickly and unexpectedly! Thats a lie! Angelina protested, although it was clear she was guilty. So what is it? What is it that you have against my family? I know it is more than just the grief from your original familys death, there has to be something more! continued Mercedes, still yelling. All right, Ill tell you. This has been planned for many years. When your father and I were young, before your mother came along, we were to be married, but your father withdrew at the last minute. He and his family did not believe that I was worthy of them, that my family was not rich enough. So, that carriage that hit your mother in the tragic accident, was driven by me, and it was far from an accident. Mercedes was shocked. No one had expected that this scheme would go back so far. Angelina continued, My other family had died well before then, so your father had no choice but to remarry to me. The plan was to wait several years before killing your father, so any suspicion didnt arouse

about the deaths being connected. However, this murder couldnt be committed by me, I had to have a perfect alibi, and Id say being kidnapped was a solid one. Thats why Im here. Nick had to be killed because he wasnt satisfied with the pay we agreed upon, and he threatened to reveal the secret. So why poison Franz? Mercedes asked. That was to keep you preoccupied, so you wouldnt have time to figure this out, but that clearly didnt keep you from coming here and finding me. Well, now that I have found you, you are going to pay, Mercedes replied in a sinister tone. She pulled out her match and struck it on a board. It instantly lit and she dropped it on a pile of hay. Mercedes, be careful! General Sean yelled, but it was too late the flame was growing larger and larger. It wasnt long before the entire structure was enveloped in flames. The burning red hot drove Angelina nearly insane. She began screaming and thrashing on the ground, hanging on to anything that the fire hadnt yet touched, as if trying to save the objects that she had no attachment to, but it wasnt long before everything was burning, burning without mercy. Mercedes was noticing that it was time to stop this. She ran out into the middle of the room and grabbed her parents murderer by the arm and quickly made an exit. All three were now standing in front of the burning building.


We are taking you in Angelina, and you will do the time in prison that you deserve. Mercedes and the General both took one of her arms and started the journey home. Chapter 9 Caught When Mercedes, Sean, and Angelina made it to the police station

in Luxembourg, it was a dark cloudless night and it was well-lit by the full moon. When they arrived in town, police thought they were bringing the innocent, kidnapped Angelina, so there was definitely a lot of explaining to be done. "Officers, this isn't the innocent Angelina you think you see. She is guilty, guilty of everything!" cried Mercedes. "She is the murderer of not only George Motarli, but also Julie Motarli!" furthered explained General Sean. "Take her away, gentleman!" ordered the lead officer. "I am so sorry for all you've been through Mercedes, and even after all that, you solved it!" "Thank you, Officer," said Mercedes halfheartedly. In the end Angelina was locked away. There was barely even a trial, everyone knew she was guilty. Not long after, she was in the place where she would spend the rest of her days; prison.

Chapter 10 Healing Several days later, Franz had recovered completely from his illness

and things were getting as back to normal as they could. Mercedes and Lucinda were spending time together as they used to, and of course General Sean and Mercedes had shared their story with the group several times. Everyone was so grateful to them for putting the guilty away in prison. Mercedes and her brother had visited the cemetery quite often since she returned. Their mother and father's grave had been place side by side, so they could always be with the one they truly loved. They knew that is what they would've wanted. Nothing was the same without their wonderful parents, but now they knew that with their murderer in jail, they could finally rest in peace. Time heals all wounds, and over time they would have their happily ever after.



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