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Do you believe that the human species is unique?

I believe that the human species is unique because of all the things that were able to do that other species arent able to. Unlike other specie,humans are able to communicate extensively; although other species are unable to learn syntax which is a significant aspect of language. Not only that we have a higher thinking than other species considering that were able to solve problems that are complex more than theyre able too. Whenever we come across an obstacle we are able to come up with different solutions, something that animals are not capable of doing.

Moreover, unlike other species, humans are able to adapt faster. Innovations and technology help us to have a deep undertsanding of the world that we live in, and how to make our lives easier. For example, human are able to learn and move on. Through technology we are able to recognize a problem and solve it just by studying it.

In coclusion, the human species is unique because it is investment technology.

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