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Different types of Cloning:

Tissue Culture:
This Is done by picking the parent plant with the desired

characteristics that you want. Scrape a few cells into several beakers with nutrients and hormones. A week later there will be lots of genetically identical plants growing. The
same process can be done to these. This whole process can be

aseptic, (carried out in the absence of harmful bacteria) otherwise the new plants will rot.

Note, the offspring are genetically identical to each other and to the parent plant.

Embryo Transplants
Parents with desired characteristics are mated. Embryo is removed before being specialised. Then split apart into several clumps. These embryos are then implanted into the uteruses of sheep who will eventually give birth to clones.
Note: Offspring's are genetically identical to each other but not the parents.

Adult Male

Body cell


Adult female

Egg cell

Adult Cell Cloning / Fusion Cell Cloning DNA from a donor animal is inserted into an empty egg cell (nucleus removed) Which then develops into an embryo. The embryo is then implanted into the uterus of another sheep. Dolly the sheep was produced this way.

This is different from embryo cloning as the donor animal will end up giving birth to an offspring that is genetically identical to the donor animal. But when using the embryo transplants method this differs as the cell removed from the two mated animals with the desired characteristics are separated into clumps and then inserted into the uterus of a sheep, who will eventually give birth to clones.

Is provided by the adult male

Is found in the centre of a cell, this contains the information of the organism.

An Embryo is made when two cells join, in this case its has been removed before it specialises and then separated into clumps and inserted into the uterus of the animal.

Is provided by the adult female

This link is to a video of Charles Darwin, proven wrong, it is a little bit advanced but can still be viewed for further information.

All species evolved from earlier forms of life.

2 key notions in Darwin's theory. Adapt changed to suite there environment.

Species adapt to their environment due to natural selection.

Using fossil records, scientists have been able to determine the relationship of species.

Genetic analysis conforms relatedness of different species.

The Evidence for the Theory of Evolution

Many animals have the same bones, nerves organs with the same basic structure.

Only 1.6 genetic difference between humans and chimpanzees make up.

There are evidence of animals/humans who go through similar development, through the nine months before being conceived. E.g. babies,

Well from what I have gathered Lamarck's theory doesn't include genetics.

Lamarck believed that if any part on the body is repeatedly used, it will remain on the body or may increase in size; If it is not used, it may reduce in size or disappear. (Somewhat True!)

Lamarck also believed that the physical or chemical characteristics that you acquire during your life time will be passed on to your offspring. (Completely False!)

Using a Giraffe as an example, he would have believed that because they tried to reach tall trees quiet often, they stretched there necks while doing so. This then made there necks longer, so when there offspring were born they to had long necks.

Lamarck's theory
If you became smart and a genius by the end of your lifetime, the kid will also be a genius. (FALSE)

A rough idea of evolution itself, but Charles Darwin, was someone who went a bit further.

This theory could also suggest that if you had a tiger tattoo on your arm, when you have kids, your kids are also going to have tiger tattoos on there arms

Well I think that overall, Darwin's theory is a more reliable and understandable theory, Lamarck has no evidence on his theory. Charles Darwin used fossils for evidence. ACTUALY THEY BOTH HAVE NO SUFFICENT EVIDENCE TO PROVE EVLOUTION. But to be honest, after Half way through the 19th century, scientist had a better knowledge of science and understanding in general. The breakthrough with genetics and other theory's, I'm not to sure if Darwin and his theory of evolution is still the answer

Evolution by Natural Selection:

Five key points to remember

Individuals within a population show Variation (i.e. differences due to their genes) There is Competition between individuals for food and mates etc. predators and diseases keep population size constant despite the production of many offspring.

Some individuals adapt better than others due to their environment. This statement otherwise known as Survival of

the fittest

Survivors will pass of there genes to there offspring. Other wise known as

Natural Selection
Where new forms of genes result form Mutation, there may be more rapid change in species.

TASK = )
(Remember the five key points, in order)


Competition Survival of the fittest Natural selection Mutation

Reasons for extinction

The theory of evolution:

Well, The organisms environment will change. (The mammoth) Hutting down animals, this is caused by us humans. (new predators). (dodo bird is an example of a victim. Diseases that could harm a specific animal population, (Bird flu) Increased competition.

Well, When asked this question make sure you answer in this sort of way. The theory of evolution states that all living things which exist today, and many more that are now extinct, evolved from simple life forms which first developed 3000 000 000 (3billion) years ago. When asked how you say Studying similarities and differences between species can help us to understand evolution.

You need to be able to.

How Science Works

1A Identify the differences between Darwins theory of evolution and conflicting theories.

1C Suggest reasons for the different theories and why scientists cannot be certain about how life began on earth.

1B 1B Suggest Suggest reasons reasons why why Darwins Darwinstheory theoryof of natural natural selection selectionwas was only only gradually graduallyaccepted. accepted.

SOOO.. 1A CREATIONIST This view states that each living thing was Created separately and did not evolve. They view the gapes In the fossil records as evidence against evolution. 1B- Darwin's theory was only gradually accepted because Religion had an important part in society It is difficult to prove Many scientist did not, and some still dont accept the theory Attempts to demonstrate evolution through tests have failed.

1C Intelligent Design (ID)

See page 42. aqa gcse science.

This view states that certain structures within cells and DNA are far to complicated to have evolved over time so it must have been put there higher being or creator. (god) : )

Visit this link for further information, you will be surprised.

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