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2.1 Authors name cited in the text Text Resource From the charts above it is possible to say that social networking is certainly a relevant element in our digital lives, giving to all users the opportunity to keep in contact with a large number of different communities by subscribing to specific services that offers specialized platforms for video, blog, photos, etc. GADJAH MADA UNIVERSITY 2013

Citing Cecconi (2007, pp. 6) states that Social networking is certainly a relevant element in our digital lives, giving to all users the opportunity to keep in contact with a large number of different communities by subscribing to specific services that offers specialized platforms for video, blog, photos, etc. Refererence Cecconi, A., 2007, Research Paper on Social Networking: Research Paper on Social Networking, ments/Pdf_8012/A3_Cecconi.pdf, 17 Desember 2007, diakses 12 Maret 2013. 2.2 Authors name not directly cited in the text Text Resource From the charts above it is possible to say that social networking is certainly a relevant element in our digital lives, giving to all users the opportunity to keep in contact with a large number of different communities by subscribing to specific services that offers specialized platforms for video, blog, photos, etc. Citing Berbagi video, foto, blog ataupun jenis multimedia lainnya saat ini menjadi sangat mudah dikarenakan fitur dari media sosial saat ini yang terus berkembang, dimana hal ini memberikan dampak yang besar dalam kehidupan digital kita (Cecconi, 2007). Reference Cecconi, A., 2007, Research Paper on Social Networking: Research Paper on Social Networking,


REFERENCING ments/Pdf_8012/A3_Cecconi.pdf, 17 Desember 2007, diakses 12 Maret 2013. 2.3 More than one author cited in the text Where reference is made to more than one author in a sentence, and they are referred to directly, they are both cited: Text Resource We define social network sites as web-based services that allow individuals to (1) construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and (3) view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system. The nature and nomenclature of these connections may vary from site to site. Citing Danah and Nicole (2007) both define that social network... Referensi Boyd, D. M. dan Ellison, N., 2007, Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), article 11,, 16 Desember 2007, diakses 12 Maret 2013. 2.4 More than one author not cited directly in the text List these at the relevant point in the sentence or at the end of the sentence, putting the authors name, followed by the date of publication and separated by a semi-colon and within brackets. Where several publications from a number of authors are referred to, then the references should be cited in chronological order (i.e. earliest first): Text Resource Hence, in this paper, we propose a novel technique for harvesting deceptive spam proles from social networking communities using social honeypots. Citing Research about Social Honeypots (Steve, James and Calton 2008) propose a novel technique for harvesting deceptive spam proles... Referensi Caverlee, J., Pu, C., dan Webb, S., 2008, Social Honeypots: Making Friends With A Spammer Near You,, diakses 12 Maret 2013



2.5 Two, three or four authors for the same work When there are two authors for a work they should both be noted in the text: Text Resource We postulate that for SNS, the redefinition of spam filters should start by focusing on the sender rather than the message. Citing Zinman and Donath (2007) in their research postulate that for SNS, the redefinition... Referensi Donath, J. dan Zinman, A., 2007, Is Britney Spears Spam?,, diakses 12 Maret 2013 or indirectly, using an and: Text Resource We categorize events, actions, emotions, spatial relationships, social relationships, and abstract entities of an enormous range: governments, illnesses, and entities in both scientific and folk theories, like electrons and colds . Citing Research from MIT (Aaron and Judith 2007) categorize events, actions, ... Reference Donath, J. dan Zinman, A., 2007, Is Britney Spears Spam?,, diakses 12 Maret 2013 2.6 More than four authors for a work Where there are several authors (more than four), only the first author should be used, followed by et al. meaning and others: Text Resource We observe that the indegree of user nodes tends to match the outdegree; that the networks contain a densely connected core of high-degree nodes; and that this core links small groups of strongly clustered, low-degree nodes at the fringes of the network. Citing Alan, et al. (2007) observe that the indegree of user...




