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Robert B. Davidson 2/24/13 Elizabeth P. Grider Friday Business Meetings

In order to maintain a suitable and comfortable business environment for all partners, I propose solutions to the usual Friday at Coasters.

Alternatives to Meeting at Coasters:

Applebees, T.G.I.Fridays, or any other normal sports grill would be ideal. Have the partners input choices into a hat, and randomly draw one, (Coasters excluded). Hold a democratic election to decide what meeting place would hold true to be most suitable.

Reasons for Change:

While Coasters may be a suitable business environment for some, I do not feel that this is a proper environment to be discussing business. I would like to retain professionalism, while meeting at a place that is enjoyable for everyone. I do not feel that an environment like Coasters is a professional environment for all partners. Change is natural, and adapting to change shows the strongest out of a population.

Notes on Professionalism:
While conducting business meeting, it is wise to have no influences on one's mind. A distracting environment could lead to skewed decisions for the company as a whole. Sexual interactions should be limited to bedrooms, not business meetings.

I believe the above stipulations should benefit the meeting experience for all business partners. I would prefer a formal face to face meeting, however I feel that a memo would allow me to collect my thoughts, as well as present several solutions for this situation. Thank you for reading and taking my opinion, as a partner, into account. I hope this can be resolved in a timely manner, with a solution that satisfies all partners of Telemericorp.

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