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Firstly, the front covers gave me a good response on all three of them, but I decide to choose the third

mock up based on the response which was given. The audience said that they liked the positioning of both the tagline and the main article headline, which would be a particularly individual factor to the front cover. However they said to use this one there will be the need for at least one cover line, to further draw the audience in.

For the contents pages, I did not get the response I expected. The majority of the audience thought that with the right picture, mock up 3 would be very successful as a contents page, because it was a completely different idea and showed every feature of the contents page very clear. It also did not seem to be clogged with ideas, but at the same time had all the needed conventions to make it a successful contents page. Aside from this, both of the other contents page mock ups got the same sort of response from the audience; that they were too common layouts.

Double page spread 1 was chosen as the one that I should use by the audience. The feedback that I got told me that they liked the idea of having the article and the picture separate, as it gives them the opportunity to own something such as a poster of the artist. The second DPS was also liked very much, as the layout was very attractive to the audience, however there was more positive feedback for DPS 1.

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