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Readers Theater Rubric: How Night Came From the Sea .. .. ..

1. Proof of Brainstorming 2. Written Lines 3. Participation

______/5 ______/5 ______/10 ______/15 ______/5 ______/10 ______/50

4. The Scene aligns with the story .. 5. Creativity 6. Peer Review Total .. .. ..

Scene 1 Peer Review Comments: -It was great! They did things from the story. -Props and lines were very good. -Very good! -I would have liked a little more action. -I liked the tent. -I would have liked to see Jenna more. I liked when Ally and Nick sat next to the tent. -They said the lines perfectly. -I liked the set up.

Readers Theater Rubric: How Night Came From the Sea .. .. ..

1. Proof of Brainstorming 2. Written Lines 3. Participation

______/5 ______/5 ______/10 ______/15 ______/5 ______/10 ______/50

4. The Scene aligns with the story .. 5. Creativity 6. Peer Review Total .. .. ..

Scene 2 Peer Review Comments: -They could have spoken louder. -I liked how they stayed in character. -I like how they didnt seem nervous. -Their acting improved. -I liked when Jackson described the ocean. -I would have liked to see more props. -They had good lines.

Readers Theater Rubric: How Night Came From the Sea .. .. ..

1. Proof of Brainstorming 2. Written Lines 3. Participation

______/5 ______/5 ______/10 ______/15 ______/5 ______/10 ______/50

4. The Scene aligns with the story .. 5. Creativity 6. Peer Review Total .. .. ..

Scene 3 Peer Review Comments: -They followed the story very well. -I liked the background and props. -I liked how well they knew their lines! -The picture was nice. -The performance was great! -I liked Lexies costume. -Maybe they could speak a little louder. -The acting was good!

Readers Theater Rubric: How Night Came From the Sea .. .. ..

1. Proof of Brainstorming 2. Written Lines 3. Participation

______/5 ______/5 ______/10 ______/15 ______/5 ______/10 ______/50

4. The Scene aligns with the story .. 5. Creativity 6. Peer Review Total .. .. ..

Scene 4 Peer Review Comments: -Good work! -It was funny! -They followed the story very well. -Great team work! -The begging scene was my favorite. -I liked the props. -They showed improvement.

Readers Theater Rubric: How Night Came From the Sea .. .. ..

1. Proof of Brainstorming 2. Written Lines 3. Participation

______/5 ______/5 ______/10 ______/15 ______/5 ______/10 ______/50

4. The Scene aligns with the story .. 5. Creativity 6. Peer Review Total .. .. ..

Scene 5 Peer Review Comments: -I liked the props! -They showed improvement. -Scene 5 was very good! -I liked the animal form. -I liked when Hayven pretended to be the monkey! -I liked when they threw the animals! -It was funny and followed the story.

Readers Theater Rubric: How Night Came From the Sea .. .. ..

1. Proof of Brainstorming 2. Written Lines 3. Participation

______/5 ______/5 ______/10 ______/15 ______/5 ______/10 ______/50

4. The Scene aligns with the story .. 5. Creativity 6. Peer Review Total .. .. ..

Scene 6 Peer Review Comments: -They spoke loudly. -I liked the sound effects. -Allys part was too small. -It went along with the story very well! -I liked when they threw the animals. -They had good props! -They showed a lot of improvement.

Readers Theater Rubric: How Night Came From the Sea .. .. ..

1. Proof of Brainstorming 2. Written Lines 3. Participation

______/5 ______/5 ______/10 ______/15 ______/5 ______/10 ______/50

4. The Scene aligns with the story .. 5. Creativity 6. Peer Review Total .. .. ..

Scenes 7&8 Peer Review Comments: -It was good! -They followed the story very well! -They showed improvement. -I liked the props. -Brett could have spoken louder. -I liked it when Elias was tweeting! -Pretending to be the animals was funny!

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