Or indirectly : Text Resource We found that 17,897 of the views (80.6%) resulted either from following links in the Flickr user graph or were additional views within a visited users collection. Citing (Alan, et al., 2007) found that 17,897 of the views (80.6%) resulted... Reference Bhattacharjee, B., Druschel, P., Gummadi, K. P., Marcon, M., dan Mislove, A., 2007, Measurement and Analysis of Online Social Networks,, diakses 12 Maret 2013 2.7 Several works by one author in different years Text Resource Citing This discovery has enermous implication for understanding of group structure, and James Davis (1967, 1968) has been a leading figure in attempt to discover the conditions under which it might be possible to move forwards more realistic decomposition techniques that would allow researches to identify the existence of more than two sub-groups within a network. Page 15 Reference Scott, J., 2000, Social Network Analysis : A Handbook, SAGE Publications, London. 2.8 Several works by one author in the same year Text Resource Citing Burt hold that structure in the two networks is a symbiotic phenomena *sic+: market structure patterning interlock ... a structure of interlocks that provided a non -market context for the regulating comercial transactions (Burt, 1983b, c) Page 143 Reference Scott, J., 2000, Social Network Analysis : A Handbook, SAGE Publications, London. 2.9 Chapter authors in edited works References to the work of an author that appears as a chapter, or part of a larger



work, that is edited by someone else, should be cited within your text using the name of the contributory author not the editor of the whole work. Text Resource A related point is that samples of independent actors or relationships are only rarely the focus of network analysis. Citing In his paper, The Analysis of Social networks, Ronald L. Breiger (2004) states that samples of independent actors or relationships are only rarely the focus of network analysis. Reference Breiger, Ronald L., 2004. The Analysis of Social Networks. In: Hardy, Melisa and Bryman, Alan, ed. 2004. Handbook of Data Analysis. London: Sage Publications, pp. 502-556 2.10 Corporate authors If the work is by a recognised organisation and has no personal author then it is usually cited under the body that commissioned the work. This applies to publications by associations, companies, government departments etc. such as Department of the Environment or Royal College of Nursing. It is acceptable to use standard abbreviations for these bodies, e.g. RCN, in your text, providing that the full name is given at the first citing with the abbreviation in brackets: Text Resource It introduced the most important aspects of social networks by considering four main aspects: state of the art overview, trends, challenges and open questions. Citing nextMEDIA CSA concluded in one of its paper that the four mains aspects of Note that the full name is the preferred format in the reference list. Some reports are written by specially convened groups or committees and can be cited by the name of the committee: Committee on Nursing (1972) Select Committee on Stem Cell Research (2002) Note there are some exceptions to this such as




BBC Philharmonic Orchestra BBC News where the abbreviations or initials form part of the official name. Reference nextMEDIA CSA, 2010, Social Networks Overview: Current Trends and Research Challenges,, diakses 12 Maret 2013. 2.11 No Author If the author cannot be identified use Anonymous or Anon. and the title of the work and date of publication. The title should be written in italics. Every effort should be made to establish the authorship if you intend to use this work as supporting evidence in an academic submission: Text Resource Some advantages to social networking are 1) Low costs - Social networking for personal and business use if free. It is an easy and cost... Citing In Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networks Among Students (Anon., 2013), one of advantages to social networking is its low cost. Reference Anonim, 2013, Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networks Among Students,, diakses 12 Maret 2013. CONTOH 2 Text Resource Network characterization is widely used in many scientific and technological disciplines, ranging from neurobiology [14] to computer networks [1] [3] or linguistics [9] (to mention just some examples). Citing In Applying Social Network Analysis to the Information in Cvs Repositories (Anon., 2005), one of the field where network characterization is also used is neurobiology




Reference Anonim, 2005, Applying Social Network Analysis to the Information in Cvs Repositories,, diakses 12 Maret 2013.

