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Carina Hernandez Heriberto Luna Micaela Hollingsworth CEA A-4

Parking Lot Plan Our parking lot will be in the front of the building. We ill have the U shaped parking lot for better car flow. There will be only one entrance and one exit. Our car flow is based on the safety for your costumers and faculty. Also we will have five illuminating lights around our building. We have angled parking lot spaces for more access and more efficient way of using space. We will have fifty one parking spaces. Four of those parking spaces will be for handicap. The handicap spaces are right in front of the building. In between the two there is going to a a ramp just in case of wheel chairs, and also one on each side of the building for easy access for the parking spaces on the side. There is also going to be five to seven parking spaces for faculty. Their parking will be on the left side of the building, but it will not be attached to the building like the handicaps spaces are. There will also be two illuminating lights there for their safety. There will be a road way for the garbage truck so it will be able to access the dumpster easily. And it will have a turning radius. It will have a specific way to exit it will circle around the building thru the back to be able to exit. In the middle of the parking lot there will be a green space inland to separate the ones coming and the ones going. It will also have an illuminating light in the middle of two trees. So in other words it is a one way only, on both sides. So its easier for the costumers to back out. They wouldn't have to worry about hitting one of the two on coming cars, they would only have to worry about hitting one car.

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