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Ths bool s ococatco to my wlc, Rochcllc, my chlorcn,
Maoo ano ]cssc, ano my parcnts, Sam ano Sara, wthout whom
ths bool ano my ncrcobly wonocrlul llc woulo not bc
Spccal thanls to my cntrc tcam at Ical Iotcntals Tranng
lor all ol thcr lovc, hclp ano support.
Ano to all thc pcoplc who havc rcao my bools, lstcnco to
my tapcs ano attcnoco my worlshops. Thanl you lor "showng
up.` Wthout you, I coulo not lullll my llc purposc.
All my lovc,
T. Harv Flcr
All rghts rcscrvco unocr thc ntcrnatonal ano
IanAmcrcan copyrght convcntons.
Frst publshco n thc Untco Statcs ol Amcrca.
All rghts rcscrvco. Wth thc cxccpton ol brcl quotatons n
a rcvcw, no part ol ths bool may bc rcprooucco or transmttco,
n any lorm, or by any mcans, clcctronc or mcchancal
(ncluong photocopyng), nor may t bc storco n any
nlormaton storagc ano rctrcval systcm wthout wrttcn
pcrmsson lrom thc publshcr.
Thc aovcc contanco n ths matcral mght not bc sutablc
lor cvcryonc. Thc author ocsgnco thc nlormaton to prcscnt
hs opnon about thc subjcct mattcr. Thc rcaocr must carclully
nvcstgatc all aspccts ol any busncss occson bclorc
commttng hm or hcrscll. Thc author obtanco thc
nlormaton contanco hcrcn lrom sourccs hc bclcvcs to bc
rclablc ano lrom hs own pcrsonal cxpcrcncc, but hc ncthcr
mplcs nor ntcnos any guarantcc ol accuracy. Thc author s not
n thc busncss ol gvng lcgal, accountng, or any othcr typc ol
prolcssonal aovcc. Shoulo thc rcaocr ncco such aovcc, hc or
shc must sccl scrvccs lrom a compctcnt prolcssonal. Thc
author partcularly osclams any lablty, loss or rsl talcn by
novouals who orcctly or norcctly act on thc nlormaton
contanco hcrcn. Thc author bclcvcs thc aovcc prcscntco hcrc
s souno, but rcaocrs cannot holo hm rcsponsblc lor cthcr thc
actons thcy talc or thc rcsult ol thosc actons.
Iublshco by Ical Iotcntals Iublshng
Irntco n Canaoa
Dcsgn by Suzannc 8urr
Copyright 1996 by T. HARV EKER
1st Revision Date: April 2001
2nd Revision Date: September 2001
ISBN 0-962-8848-0-9
T. Harv Eker
Financial Philosophy:
| yourc go|ng io work Inru nnywny,
you m|gIi ns wc|| gci r|cI...nnu iIc qu|ckcr iIc bciicr!
"Forgct thcorctcal aovcc!` T. Harv Flcr's mcssagc comcs
orcct lrom thc lrng lncs ol thc "rcal` worlo. Dcscrbco as a
unquc blcno ol "strcctsmarts wth hcart,` Flcr s onc ol North
Amcrca's lorcmost busncss ano pcrsonal succcss coachcs.
Havng ownco 17 busncsscs by thc tmc hc was 8O, hc uscs
harohttng, straght tall to pnpont thc crtcal clcmcnts that
malc thc ollcrcncc bctwccn succcss ano lalurc.
Flcr spccalzcs n usng thc "Rags to Rchcs` approach. Hc
has a lnacl lor startng wth lttlc ano carnng largc amounts ol
moncy, quclly. Hs passon s tcachng othcrs to oo thc samc!
Startng wth an ntal nvcstmcnt ol just $2OOO, hc opcnco
onc ol thc lrst rctal ltncss storcs n all ol North Amcrca. In
only 2 1/2 ycars, hc cxpanoco to 1O locatons ano thcn solo hall
thc company sharcs to thc H.]. Hcnz Corporaton (thc lctchup
pcoplc) lor $1.b mllon.
Flcr s thc lounocr ol thc hghlyacclamco "Strcct Smart
8usncss School` ano prcsocnt ol Ical Iotcntals Tranng. Hc
s thc author ol clcvcn bcstscllng courscs, bools ano tapc
programs. Stuocnts comc lrom all ovcr thc worlo to attcno hs
llcchangng worlshops.
A graouatc lrom thc "school ol haro lnocls,` Flcr sharcs
thc "ups ano oowns` ol hs own journcy towaro thc ultmatc
combnaton ol moncy, mcanng ano happncss. Hs stuocnts
put t bcst, "T. Harv Flcr malcs succcss smplc!`
Fnjoy ano prospcr!
Pouer Principle:
Conventional uisdom
doesn't uork. . .
and never did!
Woulo you llc to carn a lot ol moncy`
Woulo you llc to carn a lot ol moncy . . . Quclly`
Il so, you arc n thc rght placc. I am about to ntrooucc you
to a oynamc ncw busncss systcm that wll allow you to crcatc
wcalth lastcr than you may havc cvcr orcamco possblc.
My namc s T. Harv Flcr. I am thc author ol clcvcn bcstscllng
bools, tapcs, ano homc lcarnng courscs n thc arcas ol moncy,
busncss ano pcrsonal succcss. My most rcccnt rclcasc s a
powcrlul ncw program callco "SpccoWcalth` ano I'o llc to
sharc t wth you as a glt. I call t a "glt` bccausc t has
complctcly translormco my llc, ano thc lvcs ol thousanos ol
othcrs. I lnow t can oo thc samc lor you. lct mc suggcst you
talc a lcw momcnts rght now to st oown, rclax ano rcao cvcry
woro ol ths nvaluablc bool. I assurc you t wll bc wcll worth
your tmc.
SpccoWcalth s a stcpbystcp systcm lor malng a mllon
oollars or morc n your own busncss n 8 ycars or lcss, ano
cnjoyng thc journcy along thc way!
lct mc warn you. Il you'rc cxpcctng complcx lormulas, you
arc n lor a surprsc. Thc SpccoWcalth mcthoos arc cxtrcmcly
smplc, but thcy malc pcoplc rch!
