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Dark Angels Power Armor

Dark Angels chapter Insignia

Arrow mbol for regular troops

3rd company markings

Dark Angels Death-wing Terminator

Crux terminatus symbol

Death-wing minator Symbol

Dark Angels Chapter Badge

Death-wing rminator Symbol

Terminator crux terminatus symbol

Left shoulder pads: the left shoulder pad on power armor is generally reserved for the chapter symbol. or on terminators, the crux terminatus. Right shoulder pads: displays the squad type and squad number, but only codex chapters do that. This side shows what unit type the marine is or it displays a special icon. the upwards arrow for regular troops, large X for assault squad,blast logo for devastators etc. Chaplains have their skill, librarians their book symbol, deathwatch the inquisitorial I. Right shoulder Pads are u personal heraldry for Captains Studded shoulder pads: The studded shoulder pads is used to represent valor in battle. It's equivalent to five purity seals, studded shoulder pads go on the left shoulder (used to protect left shoulder from bullets), chapter symbol will go on left even if shoulder pad is on.

Shoulder Pads

Dark Angels Banners

It is customary for only one of these standards to be used at any one time: the others are kept in the Great Hall on the Rock

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