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4. Attempt all parts of the following:


Roll No.

(a) Best first search method is better search method? Explain &

(SEM VIII) FIRST SESSIONAL EXAMINATION 2012-2013 Subject: Artificial Intelligence Time: 3 Hours Subject Code: (ECS-801) [Total Marks:100]

Note: Attempt all questions.

1: Attempt all parts of the following: (4*5=20)

justify your answer? Explain mini-max algorithm with alpha beta cutoff ? (b) What are the knowledge representations? Consider the statements People who are going to Temples are Godfearing or think that those who dont go to the Temples are atheists. Convert it into clausal form and draw the Semantic net also.
5. Attempt all parts of the following: (10*2=20)

(a) Explain Heuristic function? Write heuristic function for the Travelling Salesman problem (b) Write down the background and history of Artificial intelligence? (c) What are the Application of Artificial Intelligence discuss in brief? (d) Why Game playing is defined as a search problem?
2. Attempt any two parts of the following: (10*2=20)

a) Use the heuristic function for 8 Puzzle problems to show the move from initial state to goal state in sequence order. 2 1 7 8 6 3 4 5

(a) Explain generate and test algorithm by giving its advantages and disadvantages? (b) Justify Are computer the right kind of machine to be made

intelligent? Also describe the Natural Level Processing and types of NLP?
(c) Let the heuristic function f(n)=(2W) *g(n) + W*h(n). for what values of W is , this algorithm guaranteed to be optimal. What kind of search does this perform when W=0,W=1 and W=2? 3. Attempt any two parts of the following: (10*2=20)

(b) Discuss AO* algorithm in detail with suitable example? What is its drawback? What happens in following graph if the cost of node C is changed to 3?

(a) Write the Production rules for s olving the water Jug Problem.

Draw the state space diagram for this AI problem?

(b) Discuss A* algorithm in detail? Explain under estimation &

over estimation function?. (c ) Explain Agent and structure of an intelligent agent ? Draw schematic diagrams of Simple reflex agent and Goal based agent

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