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Carolina Hernandez Professor Purvin Education Field Experience EDUC 230-02 Spring 2013 Rationale Statement

Statement of Standard Nine: Collaboration and Partnership Teachers shall build relationships with parents, guardians, families, and agencies in the larger community to support students learning and well-being. (NJPSTS, 2004, pg 17) Name of Artifact: Welcome Letter Date of Artifact: Spring 2013 Course: Education Field Experience EDUC 230-02 Rationale Statement: The artifact that was used for this standard was our Welcome Letter. This was our opportunity to introduce ourselves to not only the students but the parents of the students. It was a way to be able to tell them the important facts about our self, but also maintaining out a professional boundary. When creating the Welcome Letter we had to think not only as if the students were reading this but also fellow employees and other people in the community. We had to find a way to present our personality in a professional manner but be able to communicate what we want for the year to come. What I learned from this assignment is really all of the factors that go into creating a Welcome Letter; it might seem as something simple. This is something that I found difficult I wanted to maintain myself as a professional but also tell the community about myself. I learned how much planning goes into making a Welcome Letter; I have to think about everything and everyone who will read the letter. This is the first impression that I will be able to make with the people in the community as not just a teacher but as someone from the community.

"Professional Standards and Learning." New Jersey Professional Standards for Teachers and School Leaders. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Mar 2013.

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