Thc SpccoWcalth systcm s lor pcoplc who alrcaoy own a
busncss, lor pcoplc who want to own a busncss, ano lor pcoplc
who havc a job now, but want thc sccurty ol "lnowng` thcy
can succcco on thcr own l thcy lcavc thcr job or t lcavcs
thcm! It's lor anyonc who s trco ol strugglng lor moncy ano
wants to bccomc lnancally lrcc, oncc ano lor all.
Pouer Principle:
You have to
position yourself
for uealth.
Do you havc to own your own busncss n orocr lor thc
SpccoWcalth systcm to worl` In a woro, ycs! Unlortunatcly,
many pcoplc arc stll bcng suclco n by thc olo convcntonal
wsoom, "Go to school, gct gooo graocs, gct a gooo job, worl
haro ano cvcrythng wll bc O.K.` You oon't havc to bc a roclct
sccntst to rccognzc that mcthoo oocsn't worl ano ncvcr oo.
Notcc, 85 ol thc populaton ncvcr bccomcs lnancally
nocpcnocnt. I havc nothng aganst havng a job, but lor most
pcoplc, thc acronym ol ].O.8., "]ust Ovcr 8rolc,` s accuratc.
Thc lcy s "Iostonng.` Most pcoplc oon't rcalzc...
You havc to poston yourscll lor wcalth.
Drcamng about malng a mllon oollars n a job s llc
tryng to scc thc occan lrom thc moolc ol Ncbrasla. You'rc just
not n thc rght placc lor t.
Il you'rc onc ol thc lcw pcoplc who savcs moncy ano nvcsts
t n a compouno ntcrcst savngs account, that's gooo, but not
gooo cnough! Tooay's ntcrcst ratcs arc about thc lowcst thcy'vc
bccn n a occaoc. As lor gcttng rch n rcal cstatc, that party s
ovcr too!
That lcavcs ownng your own busncss as thc last baston
rcmanng whcrc crcatng wcalth, cspccally quclly, s cvcn
possblc. That's how I oo t, ano that's how you can oo t too.
From 8usncss Duncc To 8usncss Wz In
17 "NotSoFasy` lcssons.
llc many pcoplc, I'vc trco anythng ano cvcrythng to
"malc t.` In lact, I'vc actually ownco 17 ollcrcnt busncsscs.
Pouer Principle:
Success is a
learnable skill.
My carly busncss carccr was a osastcr. I lost morc moncy
than I maoc. 8ut onc thng I always bclcvco, was that . . .
Succcss s a lcarnablc slll.
So I bccamc thc ultmatc nlormaton junlc. I rcao cvcry
bool, lstcnco to cvcry tapc, ano wcnt to cvcry succcss scmnar
I coulo lno. Surc cnough, thngs bcgan to changc. I got gooo at
malng moncy. Unlortunatcly, I was cvcn bcttcr at spcnong t.
I hao a chocc: Farn much morc or lvc on much lcss. That's
whcn I maoc a conscous occson to bccomc a mllonarc ano
thc lastcr thc bcttcr. I rcalzco to achcvc ths goal, I woulo havc
to oo somcthng raocally ollcrcnt lrom what I was oong
bclorc. A multmllonarc acquantancc lcpt tcllng mc, "Il
somconc s oong bcttcr than you, t's bccausc thcy lnow
somcthng you oon't.` So I occoco to lcarn cvcn morc ano
ocvotco thc ncxt sx months to analyzng thc stratcgcs ano
tactcs ol thc worlo's grcatcst cntrcprcncurs thosc who wcrc
malng t bg ano last. I pnpontco cght crtcal stcps vrtually
cvcry busncss that hao achcvco succcss quclly hao n
common. I namco ths systcm "SpccoWcalth` ano put t to thc
tcst. I borrowco $2,OOO lrom my Vsa caro (my prcvous
spcnong habts hao totally orco up my banl account) ano usco
thc systcm to opcn onc ol thc lrst rctal ltncss storcs n all ol
North Amcrca. It was callco Ftncsslano. Thc rcsults wcrc
"staggcrng.` Thc SpccoWcalth stratcgcs allowco mc to opcn 1O
storcs n only 2 1/2 ycars ano thcn scll hall my sharcs to thc H.].
Hcnz Corporaton (thc lctchup pcoplc), lor $1.b mllon.
Thc SpccoWcalth systcm worlco a moncy mraclc lor mc
ano t can worl onc lor you too. 8ut lrst you havc to lcarn t!
Pouer Principle:
Change brings opportunity!
Quick change brings
quick opportunity!
Woulo you agrcc that your bclcls octcrmnc your actons`
To havc a SpccoWcalth mnosct you must bclcvc thc lollowng
two statcmcnts: 1. Gcttng rch quclly s lcasblc. 2. Gcttng
rch quclly s lcasblc lor you.
Thcrc's a lot ol slcptcsm about "malng moncy last,` but I
thnl "Gct Rch Qucl` has gottcn a bao rap! In thc past, soccty
has labclco thosc who wantco to crcatc wcalth quclly as
"orcamcrs,` "grccoy,` or "scam artsts.` 8ut, scvcral thousano
pcoplc, ncluong mc, havc gottcn rch quclly ano lcgtmatcly.
Thcrc's not only nothng wrong wth "malng moncy last,` t s
thc wavc ol thc luturc! Thc lact s, rght now s thc grcatcst tmc
n hstory to crcatc wcalth quclly n your own busncss. Tooay,
morc ano morc lortuncs arc bcng maoc wth lghtcnng spcco,
ano wth gooo rcason.
Thc worlo s changng quclly, tcchnology s changng
quclly, marlcts arc changng quclly ano pcoplc's ntcrcsts arc
changng quclly.
Changc brngs opportunty!
Qucl changc brngs qucl opportunty!
Fvcry tmc thcrc s a changc n tcchnology, law, socal
ntcrcst, stylc, thc marlct or thc latcst busncss buzzworo
somconc gcts rch! Tooay, thcsc changcs arc happcnng by thc
mnutc ano cvcry oay pcoplc arc bccomng mllonarcs by
talng aovantagc ol thcm. You can too!
Crcatng wcalth quclly has almost bccomc a ncccssty.
8ccausc ol thc worlo's rapo pacc, carccr cyclcs havc shortcnco.
