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Multicultural Refugee Coalition Sample Public Relations Kit December 2012 Created by: Kristen. F, Lauren. G, Alexandra. M, and Julia. Weeks

Table of Contents
Press Release Eight Tips for a Successful Media Interview Pitch Letter Media Tip Sheet Backgrounder/Fact Sheet Email Script Cold Calling Script

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, December 4, 2012

CONTACT: Julia Weeks (210) 475-1427 Cell

Multicultural Refugee Coalition En Route to New Community Center

A Great Cause Providing a Home for Those Far Away From Home AUSTIN, TX The non-profit organization, Multicultural Refugee Coalition is on its way to a new community center. This community center has been a goal of the MRC since its opening in 2009. A place with a welcoming feel that brings individuals together from around the world is its main goal, and this new community center provides just that. It is the objective of the MRC to be officially moved into its new home by the end of 2012. Jane Doe, a member of the MRC, sheds light on this new community center. (Insert Quote) Does statement reflects just how important this new community center is to her, as well as, the hard work that went on behind the scenes, in order for this community center to even be an option for the MRC. The move to this community center requires much monetary help, which is donated to them from volunteers, Austin community members, and other key publics. The move to the new community center provides much more than just a space, it provides a home away from home to these individuals that have left everything behind for fear of losing their lives. -More-

John Doe, a member of the MRC, provides an example on why he is looking forward to this new community center. (Insert Quote) Does statement sheds light on the struggle he went through in his home country and how thankful he is to be a part of the MRC. The new community center only reinforces the family feel that MRC provides for its members. The need for this new community center is important and provides a sense of community for the refugees. To reach the goal of having this new community center, the MRC is hosting a charity dinner to raise the money needed to obtain this new home. The dinner will take place in mid December and all the proceeds will go toward the new home of the MRC.



1) Be Prepared: a. Review talking points, news release and other background materials. b. Be sure you understand the interview topic beforehand. c. Anticipate negative questions and be prepared to answer them effectively. d. Work the talking points into your conversations with reporters.

2) Speak clearly and concisely: a. Keep your answers brief and stick to the talking points. b. Remember that reporters are looking for short quotes to use in their stories. c. Be direct make your point quickly, then expand as appropriate. d. Speak in laymans terms using simple, conversational language. e. Avoid industry acronyms and jargon. If you must use technical terms, explain them.

3) Tell a Story: a. Use stories and real-world examples to help relate the issue to the reporter and their audience.

4) Avoid negatives: a. Dont repeat a negative - this will only reinforce the negative view to the reader. If a question is presented in the negative, frame your reply in the positive. b. Tell the story and/or answer the questions on your terms.

6 c. If asked about a problem, speak about a solution.

5) Be accurate: a. Use facts, figures and in a format that reporters can understand and relate to. b. If you arent sure of the answer, point the reporter in the right direction of a trusted source or tell them you will find it and get back to them. c. Dont lie. If you inadvertently offer misleading or incorrect information, correct yourself as soon as you recognize the error. d. Dont let false charges, facts or figures from the reporter stand uncorrected.

6) Be confident: a. Remember that you are the expert. Promote yourself as a reliable source. b. Remember that journalists are not experts and often know very little about the matter at hand. Dont assume they will know everything about your issue or industry.

7) Dont wing it: a. Think before speaking dont worry about jumping right in with the answer. Its often helpful to pause briefly before launching into an explanation. Feel free to ask for clarification or to have the question asked in a different way. b. If there is a question you do not want to address, use the block and bridge technique to make the point you want to make.

8) Friendly reminders: a. There is no such thing as off the record. Remember that anything you say can be used in the reporters story. b. Stay relaxed and positive; be sincere and enthusiastic.

7 Sample Pitch Letter Dear Mr. Doe of (Austin Chronicle, Austin American Statesman, etc) The MRC is hosting a charity foundation dinner, in order to raise revenue for their new community center. This charity dinner is a reflection of the give-back attitude that the Austin community has toward its community. I know the readers of the Austin Chronicle will find the coverage of this piece touching, interesting, and moving. MRC is an organization that does not provided handouts, but better yet, ways for its members to flourish in society, with job and education training. Our goal at the MRC is to make our members feel at home and comfortable in a country that is vastly different from their own. If the move to the new community center is made possible, our members will thrive and be able to have a place to come to at the end of the day to socialize, relax, and learn. Thank you for your time and if you are interested in hearing more, please contact me at Email: Phone:

