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Demeter is the goddess of the harvest. She is in charge of grains and the fertility of the earth.

This is Demeters daughter, Persephone. She is also the daughter of Zeus. Hades, god of the underworld, saw Persephone and wanted her as his bride, so he abducted her and took her to the underworld. Demeter searched for her daughter, filled with loss and grief. Plants and crops stopped growing and started to die. Zeus sent Hermes to get Persephone back because otherwise, all life on earth would be extinct. Before he released her, Hades gave Persephone a pomegranate. Persephone didnt know that if you ate in the underworld, you had to stay there. She ate six pomegranate seeds. This meant she had to be Hadess wife for six months in the underworld, and for the remaining six months she could return to her mother, Demeter. The six months that Persephone could spend with her mother became the seasons of spring and summer. The months she spent in the underworld were fall and winter.

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