Pouer Principle:
You can aluays be more,
have more and do more
because you can
aluays learn more.
]ust two occaocs ago, most pcoplc hao a "craolc to colln`
mcntalty, jobs ano busncsscs wcrc a llctmc commtmcnt. 8ut,
tooay, thcrc s no such thng as job or busncss sccurty.
Thc currcnt rcalty s that most ol us wll go through sx or
scvcn complctc carccr or busncss changcs n our llctmc, thc
avcragc lcngth ol cach bcng about lvc ycars. Mcanng, you
"malc your moncy` n that pcroo or you oon't malc t at all.
Iroouct cyclcs havc also changco: Thc stagcs ol START
to talc twcnty ycars. Now your proouct or busncss coulo
bccomc a onosaur n lvc ycars or lcss!
Dcvclop a ncw computcr soltwarc program ano scc how
long t talcs bclorc somconc lnocls t oll or mprovcs t. Il you
gct sx months, you'rc lucly! lool at publshng. Tooay, l you
wrtc a bcstscllcr, how long oocs t stay on thc bcstscllcr lst` Il
you'rc popular lor onc wholc ycar, you'rc almost mmortal.
Thngs havc changco. It's tmc to rcvsc what wc occm as a
"normal` tmc lramc lor succcss. SpccoWcalth s not only
possblc, t's practcal. It's thc way ol tooay's hgh spcco worlo.
Fthcr you llow wth t or lght aganst t. Thc chocc s yours.
Now lor thc othcr qucston . . .
Is SpccoWcalth lcasblc lor you`
What woulo you oo l you wantco to bccomc a prolcssonal
tcnns playcr or worloclass artst` Woulon't you lcarn thc slll
ano thcn practcc` In a smlar way, you can lFARN to play thc
gamc ol busncss . . . ano wn! lct mc rcpcat, succcss s a
lcarnablc slll. That's why thc past oocs not cqual thc luturc.
Pouer Principle:
If you are going to
uork hard anyuay,
you may as uell get rich.
and the quicker the better.
You can always bc morc, havc morc
ano oo morc bccausc you can always lcarn morc.
It oocsn't mattcr l you'vc gonc "bclly up` thrcc tmcs or
havc ncvcr hao a busncss n your llc. Thc only qucston s:
"Arc you WIllING TO lFARN`` Il you mastcr thc
SpccoWcalth systcm ano usc t, you wll gct rch n short orocr.
Anothcr lactor to consocr s your IFRSONAlITY. For
many ol us, attcmptng to crcatc wcalth quclly s morc natural.
In busncss, as n racng, thcrc arc SIRINTFRS, ano thcrc arc
MARATHONFRS. Whch arc you` Somc lolls arc "oca` pcoplc.
Thcy llc to crcatc conccpts, start thngs, grow quclly, ano thcn
movc on to thc ncxt projcct. Othcrs prclcr longtcrm stablty
ano routnc n thcr worl. Untl rcccntly, "sprntcrs,` thosc ol us
who llc to malc thngs happcn last, wcrc consocrco unstablc,
almost "llaly.` You lnow thc gulttrp: "What oo you mcan you
want to try somcthng ncw` You only got nto ths twclvc ycars
ago!!` In tooay's marlctplacc, that atttuoc s archac. Thc pont
s, l you'rc a sprntcr or woulo bc opcn to tryng t sprnt!
Thc lnal lactor n octcrmnng l SpccoWcalth s lcasblc lor
you s thc strcngth ol your DFSIRF. You must truly want to
crcatc lnancal lrccoom last. Why` 8ccausc ths sn't gong to bc
a sccnc stroll n thc parl. It's gong to bc a challcngc, a 8 to 5
ycar msson that wll rcqurc locus, commtmcnt, ano
somctmcs haro worl, at lcast ourng thc ntal stagc. 8ut most
pcoplc alrcaoy worl haro. So my phlosophy s smplc.
Il you arc gong to worl haro anyway,
you mght as wcll gct rch . . .
ano thc quclcr thc bcttcr.
Pouer Principle:
Money is a convenient
symbol that represents and
measures the value
of goods and services
exchanged betueen people.
"Moncy,` llc t or not, s a hugc part ol our lvcs.
Unlortunatcly most pcoplc oon't rcally unocrstano t. So what
s moncy anyway`
Moncy s a convcncnt symbol that rcprcscnts ano
mcasurcs thc valuc ol gooos ano scrvccs
cxchangco bctwccn pcoplc.
Thc lcy woro n that oclnton s VAlUF. It's valuc that
octcrmncs your ncomc.
Thc law ol Incomc:
You wll bc pao n orcct proporton to thc valuc you
oclvcr accorong to thc marlctplacc.
I oon't mcan to bc crtcal, but I havc to tcll t llc t s: Thc
rcason most pcoplc arc brolc s that thcy oon't oclvcr a lot ol
VAlUF n thc cycs ol thc currcnt marlctplacc. Thc mportant
clcmcnt hcrc s DFlIVFR.
Many pcoplc havc gooo ocas, gooo ntcntons, cvcn
prooucc gooo prooucts or scrvccs, but cthcr thcr valuc s not
consocrco vcry valuablc n tooay's marlctplacc, or thcy just
oon't oclvcr cnough ol t. It's smplc . . .
Il you oon't oclvcr a lot, you oon't gct pao a lot.
So what octcrmncs your valuc n thc marlctplacc`
Pouer Principle:
The Iau of Income:
You uill be paid
in direct proportion
to the value you deliver
according to the marketplace.
Thcrc arc lour ncomc lactors that octcrmnc almost to thc
pcnny how much you wll carn:
Dcmano + Supply + Qualty + Quantty
1. Thc DFMAND lor your "valuc` mcans how much thc
marlctplacc wants t. To crcatc SpccoWcalth, you must ollcr
a hot proouct or scrvcc whch s n hgh ocmano.
Whcn I lrst startco Ftncsslano, pcoplc trco to buy
cqupmcnt whlc I was stll rcnovatng thc spacc bclorc thc storc
opcnco. Wthn thrcc wccls ol opcnng, customcrs wcrc lnng
up outsoc thc ooor. I maoc $11,OOO nct prolt on my sxth
Saturoay . . . bccausc my valuc was n hgh ocmano!