2.12 No date Directly: Text Resource Social networking sites can be valuable sales and marketing tools, as well as fun diversions. Inherent in these applications are security risks that can put the individual or a company in a compromising position or at serious risk. Citing Dinerman (n.d.) has concluded that Social networking sites can be valuable sales Reference Dinerman, B., 2011, Social Networking and Security Risks,, diakses 12 Maret 2013. Indirectly: Text Resource In the past, due to geographical distances and economic concerns, connections between people were limited. A social network is made up of individuals that are connected to one another by a particular type of interdependency. It could be ideas, values, trade, anything. Citing Earlier essay (Nanda n.d.) indicated that a social network is made up of individuals that are connected to one another by a particular type of interdependency. Reference Nanda, P., 2012, Essay on Social Networking,, diakses 12 Maret 2013. 2.13 Page numbers Including the page numbers of a reference will help readers trace your sources.



This is particularly important for quotations and for paraphrasing specific paragraphs in the texts: Text Resource Social networking represents a big resource for e-learning, because of its big impact on the World Wide Web. Citing Alessandro Cecconi (2007, p.6) states social networking represents a big resource for... Reference Cecconi, A., 2007, Research Paper on Social Networking: Research Paper on Social Networking, ments/Pdf_8012/A3_Cecconi.pdf, 17 Desember 2007, diakses 12 Maret 2013. or indirectly: Text Resource We note that information revelation can work in two ways: by allowing another party to identify a pseudonymous prole through previous knowledge of a subjects characteristics or traits; or by allowing another party to infer previously unknown characteristics or traits about a subject identied on a certain site. Citing This is to be noted (Ralph Gross and Alessandro Acquisti, 2005, p.3) information revelation can work in two ways... Reference Gross, R. and Acquisti, A., 2005, Information Revelation and Privacy in Online Social Networks (The Facebook Case), ne%20Social%20Networks%20-%20Document.PDF, diakses 12 Maret 2013. Please note page numbers: preceded with p. for a single page.and pp. for a range of pages 2.14 Quoting portions of published text




If you want to include text from a published work in your essay then the sentence(s) must be included within quotation marks, and may be introduced by such phrases as: the author state that Online social networking sites are usually run by individual corporations ... or the author speak that there are two kinds of usage of social media by employees that ... In order for a reader to trace the quoted section it is good practice to give the number of the page where the quotation was found. The quotation should also be emphasized (especially if it runs to 50 words or more) by indenting it and using quotation marks. This clearly identifies the quotation as the work of someone else: Text Resource A well-informed user will not only help to maintain security, but will also educate others on these issues and establish best practices which can be standardized and updated as applications mature or as new applications come along. Citing On Social Networking and Security Risks Brad Dinerman (2011, p.7) states: 'A well-informed user will not only help to maintain security, but will also educate others on these issues and establish best practices which can be standardized and updated as applications mature or as new applications come along'. Reference Dinerman, B., 2011, Social Networking and Security Risks,, diakses 12 Maret 2013. CONTOH 2 Text Resource A long thread and research examines the structure of complex networks like the Web and the Internet. Citing On Measurement and Analysis of Online Social Networks,



Alan Mislove, Massimiliano Marcon, Krishna P. Gumadi, Peter Druschel, and Bobby Bhattacharjee (2007, p.4) state: A long thread and research examines the structure of complex net works like the Web and the Internet. Reference Mislove, A., Marcon, M., Gummadi, K., Druschel, P., dan Bhattacharjee, B., 2007, Measurement and Analysis of Online Social Networks,, diakses 12 Maret 2013. 2.15 Secondary sources (second-hand references) You may come across a summary of another authors work in the source you are reading, which you would like to make reference to in your own document; this is called secondary referencing. Text Resource Of great interest to researchers is the relationship between privacy concerns and online behavior. Studies have indicated that users will express very strong concerns about privacy of their personal information, but be less than vigilant about safeguarding it (Awad and Krishnan, 2006). A direct reference: Of great interest to researchers is the relationship between privacy concerns and online behavior. Studies have indicated that users will express very strong concerns about privacy of their personal information, but be less than vigilant about safeguarding, it as stated by Awad and Krishnan (2006 cited in Dwyer, Hiltz, and Passerini, 2007, p.4). In this example, Awad and Krishnan is the work which you wish to refer to, but have not read directly for yourself. Dwyer, Hiltz, and Passerini is the secondary source, where you found the summary of Awad and Krishnan's work. Or indirectly: Of great interest to researchers is the relationship between privacy concerns and online behavior. Studies have indicated that users will express very strong concerns about privacy of their personal information, but be less than vigilant about safeguarding it. (Awad and Krishnan, 2006, cited in Dwyer, Hiltz, and Passerini, 2007, p.4).




