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Narrator: The most anticipated group in the second half of 2012, the five fearle ss girls have finally

arrived! [pink/teal caption]No more girls just pretending to be cute! Narrator: We call them Crayon Pop. [bubble caption]Reckless! Impossible to predict! Narrator: Look forward to them! Coming soon! [teal/pink caption]Idols on the fast track, who knows where theyre headed! Narrator: These five girls are armed with cute liveliness and individuality. [pink/yellow captions]They are Crayon Pop! Narrator: Who could be the Crayon Pop member always bursting with energy anytime , anywhere while cheering everyone up? [multi color]overflowing with energy, the eldest of crayon pop! Narrator: The pure and strong leader of Crayon Pop, Gummi! Ellin: Im Hungry [caption] Im hungry Narrator: The capricious girl who values eating and sleeping most in her life, E llin! [caption] Dont fall for her looks! The capricious girl, Narrator: As long as theres a mic, the cute girl who will sing anywhere, anytime, Way! [caption] The cute vocalist of Crayon Pop, Fresh and lively, the doll-like girl in charge of cuteness, Choa! [bubbles around her face]fresh! [caption]The precocious, doll-like member of Crayon Pop, Soyul: Let us ride the ride!! [caption] Let us ride the ride! Narrator: The incorrigible entertainer, the girl with a pretty face, Soyul! [caption]The lovable, final boss of weirdness, Narrator: Now, lets begin! [Caption]The colorful diary of Crayon Pop Way: To the show, gogo! Gummi: We are going to our performance. Come with us, Crayon Pop! [caption] Im the Crayon Pop car~ Gummi: We are going to Chungju University Ellin: Its a music show, but at its at Chungju Gummi: We plan on showing you our song Saturday Night with live singing and danc ing Choa: Who do you think will get married first out of all of us? [caption]anticipation Gummi: Well, Way is.. Ellin: I think youll get married real late Gummi: Ellins is *laugh* Choa: Ellin has divorce in her palm lines Way: Her palm says three divorces right? Ellin: Theres divorce in my palm lines, and on top of that.. [caption around ellin] dizzy dizzy [caption]at those thoughtless words, Ellins thoughts are scattered Gummi: Well, lets live well without any divorces. Please say something Ellin [caption]words to your future husband Ellin: Darling(Husband), Ill do well! Youll be understanding right? Soyul: Darling(Husband), I overcharged my card, sorry~~! Ill be waiting at the hou se so hurry back! I love you! [caption]The killer aegyo of Soyul that can get through anything

[caption]During all the talking and laughing, weve arrived! Crayon Pop: Weve arrived at Chungju University! Soyul: My eyelids are heavy.. and Im sweaty.. Narrator: Im anticipating what kind of performance Crayon Pop will show us! [caption]Will they be ok to perform in such a condition? Narrator: Before the concert, first they have to eat [caption]The first thing Ellin does when she arrives is find her lunch! Ellin: Im most excited when its time to eat. Gummi: Enjoy your food! Choa: Were eating! Ellin: Daebak Narrator: Please use your words [caption]What is she trying to say? Soyul: *swallows food* hurry up and eat! [caption]Its all quiet while they eat~~ Narrator: After theyve eaten their fill, last minute practice is necessary to ensu re a perfect performance. [caption]After scarfing down their food, they prepare to go on stage Narrator: Meanwhile, Ellin is diligently practicing her headbanging [caption]Ellin caught head banging with her long hair Ellin: Oh god, there was a camera T.T Narrator: Sorry I couldnt take care of you Gummi: At first, I would always overreact or exaggerate while on camera without even realizing it. [caption]Gummis first talent: Able to roll her Rs for a long time! Ellin: Look at the vein popping out on her neck Gummi: My tongue reaches my nose! [caption]Gummis second talent: Her tongue reaches her nose *SFX bubble* around Gummi Gummi: Ah, stuff like this doesnt do.. (TN: I cant actually tell what shes saying here , I just translated what the transcript said.)