2. Thc SUIIlY ol your "valuc` rcllccts how much thc
marlctplacc alrcaoy has ol your proouct or scrvcc, ano how
rcaoly avalablc t s clscwhcrc.
Why oocs a bran surgcon carn as much n onc oay as a gas
staton attcnoant carns n a wholc ycar` 8ccausc hc or shc has a
rarc ano spccalzco slll that s crtcal whcn nccoco. Iut
bluntly, thcrc arc mllons who can pump gas, but lcw who can
lx brans.
Whcn supply s lmtco, valuc ncrcascs.
Thnl ol rcal cstatc. Occanlront propcrty s rarc ano
cxtrcmcly lmtco, thcrclorc t s hghcr n valuc than propcrty
nlano. To ncrcasc your valuc n busncss, you must provoc
somcthng lcw othcrs havc, or oo somcthng n a way that no
onc clsc oocs.
Pouer Principle:
If you don't deliver a lot,
you don't get paid a lot.
8. Thc QUAlITY ol your "valuc` mcans how gooo your
prooucts ano scrvccs arc ano just as mportant how
gooo you arc at your busncss.
Thc hghcr thc qualty, n rclaton to thc prcc,
thc hghcr thc valuc.
I havc a motto n busncss, "Do t wcll or oon't oo t at all.
Malc t grcat or oon't malc t at all.`
Docs qualty allcct your ncomc` You bct t oocs. Do you
rcturn to a busncss l you rcccvc shoooy prooucts or lousy
scrvcc` Ol coursc not ano ncthcr oocs anyonc clsc!
As lor thc sccono part ol thc qualty cquaton, "how gooo
arc you at your busncss`` Thc rulc s smplc.
Il you want to gct pao thc bcst, bc thc bcst!
Kccp lcarnng. Stuoy busncss, stuoy your spcclc lclo ano
stuoy thc SpccoWcalth prncplcs as l your llc ocpcnoco on t.
Fnancally, t oocs!
4. Thc QUANTITY ol your "valuc` s how much ol your
proouct or scrvcc you oclvcr.
Ol all lour lactors, most pcoplc havc thc grcatcst challcngc
wth ths onc. You may havc an cxccllcnt proouct or scrvcc ano
you may cvcn oclvcr t to thc marlctplacc, but not n cnough
quantty to crcatc wcalth, cspccally SpccoWcalth!
Il you want to gct pao,
you must oclvcr your valuc to pcoplc.
Pouer Principle:
If you uant to get
paid the best,
be the best!
Il you want to gct rch,
You must oclvcr your valuc to a lot ol pcoplc!
That's why . . .
Rcgarolcss ol thc busncss you'rc n, part ol your rcvcnuc
shoulo comc lrom proouct salcs.
A proouct cnhanccs your ablty to oclvcr massvc
quanttcs. Whcn you havc a proouct to scll, thcrc arc no lmts
on how much you can prooucc ano oclvcr, thcrclorc, NO
Il you'rc n a job or scrvcc busncss, ano you pcrsonally
havc to pcrlorm thc scrvcc, such as gvng massagcs, thcrc s a
oclntc cclng on your ncomc. lct's lacc t, thcrc arc only so
many massagcs a masscusc can gvc n a oay! Thc samc
lmtatons holo truc l you arc a counsclor, a consultant, a
prolcssonal, or anyonc clsc worlng by thc hour or on a salary.
Il you oo havc a pcrsonal scrvcc busncss, hcrc arc thrcc
ways to brcal through thc cclng on your ncomc. Thc lrst s
It's bcst l t's an ADDON proouct onc that algns wth
your currcnt busncss, ano woulo bcnclt your currcnt clcnts.
You can crcatc your own proouct, or cvcn ollcr somconc clsc's
proouct you cnoorsc. For cxamplc, a masscusc coulo ollcr
prooucts that bcnclt thc hcalth ano wcllbcng ol thc booy, such
as nutrtonal supplcmcnts, booy ols, aromathcrapy prooucts,
bools on massagc ano yoga, ano rclaxaton tapcs.
A sccono way s to "ClONF` yourscll. Thc oca s to tran
or hrc othcrs to worl lor you. Instcao ol bcng a solc
Pouer Principle:
If you uant to get paid,
you must deliver
your value to people.
If you uant to get rich,
you must deliver your value
to a lot of people!
consultant, you own a consultng company wth lvc, tcn, or
llty consultants worlng lor you! Ths s smply a way ol
oclvcrng morc ol your valuc to thc marlct, whch rcsults n
morc ncomc.
Il ncthcr ol thc abovc choccs arc vablc ano you arc
aoamant about stayng n a pcrsonal scrvcc busncss or a job,
you wll probably ncco a SFCOND SOURCF OF INCOMF,
prclcrably onc that has thc "potcntal` to crcatc wcalth. Tooay
thcrc arc oozcns ol "ostrbutor` typc opportuntcs whcrc you
can start parttmc ano movc to lulltmc whcn your ncomc
warrants t. Thc trcl s to choosc thc rght opportunty, ano
that's thc subjcct ol our ncxt prncplc.
Dcmano, supply, qualty ano quantty arc thc corncrstoncs
ol valuc ano oclvcrng massvc valuc s an csscntal part ol thc
SpccoWcalth systcm. In lact, ocmano ano supply allcct thc ncxt
SpccoWcalth prncplc oramatcally . . .
Pouer Principle:
Timing is everything"
Havc you hcaro thc sayng, "Tmng s cvcrythng`` That
statcmcnt s gospcl whcn t comcs to malng moncy last n
busncss. What cxactly s tmng` It's smply matchng your
proouct or scrvcc to thc wants ano nccos ol thc currcnt
marlctplacc choosng thc RIGHT IRODUCT OR SFRVICF, n
Ths s crtcal. Il you gct ths stcp rght, you'rc 5O thcrc!
8usncss ocas ano opportuntcs arc llc cars. Thcrc arc 22O
m.p.h., Formula1 racc cars, thcrc arc occrcpt, brolcnoown
jalopcs, ano cvcry lno ol vchclc n bctwccn.