In the example above Awad and Krishnan is the primary or original source and Dwyer, Hiltz, and Passerini is the secondary source. It is important to realize that Dwyer, Hiltz, and Passerini may have taken Awad and Krishnan's ideas forward, and altered their original meaning. If you need to cite a secondary reference it is recommended that, where possible, you read the original source for yourself rather than rely on someone elses interpretation of a work. Reference Dwyer, C., Hiltz, S. R., dan Passerini, K., 2007, Trust And Privacy Concern Within Social Networking Sites: A Comparison of Facebook and MySpace,, diakses 12 Maret 2013. 2.16 Tables and diagrams When reproducing selected data, or copying an entire table or diagram, a reference must be made to the source. A reference within the text to a table taken from e.g. a book, should include the author and page (Smith, 2005, p.33) to enable the reader to identify the data. If the source of the data is not the authors own, but obtained from another s ource, it becomes a secondary reference and needs to be cited as such: (Dwyer, Hiltz, and Passerini, 2007 cited in Awad and Krishnan, 2006, p.4). If the table is reproduced in its entirety, place the citation as a footnote. Be particularly careful to note the original source of data, as well as the authorship of the document you are using. Full details should be included in the reference list. In the following example, a table is reproduced from page 267, of a book written by Robert Amazon which is the 4th edition and published by FT Prentice Hall of Harlow, England in 2005. The title of the book is Management in the media: decision makers. If you wish to reproduce the table in your own work replicate the table Table 7: Categorization of name quality of a random subset of 100 profile names from the Facebook. The vast majority of names appear to be real names with only a very small percentage of partial or obviously fake names. Category Real Name Partial Name Fake Name Percentage Facebook Profiles 89% 3% 8%

Source : Gross and Acquisti, 2005 *




and add a Footnote at the bottom of the page in your own work acknowledging the source of the reproduced table. *Gross and Acquisti, 2005, p.6 If you wish to quote from a table in the above book in your essay: the percentage facebook profiles using real name is 89% ... (Gross and Acquisti, 2005, p.6). Referensi Gross, R. and Acquisti, A., 2005, Information Revelation and Privacy in Online Social Networks (The Facebook Case), ne%20Social%20Networks%20-%20Document.PDF, diakses 12 Maret 2013.

Tabel Asli




2.17 Websites When citing material found on a website, you should identify the authorship of the website. This may be a corporate author, an organisation or a company; a guide to this can be found by looking at the URL or web address. To find the date of publication, reference to this might be found at the bottom of a web page relating to copyright, or from a date headline. In this example the authorship would be BBC and the date 2012. Text Resource Out of those thousands of text messages, moreover, the vast majority involve a tiny handful of people: close friends, family, colleagues. This is the inner network of someones life. Citing Rethinking the social network (BBC, 2012) has shown Reference Chatfield, T., 2012, Rethinking the social network,, diakses 12 Maret 2013. CONTOH 2 Text Resource




Facebook has announced a major addition to its social network - a smart search engine it has called graph search. The feature allows users to make "natural" searches of content shared by their friends. Citing Facebook has announced a major addition to its social network - a smart search engine it has called graph search (BBC, 2013) Reference Lee, D., 2013, Facebook unveils social search tools for users,, diakses 12 Maret 2013.


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