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Assignment Nº 1

It was a normal day when I arrived at the school I was attending, I had to go to
the sixth grade to observe the class, the teacher wasn’t in a good mood and neither the
students. They didn’t like English class and neither de teacher; they didn’t get along
very well.
The teacher arrived to the classroom, no one was putting attention on her she
stood up at the front of the class waiting to say good morning but the students didn’t
care about it and kept laughing, 15 minutes passed and the teacher still couldn’t say
good morning so she was really frustrated.
Time passed and she started to review some pages of the book and suddenly a student
started to make fun of the teacher laughing and imitating her, the teacher got very angry
and yelled at her and the student that was a girl answered in the same way this means
yelling back. The teacher was so mad that she said horrible things to the girl, like; “you
are not better than me”, “who do you believe you are”, “what do you do for your life”,
“you haven’t won to anyone” and different sort of things related. I couldn’t react in
front of this situation I was shocked I couldn’t believe the teacher was saying all that
horrible things to a student.

1. - Why the teacher would have this reaction?

Maybe because she was stressed, maybe she didn’t like the
students of that specific class, maybe she didn’t even like the school, etc.
Independently of what or how she felt there is no reason for doing that.

2. - How is the girl feeling?

In that moment she had no expression on her face but maybe in

the inside she felt very humiliated and maybe worthless because of all the
things the teacher said to her.

3. - What is the best thing to do in this case?

I think the teacher should have talked to the student privately and
asked her why she had that attitude with her and try to find a way to
solve problems in order to have a harmonious class and relation in the

Camila Soto

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