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Nancy K.

Burlew 112 Williamsburg Court Newburgh, New York 12550 (914)213-8364

To Whom it May Concern: I have known Mary McEwan for the past 4 years, and in that time, I have come to know an extraordinary person who is conscientious, compassionate and hard-working. Mary possesses qualities that are sometimes difficult to find in young adults today. She can be described as a breath of fresh air by all who know her. Mary has been a very big part of our household since the day my family and I have met her. She began babysitting for my two daughters back as a freshman at Mt. St. Mary College. Mary has always demonstrated compassion, fairness and responsibility whenever she has dealt with my children. Because our oldest daughter is blind and developmentally delayed, we have had to rely on Mary to be a caregiver for a unique situation. No matter what issues arose when Mary was in charge, we had no doubt that she could handle any challenge that came her way. We strongly believe that is how Mary reacts in any situation. Knowing that Mary is looking to a future in education gives me hope for the new generation of teachers. As a Special Education teacher, I know how finding a talented young teacher can sometimes be difficult. I know that Mary possesses all that is needed to guide the future students she will encounter. If you need any more information please do not hesitate to reach out to me at the number above. I know that Mary will be an asset to any school or organization to which she becomes a part. I highly recommend her.


Nancy K. Burlew

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