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Minister Louis Bey

Shaikh Abdullah AL, Harkeem AL, Amin-Bey, (hereinafter known as "Minister Louis Bey") to respectfully petition this Honorable and Distinguished Body for recoqnition as a Member Nation of the United Nations, in support thereof we offer the following: 1. The Nation of Moorish-Americans was incorporated under the

Laws of the District of Columbia, in 19~5, as a body politic

joined together for the purpose of promoting the mutual safety and advantage by their joint effort of the people throughou~ North America Moorish decent. (See Exhibit 1 & 2).

has accepted the immediate mission of uniting 40 million plus indigenous people of North America under the Moroccan Banner with the Ultimate goal of establishing a universal body under the

teachings of Islam. (See Exhibit J). 3 J We have two (2) treaties with America, which we want to pursue: 1) Moroccan/American Friendship Treaty of 1408, which

ratified in 1787 and recogniZed as protecting the Moors as

subjects of Morocco (again ratified 1987); and 2) the Treaty on the Land purchase called the Louisiana Purchase which was ratified into law as a treaty by the Exhibits 4 , 51.


Senate in 1762.



A landmark case in which a petition was filed with the House

of Representatives in 1779-1790, enabled free Moors to avoid the status of negro and to be recognized as an alliance of Americans. (See Exhibit 6). 5. We are filing this petition with the United Nations as indigenous people of America that have been deprived of their riqhtful legacy to the thirteen states of America that by stipulation between Thomas Jefferson and Napoleon, at the conclusion of the spanish American War, resulted in what is known a "the Louisiana Purchase." 6. (Refer to Exhibit 5).

At this point in time, representat~ves of the Moorish-

American community wish to be recognized, and be officially included into the family of nations, within the international family wheel, with mutual benefits, for the general good of all. In the opening remarks of this petition, we seek to open a window to the Muslim World, wherein, can be seen as a wake-up call to the Muslim World. Surely, current events of today, make the

point explicitly clear that: "The diViding of Islam, into sects, has proven to be Baneful, having no part, in the spirit, and will, in ALLAH."

We are mindful of, and welcome, all of the new problems that

subjects of Morocco (again ratified 1987); and 2) the Treaty on

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ratified into law as a treaty by the U.S. Senate in 1762. Exhibits 4 & 5~.



A landmark case in which a petition was filed with the House

of Representatives in 1779-1790, enabled free Moors to avoid the status of neqro and to be recognized as an alliance of Americans. (See Exhibit 6).

We are filing this petition with the United Nations as

indigenous people of America that have been deprived of their riqhtful leqacy to the thirteen states of America that by stipulation between Thomas Jefferson and Napoleon, at the conclusion of the spanish American War, resulted in what is known a "the Louisiana Purchase." 6. (Refer to Exhibit 5).

At this point in time, representat~ves of the Moorish-

American community wish to be recognized, and be officially included into the family of nations, within the international family wheel, with mutual benefits, for the general good of all. In the opening remarks of this petition, we seek to open a window to the Muslim World, wherein, can be seen as a wake-up call to the Muslim World. Surely, current events of today, make the

point explicitly clear that: "The diViding of Islam, into sects, has proven to be BanefUl, having no part, in the spirit, and will, in ALLAH."


We are mindfUl of, and welcome, all of the new problems that

of 1800 A.D~, Jim Crow, or 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment, as subjects of America. 8. Because of the Treaty of Friendship and Amnesty of 1787,

Article 21,that George washinqton made with the Emperor of Morocco, Moors were to be treated as equals under the United states Constitution. The laws of the United states, in general,

and its Treaties, which are made or which shall be made under their authority of the people, have controlling impact upon cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers, and consu1ars, and is, and shall be, the Supreme Law of the land; the jUdges in every state shall be bound thereby; and anything in the constitution or the laws of any state to the contrary, notwithstanding. WHEREFORE, in consideration of all the above, the Nation of all

Moorish Allericans, Inc. pray that an audience is provided us so that we y present our case to this enlightened body.

Shaikh Abdullah AL, Harkeem AL, Amin-Bey Minister, Moorish-Americans, Inc. 5400 7th Street NW, Apt. 4 Washington, DC 20011 (202) 726-4231

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