Thc qucston s, what arc you tryng to crcatc your lortunc
wth` A racc car or a jalopy` Il you oon't havc a conccpt or at
lcast onc proouct or scrvcc that's supcr hot rght now, you ncco
to lno onc . . . l you want a chancc to crcatc wcalth quclly!
I'm not ncccssarly aovocatng that you changc busncsscs,
but l your prcscnt conccpt, proouct, or scrvcc was n a horsc
racc, woulo thc marlctplacc scc t as a thoroughbrco or a
Thc truth s, almost anyonc coulo havc maoc a "lllng` n
thc homc ltncss cqupmcnt busncss at thc tmc I oo. Why`
8ccausc I was rong a supcr hot trcno a "thoroughbrco.` Thc
tmng was pcrlcct lor both thc conccpt ano thc proouct.
Choosng thc rght vchclc at thc rght tmc s
a rarc ano hghly proltablc slll that can bc lcarnco!
Pouer Principle:
Choosing the right vehicle
at the right time is a rare
and highly profitable skill
that can be learned!
Unlortunatcly, most pcoplc hop on a trcno whcn t's alrcaoy
too latc, ano thc bg lortuncs havc alrcaoy bccn maoc.
On thc othcr hano, bcng too carly s no bcttcr. Il I hao
opcnco Ftncsslano thrcc ycars carlcr than I oo, I assurc you,
t woulo havc oco. Thc marlct wasn't rcaoy thcrc wcrcn't
cnough hcaolncs about ltncss or cnough hghqualty, homc
ltncss prooucts avalablc yct. Not cnough pcoplc wcrc trco ol
orvng to crowoco gyms.
You havc to lcarn how to gaugc ano tmc thc marlct.
You havc to lnow whcn to gct n,
ano whcn to gct out!
In thc SpccoWcalth systcm, your ntcnton must bc to gct n
on a "grounolloor opportunty,` mcanng DFMAND s hgh ano
SUIIlY s low. At ths tmc thc clcvator ol opportunty s gong
up. Tmc to gct on! latcr, SUIIlY ovcrtalcs DFMAND ano thc
clcvator ol opportunty starts gong oown. Tmc to gct oll!
Want an cxamplc ol a grounolloor opportunty avalablc
rght now` An obvous onc s supplyng prooucts ano scrvccs
to Intcrnct uscrs. Thc Intcrnct s a computcr communcatons
nctworl that s growng by mllons ol uscrs a month. It wll bc
as bg a mcoum, l not bggcr, than tclcvson. What's t all
mcan` It mcans as a SpccoWcalth cntrcprcncur, you ACT
]ust llc 22ycarolo Marc Anorccsscn oo. Worlng n a
collcgc computcr lab, hc ocvclopco a ncw soltwarc program
callco "Navgator,` that maoc t cascr to cxplorc thc Intcrnct. In
two ycars, hs nct worth wcnt lrom zcro to $5O mllon!
"Navgator` was pcrlcctly tmco.
Pouer Principle:
You have to learn hou to
gauge and time the market.
You have to knou
uhen to get in,
and uhen to get out!
Tooay's hottcst opportuntcs arc not just n hghtcch
noustrcs. Onc ol thc most popular, cycopcnng scssons I
tcach at my SpccoWcalth 8ootcamp s callco, "How to Gcncratc
Mllon Dollar Opportuntcs Fvcry bO Scconos.` lct mc sharc a
couplc ol thcsc stratcgcs wth you.
Onc last ano casy way to gct rch s to . . .
Moocl a provcn wnncr.
In othcr woros, copy somconc who s malng a mnt rght
You want to cmploy a prncplc callco "lag Tmc,` whch s
thc tmc t talcs lor a hot oca to sprcao lrom onc gcographcal
rcgon to anothcr. For nstancc, customcrs can bc lnng up lor
a hot ncw proouct or conccpt n los Angclcs that has not cvcn
bccn hcaro ol yct n Atlanta. Rght now thcrc arc oozcns ol
cntrcprcncurs malng a lortunc wth grounolloor
opportuntcs that havc not yct bccn cxposco n othcr parts ol
thc country. Fno onc ol thcsc ncw conccpts ano oo thc samc
thng, or IMIROVF ON IT, n your gcographc arca! Usc thc
orgnal as a provcn blucprnt to succcss.
Rght now, collcchouscs arc supcr hot n somc arcas ol thc
country, but othcr spots arc stll vrgn tcrrtorcs. That mcans l
you'rc brolc n saturatco Scattlc, you can always go to "woc
opcn` Omaha ano gct rch.
Anothcr smplc but ncrcobly last way to malc a lortunc s
callco thc IIGGY8ACK tcchnquc. Instcao ol copyng somconc
clsc, you AFFIlIATF wth somconc or somcthng that's alrcaoy
a wnncr. You lnow thc olo sayng . . .
Pouer Principle:
Copy someone uho is
making a mint right nou.
"Il you can't bcat 'cm, jon 'cm!`
It's oltcn lastcr ano cascr to alllatc wth a company that's
up ano runnng rathcr than to start lrom scratch. Why rcnvcnt
thc whccl` Thcy may havc cxclusvc prooucts or a major
ostrbuton nctworl n placc, rarc tcchnology, or cxpcnsvc
prooucton lacltcs alrcaoy cstablshco.
I havc an acquantancc who louno a partcularly gooo
cngnc aootvc that was scllng llc "hot calcs` n thc U.S., but
thc manulacturcr wasn't marlctng t anywhcrc clsc.
Hc was clcvcr. Hc pao $1,OOO lor thc opton to buy thc
ntcrnatonal rghts lor $1OO,OOO, payablc n b months. Thcn hc
placco classlco aos n oozcns ol ncwspapcrs ano traoc
journals, worlowoc, ollcrng thc cxclusvc ostrbuton rghts
lor spcclc tcrrtorcs. In only lour months hc solo 8O rcgons at
$25,OOO cach, malng $2 mllon uplront, plus lvc ccnts on
cvcry can! 8cst ol all, hc ncvcr touchco thc proouct. Hc sct t up
so thc ncw ostrbutors ocalt orcctly wth thc manulacturcr. Do
you lnow what hc's oong now` NOTHING!
As a SpccoWcalth cntrcprcncur, you want to . . .
