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Τhe dilus problem

The dilus problem is the doubling of cube, this problem take

place when in a tragedy o king of Crete [Minos] protesting
because the cenotaph, that was intended for the son of [Glayko],
was very small for royal monument and required the doubling of
his volume without it changes his cubic form. Greek nation
known however became this problem when it was reported from
[manteio] [Dilioy] Apollo, when that is to say it was asked
[manteio], what it should they make in order to they are
exempted from the plague that [mastize] the island Delos,
answered that this will happen if they double the cubic altar of
Apollo. Thus the problem of doubling of cube passed in the
history with the name “[Dilio] problem”.

Source (in Greek):

We have a side of length 2a . I make a side of length 2 2a 3

with the following way:


μ.μ=units of lenght
AB = 1µ.µ , AD = 2a µ .µ και CE = diameter so AC = 2a 2
4.a 4
AD. AE = ( AC ) 2 ⇒ AE = = 2 2a 3
Just here we show how we can do a segment third degree.

With base the picture-1 , I do the following additional:

ED // GS , SΖ = 1µ .µ .We suppose the point W is such that

SW = R0 , SG = R , CG = diameter


According by the blue circle ⇒ SC = R02 so SC is tangented upon

to the large black circle.

The picture-2 is equal with the following picture:

So, with a length SG = 2µ.µ ⇒ SW = 2 3 µ.µ
I make the small triangle with α=1μ.μ, I make also SG = 2µ.µ with
SG // ED .I make radius R=
⇒ SW = 2 3 µ .µ

So, for an initial cube of length α=1μ.μ ,we can double the cube
if we make a length b=SW.

Evagoras Savva Georgiou


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