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Vertebrate Forelimbs

1(c)Perform a first hand investigationto observe, analyse and compare the structure of a range of vertebrate forelimbs

Draw up a table of three columns with headings: name of animal/diagram; description of parts of forelimb; how each structure assists the animal.

Name of vertebrate and diagram Human forelimb Description of parts of forelimb elongated phalanges and prominent thumb forelimb is long Explanation of how this/these structure/s assist the animal to grasp fine objects; enable the hand to carry out fine manipulations.

Human Forelimbs

Mammal Forelimbs

Dolphin vs Human forelimbs

Bat and Mouse Forelimb

Key: humerus Ulna & Radius phalanges carpel

Cat skeleton

Web links f/l_031_02.pdf nts/Evolution%20Tutorial/Forelimbs.htm 51 Or google search- vertebrate forelimb structure and function

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