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Name_Andrew Tatafu Course _Body Strength and Tone Date_May 1 2013 HLAC - Lifelong Wellness Application Paper Write a paragraph on each of the following: 1. What did you learn about lifelong wellness from taking this activity class?

This class has taught me several important values of exercising. First I understand how important it is to stretch before and after every work out. With out doing this you put your self in a high risk situation for injury. The most crucial lesson I have learn is that working out is not only weight training. Cardio is a large factor to controlling your physique properly. Making this a large part of my daily exercise has changed my all around health. 2. How would you apply this information to your life?

By applying the lessons from this class to my life I will continue to grow physically and mentally. My body will be able to take more and more as time goes by with these systms of cardio and muscle toning. My mental state will change by being more confident and therefore happier. 3. What is your intention to continue to exercise in your life and why?

I intend to maintain a slim yet strong physical structure for my entire life. By continueing a diverse cardio regiment I plan to fulfill this goal. 4. General ideas or improving this course? I was very satisfied with the system my teacher/trainer conducted her class. I have no complaints

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