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God and Media I had something happen this week that made me see things a little different than

before. I have been texting and text praying with a friend that is really in a bad spot. Because of the situation, they do not want to see anyone. Will not is more like it. I am able to get responses via text, so far, which is better than nothing. I am trying very hard to respect their wishes and not see them face to face while reaching out to them through technology. I am hoping that they will continue to make a connection and not completely isolate themselves like so any others with their condition do. Biblical texting was in the form of scrolls, a type of a B.C. (before Christ) mail system. If I was to guess I bet it was not much faster in Pauls era even though it was A.D. mail. I am going to go a step further and speculate that they wished the message could be sent and received much faster. The problem is not the technology, it is the messages. The sin that comes from corrupted texting seems to me to be 2 fold. First we harbor the evil thought, and then we act to type it into the social media realm. This includes you who were once far away from God. You were his enemies, separated from him by your evil thoughts and actions (Col 1:2122, New Living Translation). Many are still separated, isolated from us and more importantly God. Regardless of how the world is using technology, we can glorify God with it, for, he allowed it to manifest for our good and His glory.

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