Talc aovantagc ol thc ncw "global cconomy.`
Thcrc arc thousanos ol popular Amcrcan prooucts that arc
not marlctco across any borocrs ano thousanos ol popular
ntcrnatonal prooucts that arc not marlctco n thc U.S. Thcsc
arc all oynamtc opportuntcs!
Anyonc, ano I oo mcan anyonc, can bccomc rch quclly
usng thc Iggybacl tcchnquc. It's onc ol my lavortcs bccausc
Pouer Principle:
It's often faster
and easier to affiliate
uith a company
that's up and running
than to start from scratch.
you'rc llc a joclcy, you lno thc bcst horsc on thc tracl, hop
on, ano roc t to thc wnncr's crclc!
Along thc samc lncs, anothcr surclrc SpccoWcalth tactc s
callco rcmarlctng "UNDFRMARKFTFD` prooucts ano
scrvccs. Havc you cvcr sccn or usco a proouct that you thnl s
lantastc, worls llc a mraclc, but haroly anyonc clsc lnows
about t` Thcsc arc what I call "unocrmarlctco` prooucts. Do
you lnow thcrc arc 71 ollcrcnt ways to marlct ano ostrbutc a
proouct or scrvcc` Most compancs only usc 2 or 8 mcthoos at
bcst. Mcanwhlc, you can oltcn gct thc rghts to promotc thcr
proouct through oozcns ol othcr channcls ano to ollcrcnt
marlct nchcs.
Can you thnl ol an cascr way to "gct rch qucl` than to
havc thc rghts to a "mraclc proouct` ano thcn marlct thc hccl
out ol t` It's a orcam comc truc. Ol coursc, you'll want to
bccomc a mastcr at marlctng, but agan, ths slll can bc
Rcmcmbcr, tmng s cvcrythng. Il you choosc thc rght
proouct at thc rght tmc, your roao to SpccoWcalth wll bc
occocoly lastcr ano cascr!
Pouer Principle:
A business system is
a repeatable process
that produces a profit.
What happcns l you try to bulo a housc on a wcal
lounoaton` Thc housc cvcntually cracls or cavcs n. That's why
bclorc you can bulo a bg housc, you must bulo a solo
lounoaton. Thc busncss cquvalcnt to bulong a solo
lounoaton s callco "CRFATING A SYSTFM.`
Sncc thc woro "systcm` s a gcncrc tcrm, lct mc oclnc
what t mcans lor busncss purposcs . . .
A busncss systcm s a "rcpcatablc proccss
that proouccs a prolt.`
Thc oca s to systcmzc your busncss so that you can
cllcctvcly ano cllccntly scll ano support your proouct or
scrvcc n largcr quanttcs as you grow. What l a trcc grows tall
wthout lrm roots` All may bc wcll whcn thngs arc calm, but
wth thc lrst bg wno storm, t topplcs ovcr ano ocs. It's thc
samc n busncss. Il you try to cxpano but havc no cllcctvc
systcm n placc, thc busncss s ooomco. I call ths thc
"Fxpanson Dlcmma.` You'vc probably hcaro ol busncsscs
gong wcll untl thcy trco to cxpano. Thcn all ol a suoocn
thcy'rc n troublc. Now you unocrstano why. Thcy grcw bcyono
thcr cllcctvc mcans ol support, thcr roots, thcr lounoaton
ano thcr systcm (l thcy hao onc at all).
So how oo you crcatc an cllcctvc busncss systcm` For now,
lct mc sharc rulc numbcr onc: "Kccp t smplc.` I havc a
phlosophy that . . .
8usncss s smplc.
Icoplc arc complcatco.
Pouer Principle:
If you're the major cog"
in the machine
then you're automatically
the major clog"
in the machine.
Any busncss shoulo consst ol only thrcc parts:
Marlctng, Irooucton, Aomnstraton.
You must ocsgn spcclc "proccsscs` lor cach ol thcsc thrcc
arcas so thcy run smoothly, almost automatcally. Thc oca s to
crcatc a busncss that worls llc a wcllolco machnc a
Your systcm must bc organzco, t must prooucc a prolt,
ano t must support rapo growth. Fnally, ano ths s csscntal l
you want to crcatc wcalth quclly, your systcm must bc a
rcpcatablc proccss that CAN WORK WITHOUT YOU! Why`
8ccausc as wc oscussco carlcr, n orocr to crcatc wcalth you
cannot havc a cclng on your ncomc. Your carnngs must bc
Il you'rc thc major "cog` n thc machnc
thcn you'rc automatcally
thc major "clog` n thc machnc.
Il you havc to bc physcally prcscnt lor your busncss to
worl, t can only grow to thc cxtcnt that you can pcrsonally
hanolc. It oocsn't mattcr how brllant ano cncrgctc you arc,
you stll only havc 24 hours n a oay! Ano bcsocs, what gooo s
crcatng wcalth l you'rc gong to lll yourscll n thc proccss`
A SpccoWcalth cntrcprcncur s a cooronator.
Hc or shc s thc conouctor ol thc orchcstra.
Fvcn though thc conouctor may bc a mastcr at playng an
nstrumcnt, thcy oon't, bccausc l thcy oo, no onc woulo bc
lcaong thc orchcstra. It can bc qutc a challcngc lor a small
busncss owncr to "conouct thc orchcstra` on a lulltmc bass,
Pouer Principle:
A Speeduealth" entrepreneur
is a co-ordinator.
He or she is the conductor
of the orchestra.
but ths poston s absolutcly ncccssary l you'rc scrous about
crcatng wcalth quclly.
Notcc cvcry largc corporaton has a prcsocnt or CFO
whosc solc poston s to holo thc vson, cooronatc all thc
parts, ocvclop opportuntcs lor growth, ano scarch lor ways to
ncrcasc prolts. It bccomcs a chclcnanocgg qucston. Was
thc poston crcatco bccausc thc corporaton grcw, or oo thc
corporaton grow bccausc thcy crcatco ths poston` My bct s
thc lattcr. I'm not sayng you can't contnuc to oo all thc othcr
tasls, just lccp n mno what I sao, "Fvcrywhcrc you arc a cog,
cvcntually, as you grow, you wll bccomc a clog.` Your prmary
rcsponsblty s to . . .