Narrator: Finally, its time for them to get on stage! I wonder where the Crayon Po p members are? [caption]The show is finally about to start! [caption] The silly dance of Way and Soyul Narrator: Ah, they were dancing excitedly behind the stage. Soyul: Follow me! Oh, youre not following? [Caption on Soyul]Trying to be Silly Soyul: Before we go on stage, we try to have the mindset: Alright, lets go have fun! This is awesome! so were always excited to dance and sing during the performance. Gummi: Getting up on stage is like a fish going into water; its energizing and so much fun. Narrator: Now what youve been waiting for, Crayon Pop: Show Time! [caption]Lets have fun! [caption]Being on stage is the most exciting for the rookies Crayon Pop! [caption]A performance where they show off their cute and lively charms Gummi: At last, weve finished our performance!

Way: Well done Crayon Pop! [caption]What? Suddenly they get together in a group? Choa: Ok, lets go home and rest! Gummi: Alright, lets go home ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ============= 5-7 mins Narrator: However, the production crew is not just going to meekly send them hom e! They waited in front of the dorms. [caption] A two hour stakeout in front of the Crayon Pop dorms! Ellin: Oh my god, [caption] Surprised to see the production crew! Choa:What is all this? Ellin: I.. hold on.. Let me get my shoes Soyul: I already erased my makeup! Choa: Oh cmon, what is this. [caption]The members are helpless to hide their dorm Member: They said they want to go in Gummi:Eh? Go in where? Camera woman: We need to go inside with you CP: No, you can t! [caption]Now they realize their situation Gummi: Close the door, close the door! [caption]What will it be like inside? Way: Just a minute! The underwear! Hide the underwear Way: Ah! You can t! I need to hide this quickly~~ [caption]With fast an nimble fingers Ellin: You can t! [caption]Tries to block the view with her whole body but it s no use Ellin: You really can t show stuff like this! It could be real bad for girl groups ! Choa: I always thought stuff like this on TV was staged Ellin: Me too! Gummi: If they just did it how it normally was it would have been ok. [caption]Everyone gives up [caption] Making public the nest of Gummi, Way, and Soyul Choa: Do you think you could add in some effects for us? Like sparkle effects? Way: Oh no, the smell. If I spray this at least the air will be fragrant. [caption]Showing off her flexibility Soyul: This is how I sleep! Way: Wait Soyul, that s not it. Lie down again [caption] The true pose Way will reveal for us! Way: Soyul sleeps like this! Soyul: Why I sleep like this is because [caption] Soyul, you should sleep straight

Way: This is real, this is how Soyul sleeps! Choa: To get to our bed, we have to get over the sofa. You can t get there any oth er way. [caption] The sleeping quarters of Ellin and Choa Choa: Because we just got back from work.. [caption]The self-remodeled sleeping quarters Way: Please walk carefully Ellin: Shall we try lying down? Way: This is how our mornings look. The 5 of us lying around in the living room. Gummi: This is really what it s like [caption]The living room as a group sleeping area Ellin: We don t have a proper place to sleep Way: In the winter, the floor in the living room is really unpopular.. [caption]The only air conditioned place in the hot summer nights Way: but in the summer, everyone wants to sleep here. Ellin: Ahh it s hot Choa: Sometimes when we can t sleep and sit up, it s just like this with all 5 membe rs here. Choa: Sometimes when we wake up and come out to the living room, it s just like th is. Even when we need to change, we try to hide.. but honestly there s not even room t o hide anywhere. You just find a corner and change. Things like that are a little bit hard to liv e with. Manager: The company tries to support the girls as much as possible, [caption] automatically lowers voice but the girls sometimes get frustrated with the amount they get. Soyul: It s too small! I m telling you, it s too small ================================================================================ ====================== ================================================================================ ============================= ================================================================================ =============================== Way>Interestingly, our bathroom has two hand showers Caption>Crayon Pop's Unique Item ; Two-Headed hand showers Way>But the problem is, the pressure too weak Gummi>That's amazing Way>This one's stronger Caption Showerhead>Runny Runny Way>They are competing, to see who's stronger Caption>President, are you watching this? Member>Oh goodness Narrator>What are you doing there Soyul? Caption>Soyul's undoing her hair in front of the mirror

