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Reflection of the lesson: Today I taught a lesson on September 11th.

Originally I had a very difficult time taking in the concept that my co-operating teacher asked us to teach this topic. She had explained to me that September 11th is a new addition to the history unit for the year. When I had started thinking of what to do it took me a while because its such a difficult topic for me to consider teaching children because when the attacks happened against America I was in the 5th grade just like my students. I wanted to try and teach the students how I felt the day that everything changed. I decided to read two chapters from a book entitled I Survived, The Attacks of September 11, 2001 by Laruen Tarshis. I thought reading this book to the students would give them an idea of how a child felt during the attack. When we read this to them they seemed to understand it a little more. After reading the chapters to the students, I asked them questions about how they would have felt and other on your own questions. Then I did an activity of predicting what some of the words in the pledge of allegiance meant. Then once the children predicted I had them look up the words as a group. After doing this activity the students seemed to really understand the pledge more rather than just saying the words because thats what they had always been taught. Most students during the refection time told me that they really like being able to understand the pledge and they told me that they are going to really think about what it means when saying the pledge each day. This made me feel really good about my lesson!

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