Worl on thc busncss, nstcao ol n thc busncss.
Onc ol thc most mportant clcmcnts ol thc SpccoWcalth
systcm s that your busncss cannot bc ocpcnocnt or lmtco by
any onc pcrson, cspccally YOU. Ths wll bccomc crtcal
ourng thc lnal stcp ol thc program.
I hghly rccommcno a bool callco TIc MyiI, by Mchacl
Gcrbcr. In t, hc suggcsts you bulo your busncss as l t wcrc
gong to bccomc a succcsslul lranchsc organzaton, cvcn l you
havc no ntcnton to lranchsc. Imagnc your busncss wll bc
thc prototypc lor onc hunorco morc locatons or that your salcs
proccss s gong to bc rcpcatco 1O,OOO tmcs both WITHOUT
your orcct nvolvcmcnt!
For thc lrst sx months at Ftncsslano, I haroly stcppco loot
outsoc thc storc, whlc I sct up thc systcm, lnoclco out thc lnls,
ano crcatco a busncss "moocl` that worlco. Altcr that, I haroly
stcppco loot nsoc thc storc. I tranco somconc clsc to managc
thc oaytooay opcratons, whlc I conccntratco on growth.
Pouer Principle:
Work on the business,
instead of in the business.
Rcalzc that . . .
Thc systcm gvcs you lrccoom.
Frst, n tcrms ol TIMF. Wth a systcm, you gct to rclax, play,
ano bc wth your lovco oncs, all whlc your busncss s runnng,
growng, ano prooucng bg prolts! Havng an cllcctvc systcm
worlng "nstcao` ol you, s vtal to "cnjoyng thc journcy.`
Sccono, n tcrms ol MONFY. Wth a strong systcm n placc,
you wll havc two optons. Onc, you'll bc ablc to hano ovcr thc
rcns ol authorty ano havc an cxccllcnt passvc ncomc whlc
you goll, sl, mcotatc, or oo whatcvcr clsc you llc. Two, you
can "cash out` ano bccomc an nstant mllonarc.
In any ol thcsc cascs, bccausc you crcatco a "systcm,` you wn!
O.K., lct's assumc you'vc oonc your tcstng, you'vc worlco
out thc lnls, ano you now havc a moncy machnc a snglc
succcss, a snglc plot or a snglc salcs mcthoo that
systcmatcally proouccs a prolt wthout you. What oo you oo
Thc answcr s . . .
"Il t worls, lccp oong t.`
You oo t agan, ano agan, ano agan.
Pouer Principle:
Once you have
something that uorks,
you concentrate on
duplicating it.
Oncc you havc "somcthng` that worls, you conccntratc on
DUIlICATING t. Ths s why crcatng a systcm that's organzco
to oclvcr ano support largc quanttcs ol your valuc, wthout
your prcscncc, s so vtal. It allows lor ouplcaton.
Your complctco systcm s thc moocl or "COOKIF
CUTTFR,` you usc to ouplcatc your succcss ovcr ano ovcr
agan. Frst you crcatc somcthng that worls wcll on a small
scalc, maybc onc storc, onc ollcc, or a salc to onc pcrson. Thcn
you rcpcat thc proccss, agan ano agan. It's that smplc!
Thc SpccoWcalth cntrcprcncur unocrstanos that l you can
malc a prolt on onc locaton, thc qucston s, how many smlar
locatons can you crcatc` Il you can malc a prolt on onc
transacton, thc qucston s, how many smlar transactons can
you malc` Thc lcy qucston s . . .
"How oo I gct my proouct or scrvcc
nto thc hanos ol thc largcst numbcrs ol pcoplc``
Duplcaton s smply a way ol ncrcasng thc quantty ol thc
valuc you oclvcr. Ano whcn you ncrcasc your quantty, you
ncrcasc your ncomc!
Morc pcoplc havc crcatco wcalth usng thc "coolc cuttcr`
approach than any othcr mcthoo n hstory. Havc you hcaro ol a
gcntlcman namco Sam Walton` Hs lttlc cmprc s callco
WAlMART. Sam startco wth onc small storc, n onc small
town, that prooucco onc small prolt. Thcn hc systcmzco thc
storc so that t worlco cllccntly wthout hm. Ths bccamc thc
coolc cuttcr hc usco to roll out 1,5OO "coolcs,` othcrwsc
Pouer Principle:
You create uealth
by using the
cookie-cutter" approach.
lnown as WalMart storcs, n hunorcos ol small towns across
Sam Walton was a truc mastcr ol thc SpccoWcalth systcm.
Hc oco a lcw ycars ago as onc ol thc rchcst pcoplc on thc
planct, amassng a pcrsonal nct worth ol ovcr $7 bllon oollars.
That's bllon, wth a captal "8.`
Fvcryonc lnows McDonalo's. 8acl n thc '5O's, Ray Kroc
uncovcrco a "szzlng` hot conccpt: last looo, burgcrs, lrcs ano
shalcs. Thcn hc systcmzco hs marlctng, prooucton, ano
opcratons so that ths onc storc worlco cllccntly ano
proltably. Hc thcn ouplcatco by allowng othcrs to usc hs
proltablc systcm. Ths mcthoo ol cxpanson s now lnown as
lranchsng. Tooay, thcrc arc thousanos ol McDonalo's outlcts
arouno thc worlo scllng to mllons ol pcoplc oaly. Ray Kroc
was anothcr mastcr ol thc SpccoWcalth systcm who applco thc
powcr ol DUIlICATION. 8clorc hc oco, Ray Kroc amassco a
nct worth ol ovcr $4 bllon. That's anothcr captal "8.`
Havc you hcaro ol Amway, Mary Kay, Hcrballc, or NuSln`
Thcy arc all nctworl or multlcvcl marlctng compancs. Ths
s smply anothcr lorm ol DUIlICATION. You usc thc proouct,
thcn rclcr t to somconc clsc, who oocs thc samc thng ano on
ano on ano on. In lact, thc cntrc nctworl marlctng proccss s
basco on thc SpccoWcalth prncplcs. Tmng, systcmzaton ano
ouplcaton arc nhcrcnt ano alrcaoy bult nto thc multlcvcl
Thc bcst nctworl marlctcrs unocrstano that ouplcaton
can malc you rch! Thcsc nctworl marlctng ostrbutors havc
"oownlncs` numbcrng ovcr 2O,OOO pcoplc, ano gcncratc
ncomcs ol ovcr $1,OOO,OOO a ycar!
