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China is reported to be developing a third stealth fighter which unlike the other two models has vertical take-off

and landing capability. The new fighter has been assigned the name J-18. The J-18 has two engines and apparently is of similar size to that of other heavy fighters present in the PLAAF. But it has a fatter or bulkier body to accommodate the rotating vents that are mounted internally. The new jet is speculated to serve on future carriers in order to very significantly increase the naval air power of the PLA. So, it will be operational on board the nations future carriers. However, such jets should also be based on land. For each jet assigned to an aircraft carrier, five or more should be assigned to land bases near the coast. This is because naval air power is always needed to defend both naval assets as well as shore assets. In any attack by the hostile Pacific forces, shore assets will surely come under attack by commandos, Marines and even paratroopers so jets with a fast reaction-time like the J-18 are needed. Combat helicopters are capable of defending the shore but they are quite vulnerable to defensive fire. Thus the development of the J-18 is a welcome addition to efforts made to fight the Pacific enemy which wants to overwhelm its victim via its shock and awe plan a.k.a. AirSea Battle plan a.k.a. merciless massacring plan.

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