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Carolina Hernandez Professor Purvin Education Field Experience EDUC 230-02 Spring 2013 Rational Statement NJPTS#7 Statement Standard: Special Needs Teachers shall adapt and modify instruction to accommodate the special learning needs of all students (NJPTSB, 2004, pg 15) Name of Artifact: Lesson Plan Two with Modifications Date of Artifact: Spring 2013 Course: Education Field Experience EDUC 230-02 Rationale Statement: The assignment that goes with the standard is to create a lesson plan that would appeal to a more diverse audience. Knowing what we know from creating a lesson plan we had to create a second lesson plan that would be efficient for a different audience. We needed to have modifications that would appeal to students with special needs so that they would be able to understand the lesson the same way that the rest of the class would. After creating this lesson plan I realized how much we have to think about our lesson plan as a whole in directing everyone. I need to be comfortable in creating a lesson plan that could appeal to diverse students being special needs, bilingual, etc. This assignment made me really want to spend more time in seeing different resources that I could use in my future classroom so that I would be able to explain the lesson in different ways.

Hernandez 2

References Board. New Jersey Professional Teaching Standards (July 2004) New Jersey Professional Standards for Teaching

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