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Producers, Consumers and Decomposers

Instructions Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Each correct answer is worth one point. 1. Plants that make their own food are called Feedback: A. Producers Correct! Producers make their own food. B. Consumers Oops! Try again. (Hint: the key word is make.) C. Decomposers Oops! Try again. (Hint: the key word is make.) 2. Organisms that break down dead plants and animals are called Feedback: A. Producers Oops! Try again. (Hint: the key words are break down.) B. Consumers Oops! Try again. (Hint: the key words are break down.) C. Decomposers Correct! Decomposers break down dead plants and animals. 3. Animals that eat plants or other animals for food are called Feedback: A. Producers Oops! Try again. (Hint: the key word is eat.) B. Consumers Correct! Consumers are animals that eat plants or other animals. C. Decomposers Oops! Try again. (Hint: the key word is eat.)

4. A mushroom is an example of a A. Producer B. Consumer C. Decomposer 5. A tree is an example of a A. Producer B. Consumer C. Decomposer 6. A lion is an example of a A. Producer B. Consumer C. Decomposer Feedback: Oops! Try again. (Hint: lions eat other animals.) Correct! A lion is a consumer. Oops! Try again. (Hint: lions eat other animals.) Feedback: Correct! A tree is a producer. Oops! Try again. (Hint: trees make their own food.) Oops! Try again. (Hint: trees make their own food.) Feedback: Oops! Try again. (Hint: mushrooms break down dead organisms.) Oops! Try again. (Hint: mushrooms break down dead organisms.) Correct! A mushroom is a decomposer.

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