Sincerely, Name

Media Relations Tips It is important to contact the media to enlist their help in educating the community about the MRC. You can do this easily by using the suggestions and samples in this packet, altered to fit your own circumstances where necessary. 1. Designate a media liaison/spokesperson. This person or persons will convey all MRC information to the newspaper, radio and television media. They will be listed on your materials as the contact person to request further information or to schedule interviews or press conferences. You may prefer to designate one person to disseminate information and another to speak with the media, or the same person can perform both functions. 2. Create a media list. Compile a list of every newspaper, magazine, television station, radio station and wire service in your community that might be appropriate to deliver your MRC message. Media lists are often available at little or no cost from your area Chamber of Commerce. Your local library and public relations firm are other good sources. Information to include in your media list includes: a. complete names of publication, station and wire services; b. address, telephone and fax numbers and email address; c. names and titles of assignment editors and reporters who cover health/medical, political and community events issues; d. names and contact persons for radio or local TV talk shows; and e. dates, times and deadlines for specific columns, issues or shows. 3. Develop a list of story lines and activities. Some suggestions include: a. A Day in the Life of a refugee b. human interest stories on members of MRC and staff to share with media; c. scheduled home visits by the media (member permission required); d. awards recognizing dedicated staff and send out press release of awards; e. luncheon to recognize local/national/international donors and or volunteers Types of Media Coverage Following are some suggested ways to garner local media coverage for your organization, in general, and Multicultural Refugee Coalition specifically. Sample documents are provided to assist you with content and format. A media kit should be compiled, including a press release, fact sheet, opinion-editorial, copies of any pertinent newspaper or magazine articles, and any other item that will be helpful to the media source. You should contact each newspaper, television/radio station or other media source individually to determine specific procedures and deadlines (rule-of-thumb suggestions are provided regarding timelines). Follow-up calls generally should be made two days

9 prior to publication or broadcast. Afterward, thank-you calls or letters are recommended.


FACT SHEET DATE (Meg Erskine) 789-1033 HISTORY: (The Multicultural Refugee Coalition became a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in April 2009. The MRC had a desire to provide a long term support network for refugees in Austin and now provides both long-term community and educational support to the hundreds of refugees settled to Austin each year.) STAFF SIZE: (Twelve total including the four founders.) OVERVIEW: (Empowering refugees settled to Austin towards self-sufficiency through education, community & reconciliation) STRUCTURE/SERVICES PROVIDED/SERVICE AREA: (The MRC has served over 628 refugees from 17 countries in Austin, TX. The MRC helps the refugees providing them with a safe place to adapt to the community. They teach the refugees English, basic necessity skills and provide programs for the children.) ### phone: (000) 000-0000 FACT SHEET for New Home WHAT: The MRC was donated a new home thanks to the generosity of the North Austin Lions Club and Lonestar Soccer Club. This will be a place for refugees to come together and have a place to call home. They will not live in this home but it will still be a place that will make them feel comfortable and help them adapt to the city with a supportive community surrounding them. the converted field house at 1103 Justin Lane (time) (day, month, year) To celebrate the opening of the new Home and to give the community an opportunity to see the home and see what their donations help to create. Meg Erskine Street Address City, State Phone FAX CONTACT phone: (512)


11 MRC Email Script Good morning/afternoon/evening ___________, My name is _________ and I'm emailing you on behalf of The Multicultural Refugee Coalition of Austin. The MRC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization which now provides both long-term community and educational support to the hundreds of refugees settled to Austin each year. A refugee is a persons living outside their country of origin who cannot return to their homes due to fear of persecution based on their race, religion, or membership in a particular social/political group. We are trying to open a new home of our own where all the refugees will be able to come together. We are reaching out to members of the local community, like you, to support the coalition by donating or volunteering at the Multicultural center. Feel free to visit our website or to contact me with any questions. We appreciate your help and look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,


Multicultural Coalition of Austin


MRC Call Script (TEMPLATE PHARMACY EXAMPLE) Hi, my name is _________ and I'm calling on behalf of The Multicultural Refugee Center, do you have a moment to speak with me about refugees in the community and how you can help? * Pharmacy Choice & Access Now is a coalition of community leaders, pharmacy and business owners working to highlight the devastating effects the move to managed care has had on independent pharmacies like yours * As you know since the move to managed care reimbursement rates have been cut by up to 80%. * We are reaching out to community pharmacists and pharmacy owners, like you, to support the coalition by signing on as members to represent your community and pharmacy in order to ensure that Medicaid-served patients and communities maintain convenient access to providers. We aren't asking for any money and signing on requires very little of your time * Some of our partners include Texas Pharmacy Association and Texas Pharmacy Business Council * (If they agree): Thank you so much, I can send you more information and our partnership form by email or fax. Please review the form and email or fax your signed form for our records. Feel free to call or email me with any questions you may have * I'll follow up in a couple of days if you don't get a chance to return the form to us to make sure you received everything you need

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