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CJ Walters English 2 February 13th, 2013

My group and I have decided to use the library as the location for our discourse community observations. We chose the library due to there being such a variety of discourse communities that can be observed. The library is visited by hundreds of people daily and a benefit of this location is its easy accessibility. The library is only a mere tenminute walk from our dorms allowing for easy data collection. The library is a place that serves a multitude of different purposes. Some people are there to study and others are there to socialize. There are a set of rules that we should abide by while we are in the library in order to make sure we do not distort our data. First and foremost we need to speak only in whispers, within this setting loud noises are not typically appropriate. Next we need to make sure that our data collection occurs at different times. We also need to make sure that we are not running around our being messy within the library. The last rule is to observe only the second and third floors as they bring in more diverse traffic. Within the library I expect to find the following data. I expect to find polarizing results depending on the time of day showing either nothing but socializing or nothing but studying. One thing of interest to me is how the weather will affect the discourse communities that are found. *My data has been collected independently due to being sick * Observation 1: On February 13th during the middle of a downpour I stopped by the library to gain my first observations from 9:00 10:00 am. Upon arrival my initial observations were silence and studious behavior within the realms of the second and third floors. Upon further investigation I discovered a group of people chatting quietly near the back of the second floor. They all had coffee and homework displayed prominently out on their table and appeared to be collaborating about an assignment. Another discourse community was near by and appeared to be a group of friends just trying to stay dry until their next class started. They were similar to the previous group in the fact that there were only a few of them and they conformed to the rules of the library by talking in a whisper. They all appeared to share a similar fashion sense (each appeared to be dressed down). Observation 2: On February 13th from 2:30 to 3:30 I made my return to the library for more data collection. The weather outside misty and a bit cold so once again the library appeared to bit a bit more filled then it would be on a regular sunny day. When I made my arrival I noticed a change in atmosphere from earlier almost immediately. The floors of the library seemed to be more alive with a lot of people talking and moving around within the floors. I also started to notice girls and guys of different sororities and fraternities talking to each other and sitting together. One group I noticed was a group of my fellow Lambda Chi brothers. Different from the groups earlier in the morning this group was not studying at all or following the library rules. They were up walking around

talking to people and to each other. The only thing they ever had in front of them Facebook. There were quite a number of social groups within the library at this point in time but there were however a few groups of people studying together and some independent studying going on within the back of the library Observation 3: On February 13th at 10:00 pm I went and observed the library until 11:00 pm. The weather had calmed down from earlier in the day and was now clear out though a bit chilly. The groups within the library moved back to mainly the studious people. There are a few social groups but not nearly the amount there was earlier in the day. I observed one group of students all sitting together but each had in headphones and appeared to be working on separate projects. They had no obvious connections to show that in fact they were friends. They may have been random people just sitting together. The observations that I recorded were fairly accurate to my initial thoughts about the atmosphere of the library. In the morning and at nights are the quietest times to be at the library. I believe the reason behind this is the fact that the people who will be there at those hours are typically more dedicated students and chose to go there instead of partying or sleeping in. When you venture into the library during the main hours of the day (Typically 12-4) you are going to witness a very different crowd. The crowd is typically students that are trying to waste time and kick back with some friends to wait it out until their next class. It can be a hassle to go back to your dorm or apartment in between classes so some students head to the library to look for people that they might know. In the library at these time slots a lot of Greek members also appear at the library due mainly to the mandate of library hours for pledges or students on academic probation. When a lot of members of Greek organizations show up things will typically get more rowdy just due to the fact most members of Greek life know each other so they feel the need to go and socialize. I also determined from my data that weather will play a major roll on how many people show up to the library. When the weather is nice it is not nearly as packed, as it was when I recorded my data. The reason behind this is simple in my opinion: When the weather outside is frightful the library seems oh so delightful, but when the weather is nice the masses would rather be outside soaking it in. While doing my observations within the library I ran into a few fellow Lambda Chi brothers. I chose to sit down and interview a fellow brother Chris Dahlen and get his out look about the library with a few pre written questions and some that I came up with on the spot. How long have you been in the library today and what kind of work, if any, have you done so far? I arrived at the library at 2:00 and have been sitting with Kyle, Crawford, and Spencer the whole time. I have not finished any work since Ive been here and honestly I have been procrastinating the entire time hoping my paper will write its self. Why did you choose to come to the library if you know you will not accomplish any work?

Honestly I came to the library to get some downtime in between classes. I have another class at 3:15 so Im just trying to wait it out and hopefully get at least some of my paper done though it doesnt seem to be happening. Ah So I see. Do you typically come to they library during the week and if so at what hours/days would you most likely been seen here at? Typically I come to the library 3 times a week. You can usually find me on the second floor in between the times of 11 to 5 depending on my class schedule. If Im not in here more than likely I will go to the house or eat at crown and wait for my next class to start. If I have work I actually need done I will more than likely be up in the periodicals working on my assignments. If you had to describe the atmosphere of the library for the times that you are here how would you describe it? Typically I would describe the library as a bit hectic. People are usually everywhere and its very easy to get distracted from what you came here to do. How would you describe the people you are sitting with and talking too. What do you talk about/what do yall usually do. We usually just sit here and talk about whats going on during the weekend or rag on each other and just relax to kick back before class starts. Id describe them all as idiots and I hate them just kidding but they are all just laid back and brothers so yeah Well thank you for your time Chris Ill let you get back to Work Thanks dude I hope you fail.

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