Caption>Huk! We're Surprised Even More! Narrator> Soyul>No.. my face without makeup Narrator>A girl with enormous strength is finally born Caption>Ripping her hairs out.. Soyul>I'm not kidding. It hurts Choa>The eyeliners helped my eye look bigger Choa>It's time to send them home Caption>In front of the camera ; Cleansing hand movement without hesitation Soyul>This thing helps my legs look thinner Soyul>This is a self-discipline right here Caption>She's right, but something's funny Soyul>This won't do. It's ugly Soyul>My face's disappointing Caption>Ellin's checking on condition of her face without makeup Ellin>How do I see this? Crew>By the way.. why didn't you take out the circle lenses? Ellin>I've always had big pupils Ellin>That's not true Caption>Avoiding Camera ; Inborn Pupil Beauty Ellin Crew>You're wearing circle lenses Ellin>I'm not wearing circle lenses. I'm a woman that wears glasses Choa>Producer.. Crew>What do you want to do? Gummi>We have a wish Way>Something delicious! Way>I want something delicious! Soyul>Buy us a patbingsu Gummi>I want some patbingsu. It's too hot! Caption>Crayon Pop has sold their souls for patbingsu Narrator>You are now watching Crayon Pop who sold their souls for patbingsu Caption>Sympathetic and touched, camera crew calls for Patbingsu~ Soyul>Yeah! let's go Caption>Thinking of Patbingsu ; Brings out the dance~~~ Narrator>Hehe, that's very cute Caption Soyul>Yeah Patbingsu Caption>Arrived at Convenient Store

Choa>Is there patbingsu? Caption>Getting Patbingsu ; Happiness comparable to having a whole world Caption>Picked up 5 Patbingsu Soyul>Ah Shuaa~ Shua~ Shua~ Caption>So happy about getting just one snack Member>Thank you Ellin>It's our first time eating this late Gummi>I'm really happy Caption>In the hands of the Expert ; Mixing Patbingsu Gummi>This is how you manage summer Crew>Of course, I'm sure the company knows what's best for you, Crew>but do you still have something you're not satisfied with? Ellin>When they forbid us to eat something right front of us.. I'm especially se nsitive in that regard Caption>1st Basic Drive needs to be Satisfied Urgently Way>They keep buying us chicken breast salad Way>But I don't like it because it's too dry Caption>Because my Tastes are important Soyul>If we do something wrong, they confiscate our cellphones Way>Didn't think they really would.. I didn't imagine that would be the last of it Caption>Members have a lot to say about the confiscation of cellphones Ellin>We never knew about it. Thought they would give it back.. Way>We'll keep it all inside Way>and release it when the time is right Way>Managers, please be ready Member>This should not go on air Manager>On one hand, we want to fulfill their requests Manager>but you can't do everything you want and be a celebrity at the same time Caption>A man, who found Crayon Pop! Caption>Even without makeup on and with sloppy visuals ; Sprang up from their se ats Way>We're not exactly in our best form.. Man>I liked you guys Ellin>Oh, really? Caption>Front of Convenient Store ; Performing without Music!

Man>Yes, this, this, this Caption>A bit embarrassing Performance ; But Still Grinning! Narrator>Please cheer for Crayon Pop! Caption>A picture to remember tonight's performance Man>I'll keep on cheering for Crayon Pop Member>Thank you. We'll keep it up Man>You're going through a lot of trouble late at night. Please take care Ellin>This is how we get our strength Gummi>We had patbingsu and worked out under the moon. I love it Ellin>Let's go while doing our kangaroo dance Caption>Nimble Nimble Nimble Narrator>Crayon Pop kangaroos! To home! Let's go Caption>We're the Yeoksamdong Kangaroos Narrator>Good Morning sunshine. It's time to wake up Caption>Next Morning ; Crayon Pop's house in Yeoksamdong Narrator>Can we continue to struggle in dreams or not? Not! Caption Soyul>Peak Narrator>Soyul, don't pretend to be asleep Caption>Soyul's acting as if she hasn't seen the camera Narrator>Everyone wake up! Caption>Idol images are long forgotten, kicking comforters Gummi>Wake up! Come on! Come on! Gummi>It's past 10. Hurry, wake up! Caption>Already late ; Crayon Pop's getting ready in a hurry Gummi>Where's the phone? Gummi>Such a refreshing morning Soyul>Hello Caption>Still ; Members seem half asleep Crew>Did you sleep well? Soyul>Yes, I embraced my excitement and slept well Way>I'm still mentally breakingdown Soyul>I'm hungry Crew>You didn't have breakfast? Caption>Members are listless from hunger

