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a beautiful mind seven pounds inception one flew over the cuchoo's nest the notebook shutter island

memento la vita e bella crash seven the experiment "the others" - feat n.kidman the tree of life taxi driver the silence of the lambs the butterfly effect the pursuit of Happyness fight club in treatemen forrest gump vanilla sky black swan the bucket list good will hunting hachiko the cube the machinist eternal sunshine of the spotless mind fracture lars von triers melancholia the sixth sense natural born killers the hours revolver magnolia mulholland drive the foundation donnie darko philadelphia hannibal rising apocalipse now saw a dangerous method 21 grams red dragon persona(1966) 12 angry man butterfly on a wheel the game(97) the mothman prophecies identity avatar das experiment everything is illuminated inside i'm dancing mental lie to me the secret trust the box

tears in the rain the cell cannibal my left foot lorenzo's oil antwonw fischer I don't say a word

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