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Gong 1

Eric Gong Ms.Rendsburg English 4 December 2012 The Theme of Macbeth Macbeth, one of the most popular Shakespearean play, has a variety of themes and motifs that supports the thematic idea. Macbeth, the main antagonist, becomes the king after he murders the current king Duncan. Macbeth was driven by his ambition to become king and to obtain the almighty power of being the king. Because of his ambition, Macbeth fell into the path of darkness and lost his mentality. 1.7.25-28 shows us that Macbeth has the vaulting ambition that propels him to murder King Duncan. (will add more quotes) One of the things that Macbeth says tells us that he does indeed have the ambition to kill King Duncan. He describes it as his vaulting ambition. It is the only thing that motivates him to kill the king, but it eventually leads him into chaos. Macbeth was still trying to decide between the path of dark and light at that time. Vaulting ambition foreshadows the fact that he will murder King Duncan for the crown. Vaulting usually means jumping or leaping onto and ambition can also mean desire. So in all, Macbeth has the ambition to go forward or move on to a higher status.

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