Member>No, we're hungry Choa>No matter how late we finish, we have to at the company building by 9 am Caption>Nearing Company ; Only now Members are starting to run Gummi>We're going to start running now Choa>We're almost there, so we're going to run Caption>Gummi, Soyul still have strength left to run ; Running at full throttle 5m before arriving Caption>Pitiful Stamina ; Screaming in agony Way>Why is the company building on uphill? Ellin>They probably got it here intentionally Caption EllinWay>Huk~ Huk~ Gummi>We're here Soyul>Arrived Gummi>Hello Manager>Why are you late? Member>We've overslept Caption>Late due to filming ; Explaining Gummi>We've gone to bed at 3 am Way>They slept with us Soyul>They just stayed with us Manager>Why are you late? Manager>Why are you late? Huh? Gummi>Sorry Soyul>Ah good morning auntie Caption>Crayon Pop's preparing to practice after a quick breakfast Gummi>Auntie made us some meat dish today Caption Meat>Appetizing Generous Caption>Shall we begin? Manager>Why are you getting food first, and not practicing? Caption>Panic's Apparent on their Expression Member>We'll make it quick Manager>Is eating that important? Way>Can't we just eat quickly? (x2)

Manager>Are you really saying that? Really? Gummi>Let's just practice first and eat afterwards Way>Because we're late.. Caption>Scolding by the manager ; Hurt their feelings Gummi>Let's eat after the practice Caption>With stiffened faces ; Members are headed to the practice room Manager>It's frustrating. Sometimes it feels like I'm raising a kid Manager>Sigh Caption>Ridiculous ; Losing it Manager>Just...what do they think they here for.. are they here to eat? Gummi>We often skip our dinner Gummi>and it's also common to skip breakfast to get here Gummi>And...when he did that just when we got here, I got a little bit offended Way>I'm going to explode in frustration. I hate him everyday Narrator>Crayon Pop members went into practice after skipping breakfast Caption>Practice began in an empty stomach Narrator>but the choreography teacher doesn't look so happy Caption>With eagle eyes ; Choreography teacher's looking at the members Teacher>How long did you practice this? Choa>Since Mar..March.. Caption>Serious Atmosphere ; Members are also conscious... Teacher>Right.. So you've been practicing for half years and the lines are still wrong Teacher>1 2 3 4 We'll try it again Caption>Eventually, each members are checked individually Teacher>1 2 Don't step hard like that. Again, interlude Caption>Members are discussing about the parts they made mistakes on Gummi>Should we try again without Choa? Way>Because the back part is not in order.. Choa>We're bumping into each other... Teacher>Please, don't discuss things while we're still practicing Teacher>Do that during the break please, after the practice is over Teacher>Why do you keep deciding on things that I don't know about? Why? Teacher>Do think I'm just saying all these because there's a camera here? Member>No.. Teacher>Do you think I'm giving you a hard time intentionally? Caption>Practice Atmosphere ; Suddenly turned to Alaska

