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Dear Megan Keaton, For my research paper I intend to follow the same topic that I did in my exploratory essay

which was the unequal opportunities amongst different social classes in education. I want to research this to find out the differences in the education of lower income schools and that of higher income schools and to answer the question does everyone have the same and equal opportunities. If not, then see if I can point out the problem and the reason of why the different social classes are treated differently. Also, I plan to find a solution to this problem and to see what can be done to ensure equality throughout schools in America. I am most interested in this topic because I went to a lower to middle class middle school and knew that I was not getting the same quality of education as the school down the road. Something that I have always questioned is how much different would I be if I went to a higher income school; would I be more motivated, less motivated, or would I be just plain smarter and more intelligent? These are just a few questions that I might look to answer while going through with my inquiry. I plan to begin my inquiry by using the resources and readings that you have provided in class as well as the resources that Atkins Library offers to get as much information as I can to begin writing. I will also look back at my exploratory essay to look at the questions that I did not answer and see if I can now answer them or begin to answer them.

Sincerely, Aaron Cook

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