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Locke's Theories

-Similar to Bacon: Knowledge comes from senses and science. -Tabula Rasa: We are born with a blank slate (All humans are created equal) the experiences we take in through the senses form who we are. -Abstraction: How our mind makes categories (how complex ideas are formed) -Association: the best way of learning (color-->blue-->sky-->airplane) -Internal discourse: Taking in experiences (most authentic) External discourse: confirmation, talking about experience-more corrupted because it is adapted to society, culture and ordinary knowledge -Secondary epistemic function: rhetoric takes knowledge from science and creates a story that will move and persuade audiences -Understanding is NOT taught through syllogisms (personal interpretations are necessary) -Ideas of reflection: words become general because you associate them with general ideas. -Will is the most important function of the mind! -Only experience can provide the materials for reason and knowledge. -Mind is at the center of the universe (collect knowledge from data, not from institutions or authorities like church/school) -Wit and fancy corrupt language. -Knowledge of self is intuitive.

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