Teacher>I'm always sincere Teacher>I don't care about these Soyul>Seems like they're thinking 'today is the day', and letting it all out on us Soyul>We're feeling discouraged after hearing all that Narrator>After the war in the morning.. Narrator>Members went to a beauty shop to prepare for their next schedule Narrator>Bling Bling! Like any other celebrity Caption>Crayon Pop's transforming into a celebrity Narrator>the members were busy doing a makeover Caption Way>Twinkle Twinkle Narrator>Howl~ Aren't they pretty Caption>Makeover Complete! Ellin>Did you, possibly, talk bad about me? Way>She's.. she's digging her own grave Ellin>Few days ago.. Way>She had a fungus grow on her face Ellin>I had a hard time because of the fungus few days ago Caption>Fungus.. on the face? Ellin>Had some breakouts.. Way>How could girl groups... Caption>Ellin's sneakily leaving the seat Ellin>I don't know! Crew>Ellin, any words please? Ellin>I know nothing about this Way>Time for clarification (x2) Caption Ellin>Panic Panic ??>Please don't do this Way>You just have to open your mouth a little when you sleep. and let some liqui d out Caption Way>Slap Way>Then you'll grow some fungus Caption>A moist sleep pattern grew fungus on the face for Ellin Ellin>Hey.. this is critical Ellin>I'm going to come out as "Gape," as a Gape Ellin.. Way>They might have it on camera already, when you're sleeping Caption>Ellin Sleeps disarmed, whenever she had the chance during the shooting Narrator>Ellin was always sound asleep whenever she had the chance Ellin>This.. you really can't. NG Ellin>Please edit this out Choa>One day, she was sleeping on my pillow Choa>I got angry, because Ellin was using my pillow

Gummi>She comes into my room once in a while.. If you look at my the spots on my pillow.. Ellin>Really... Ellin>Should I expose.. should I expose everything here? Caption>Exposing and Threatening everywhere Way>Exposed them, I don't have anything Ellin>You have quite a few things Ellin>Please get this on camera. Her eyebrows are missing Way>Oh, Really? How.. really? Caption>Eyebrows in Half ; Way's really in panic Ellin>Where did that go? Way>I'm actually missing half of my eyebrows.. Way>I got caught Narrator>Now that everything's ready, should we go? Caption>Dribbles~ Crayon Pop's getting in a van Manager>You know that today's Saturday Night is full version right? Full.. right ? Member>Yes Caption>All of them have butter coating on their tongues! Member>Full~ Manager>F-U-W-L Caption>Full ; You're talking about this right? Gummi>Manger, where are we right now? Manager>We're in your heart Caption>Ahhhh~~ Gummi>Oh my God Choa>Did the manager have multiple personality? Soyul>You know what the world is like nowadays.. you can't get away with lies Gummi>That's right Ellin>You'll get your identity stolen Member>He doesn't seem very happy about that Caption>Teased by the members ; Hurt the feeling of the Manager Choa>He looks upset Manager>Because it's not like there's much age difference, Manager>so it's really hard to manage them on site. There's no answer to it. Manager>If they were my sisters, they'd be dead Soyul>But both parties are hard to manage Gummi>We're both sad and happy at times because of the manager Choa>The manager's just as difficult Narrator>While they have their fun in the car Caption>Arrived at the theme park where they'd be performing

Narrator>Crayon Pop has arrived at the place to perform Caption>Just by coming to a theme park ; the mood goes Up ? Up ? Way>What should I do? I really want to get some rides! Member>Where's our field bag!? Caption>Members forgot to bring a bag with items Gummi>We forgot to pack.. Ellin>We forgot our field bag.. Gummi>Manager's not angry right? Gummi>He's not angry right? (x2) Ellin>Right? Manager>This is their profession, and if they mean to start it, they should be m ore responsible Manager>This is something small, but I wish they could take more responsibility and prepare it themselves Caption>Just as they enter ; Everyone's Excited Way>Churros! Look, they're selling churros Gummi>Buy us some churros Manager>Did you come here to eat? You are here to work Member>Churros! Churros! Churros! Churros! Soyul>Let us get on the ride! Choa>It has been so long since the last time we were here, and it changed so muc h Manager>Then go play and don't perform Way>Manager, you can go ride with us Caption Soyul>Irritated Soyul>Just once Gummi>Don't we have some time left? Way>We have some time Gummi>How much do we have? Manager>You should be practicing if you have time, not getting on the rides Manager>Want to just play around? Manager>Want to eat? Manager>Go home then! Caption>Eventually got into trouble again... Manager>Singers are here to perform, not to have fun Manager>Does this look like a joke? Manager>Are you out of your mind?

