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Telemericorp 3204 Spooner St.

Call Center 4B Rancho Cucamonga, California

Dear Telemericorp Employees, It has come to the attention of upper management, that there are certain factors that need to be taken into consideration in order to progress along the company's standard of practices. Effective immediately, a required TPS report of your sector is to be handed in every Friday by the end of the workday. This TPS report will include total calls and sales for your sector, as well as reportings on comparative results for your own personal improvement. These TPS reports are a required an mandatory part of being employed by Telemericorp.

Standards Expected:
In addition to the usual productivity and workflow that is incorporated into every day life here at Telemericorp, this required TPS report will track your previous and future efficiency, as well as overall statistics for this company. Every employee will do their own report, and will include accurate and up to date results, with neat and organized business style in mind. These reports should be pleasing to the eye, as well as easy to understand, with information that is clearly presented for maximum efficiency when synthesizing information.

To Be Included:
To be included with these TPS reports, are a bi-weekly analyzation of your personal statistics. Also to be included is a visual representation of your progress, compared to the progress of coworkers in your own sector. This visualization will be presented neatly, orderly, and with no small amount of professionalism. The origin and type of chart, graph, etc.., will be up to the choice of the user, with the eyes of upper management in mind. All statistics will be presented in double format, (to two decimal places), and will be in alphanumeric order when dealing with categories. When dealing with lists concerning the earnings made for the quarter, present by largest to smallest.

Failure/Issues Concerning TPS Reports:

If there is any issue for the week concerning your reports, please notify upper management immediately. All reports are to be submitted by the end of the workday every Friday. Failure to submit reports will result in disciplinary action, followed by conferences, and eventual termination. Late reports will we recorded, and accumulating late TPS reports can lead to eventual termination.

Thank you for your time, Brett Painter Senior Telemericorp Partner

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