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Jessica Perez Instructor: Malcolm Campbell English 1102 February 4, 2013 Topic Proposal: Children and Technology Introduction/Overview:

Technology has grown in the past twenty years to become a major part of human day-to-day life. It is almost impossible to imagine life without some form of technology. But what effects is it having on us as individuals? Specifically, I will be focusing on the children and how the use of technology effects their development. Although many people may find that exposing children to technology from an early age may be an advantage to them in the future, I would like to further investigate the negative aspects this would have on the development of human characteristics, such as creativity and social skills.

Initial Inquiry Question(s): There are many questions that I have about how technology affects a child. The one that I find to be the most interesting is: What psychological and physical effects does technology have on the developing mind of a child. This allows for many aspects to be analyzed and dissected and also has various sides to the arguments presented. I might also want to question parenting styles associated with the amount of technology a child is exposed too. By asking this question, I may be able to find more research on the topic at hand.

My Interest in this Topic: As I look around our society today, I see that more and more parents are substituting human attention and discipline, with technology. Instead of interacting with their children, they seem to find it easier and more convenient to just hand them some sort of technology that will keep them entertained and out of their way. I do not have much background on this topic in general. Although, I think that it is interesting because technology is so new to us that we are just starting to see how children who are constantly surrounded by modern technology are affected. This is definitely a topic that relates to the future and will be discussed and debated for years to come. I hope to learn the physical and psychological effects that the habitual use of technology has on a developing brain and human being.

Next Steps: In order to gather research for my topic, I will use credible studies conducted in the recent years. They will vary from psychological studies and medical studies. This might be a bit difficult, considering this is a fairly new topic of debate in society. I will also try to find articles from reliable journalistic sources to contribute ideas and information from specialized scholars. I am going to have to be careful not to use the opinions of others on a topic like this. The data must be unbiased, credible and related.

So far, I think that I have a strong topic to look into and discover how it is affecting the identity of our society today and how it will affect the future generations.

I think the first bit I highlighted in the green will be very interesting and I think it is a good topic to look into.

The second bit I highlighted is so true. I have seen events take place like this many of times with my aunts and there little kids. good point

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