Choa>We're upset because he would always just say no.. Way>We understand he could be a bit sensitive just before the performance but... Ellin>We still have to eat Ellin>Look at me, look at my arm...It's like I'm a refugee Manager>When they start saying, 'We want to they just can't be controlled Manager>So my voice tend to rise and I tend Manager>They really have to follow and obey Manager>You have to stay focused especially eat this, we want to get on that'.. to get angry and irritated as well well on site

Caption>After the lecture in the middle of the theme park ; They're headed to th e Stage Narrator>Let's forget about that ride (Saturday Night ?) Caption>Crayon Pop's Show Time Narrator>So Crayon Pop goes on stage with some regrets Caption>Although Scolded! Caption>On the stage ; Always trying their Best! Caption>Finished the performance without any big mistakes Member>Thank you Narrator>After safely finishing the performance, it is now time to go home Caption Gummi>Hurry~ Caption>Filled with Crowd ; Hard to Move Manager>Hurry Caption>Soyul and Way ; Fall Behind Way>Where did they go? Caption Soyul>Not Sure~ Way>I wonder where they went Caption>Have no Cellphones.. So using intuition Ellin>Are we really going like this? Choa>Why are you trying to buy us... Manager>Wait, wait, where are they? Soyul and Way.. Gummi>Three of us were going like this, and two of them were coming.. Caption>Disappeared ; Soyul and Way! Manager>Come back (x4) Let's just get to our car first Manager>I'll search for them, so let's get to our car first. Come Caption>No way to make contact ; Move to Car First Choa>They might be behind us Gummi>Maybe they went to a restroom Manager>I'll search for them, so come Manager>I had told them multiple times that Manager>on site... you really have to be focused Manager>we've lost them the moment we looked away

Gummi>I was in shock when Soyul and Way had disappeared. Gummi>We were in panics. We didn't know what to do. Gummi>Only If we had a cellphone, that's a different story, but we don't... Gummi>Also the manager was busy looking all over for them.. Soyul>Look! Over there! Caption>Finally found it? Narrator>What did the members find? Churros Way>It's my first time having churros in a theme park Way>I've only had them in the theatres Soyul>It has been some years for me, but I don't actually remember Caption>Worried about Soyul, Way ; But gets in the car for now Narrator>Other members and managers know nothing about this situation Manager>We've lost Soyul and Way as we were coming out Manager>I've especially paid attention on our way out because it was crowded, bu t still.. Director>Go run and find them Manager>Yes, I will Caption>Manager's feeling under pressure... Caption>Still, the two members don't realize the weight of the situation Member>Thank you Way>Let's eat this quick and look for them Manager>I know it's ridiculous, but "maybe they were kidnapped?" Manager>or "are they involved in some kind of accident?" These were my initial t houghts Manager>I was scared and worried Narrator>Can Crayon Pop members get to meet the manager safely? Caption>No way to contact ; Soyul and Way decided to wait in a single spot Caption>Churros still tastes good in this situation~ Caption>Manager's been wandering for a good while ; At that moment! Manager>Hey! What is this? Manager>Some kind of joke? Everything went upside down because of you Caption>Just now realizing the weight of the situation ; Soyul, Way Manager>We got into trouble with the director, did you know that? The whole comp any's in chaos right now Caption>For these girls ; What will wait for them? (Bing Bing ?) Member>Charge! We're mighty rookie Crayon Pop Narrator>On the second episode of Crayon Pop's Colorful Growth Diary, you will s ee Caption>Only reserved for popular celebrity ; Challenging the First Baseball Pit ch! Narrator>cute, lively and unique five girls Caption>Memorable moment in the baseball stadium

Soyul>It's delicious Narrator>studying Japanese in preparation for their activities in Japan Caption>Japan schedules are right around the corner Caption>A secret hangout of five girls full of individualities Gummi>Where should we go? Narrator>as well as leaving for the MT with people of the agency. There, we'll r eveal the member's shocking looks Caption>Crayon Pop enjoys vacation in a long time Narrator>Who's the member that left everyone in shock? Caption>Left everyone in shock ; Shocking Visuals Narrator>Please stay tuned for Crayon Pop's Colorful Growth Diary next week Caption>Please stay tuned for 2nd episode~ Soyul>No, don't do this (Saturday Night ?) Ellin>We came to eat Patbingsu~ Way>One patbingsu right? Soyul>Yeoksam Freedom~ Our house is in Yeoksam Ellin>We're trying really hard Member>Crayon Pop!

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