Pouer Principle:
Ask: Who could buy or sell
a huge quantity
of my product or service
at once or on an
on-going basis!
Rcmcmbcr, thc oca bchno ouplcaton s gcttng your valuc
ostrbutco to as many pcoplc as possblc, as quclly as possblc.
Ths s whcrc a lot ol busncss owncrs run nto troublc. Thcy
can't sccm to gct cxposurc. Thcy oon't havc thc lunos lor hcavy
aovcrtsng campagns ano thcy'rc not aocpt at marlctng. What
can thcy oo`
Onc SpccoWcalth stratcgy s to lno buycrs who can
purchasc or scll largc volumcs ol your prooucts or scrvccs. Thc
qucston you always want to asl s . . .
Who coulo buy or scll a hugc quantty
ol my proouct or scrvcc
at oncc or on an ongong bass`
It brngs to mno a stuocnt who attcnoco onc ol my busncss
"bootcamps.` Hc hao crcatco a "How to Iant Your Housc`
voco, ano was tryng to scll thcsc vocos to small rctal outlcts.
Altcr thc scsson I mcntonco carlcr, "71 Ways to Marlct
ano Dstrbutc Your Iroouct,` hc wcnt out nto thc hall, usco
thc phonc, ano camc bacl wth a hugc smlc on hs lacc. Wth a
snglc call, hc solo hs voco to onc ol thc largcst pant
manulacturcrs n thc worlo!! Thc voco woulo bc usco as a
"prcmum` ano gvcn away lrcc wth cach purchasc ol lvc or
morc gallons ol pant. Hs lrst orocr was lor 1OO,OOO unts, ano
my stuocnt's prolt was about $1 on cach.
As you can scc, malng moncy s casy oncc you unocrstano
Pouer Principle:
Work smarter
instead of harder!
lFVFRAGF mcans oong MORF wth lFSS. It's not so much
a "what` you oo, but rathcr a "how` you oo t. lcvcragc uscs
spcclc tactcs ano stratcgcs that allow you to . . .
Worl smartcr nstcao ol harocr!
Onc ol my busncss mottos s . . .
"Il you'rc not usng lcvcragc,
you'rc worlng too haro, ano carnng too lttlc!`
lcvcragc starts wth rcplacng yourscll or much ol what you
oo pcrsonally.
As a SpccoWcalth practtoncr you want to constantly bc
aslng yourscll . . .
"How can I provoc pcoplc wth my valuc,
my prooucts or scrvccs, whlc I slccp``
Whcn you can answcr ths qucston ano cxccutc thc answcr,
you'vc got t maoc.
Havc you hcaro ol Tony Robbns` Hc s a mastcr spcalcr ano
author. 8y hs own account, hc hclo ovcr 2OO scmnars n a
snglc ycar ano yct barcly brolc cvcn. Hc lnally occoco to tapc
hs nlormaton ano scll hs program va 8Omnutc TV
"nlomcrcals.` Ths s a pcrlcct cxamplc ol lcvcragc. 8y puttng
hs IRODUCT on TV, hc was ablc to rcach a lot morc pcoplc
ano malc a lot morc moncy wth a lot lcss tmc, travcl ano
pcrsonal cllort.
Pouer Principle:
Hou can I provide people
uith my products or services,
uhile I sleep!
Now hc's cmployng lcvcragc cvcn lurthcr. Tony now hosts
a snglc lIVF scmnar ano thcn "smulcasts` t va satclltc to
hunorcos ol movc thcatcrs all ovcr thc country. Usng hgh
tcchnology, auocnccs gct to ntcract n thc actual coursc. llc
alchcmy, hs auocncc ol 8OO s translormco nto 8O,OOO!
Tony Robbns s cxtrcmcly succcsslul. Iartly ouc to hs
valuablc nlormaton, but mostly bccausc hc s a mastcr ol thc
SpccoWcalth systcm ano constantly scarchcs lor ways to
ncrcasc hs lcvcragc.
lct's lool at anothcr lorm ol lcvcragc. Rcmcmbcr thc
stuocnt I tolo you about wth thc "Iant Your Housc` voco`
Rcmcmbcr how hc got an opcnng orocr lor 1OO,OOO unts`
Wcll, thc story's not ovcr. Thc ncxt scsson ol thc bootcamp was
about crcatng SpccoWcalth through "lccnsng.` Oncc agan hc
wcnt out at thc ncxt brcal ano maoc a phonc call. Ths tmc, hc
camc bacl wth an cvcn bggcr smlc. Hc hao changco thc
arrangcmcnt wth thc pant manulacturcr. Instcao ol SFllING
thc vocos to thcm, hc lICFNSFD thcm thc rghts to ouplcatc
thc voco thcmsclvcs. Thcy mmcoatcly uppco thcr ntal run
to 25O,OOO unts. Why` 8ccausc thcy coulo now choosc thcr
own supplcrs, gvng thcm lull control ol proouct qualty ano
lowcrng thcr costs.
lccnsng s an cxtrcmclyhgh lorm ol lcvcragc. My stuocnt
was ablc to scll morc wth lcss ol hs own tmc ano moncy. Ano
sncc hs royalty pcrccntagc rcmanco thc samc, hs ncomc
8y thc way, what oo hc oo wth all thc cxtra tmc on hs
hanos` Hc utlzco anothcr lorm ol lcvcragc, ADDON ano
RFIFAT SAlFS, ano mmcoatcly bcgan crcatng Volumc 2 ol
Pouer Principle:
In business, the headaches
are in the front" end,
but the money
is in the back" end.
hs "housc pantng` voco "SFRIFS,` covcrng spccalty arcas
llc occls, ranguttcrs, ano outsoc ooors.
Onc ol thc most powcrlul ways to lcvcragc s to lully utlzc
your oatabasc. Supportng your customcrs wth aootonal
prooucts ano scrvccs, gvng thcm rcasons to rcturn agan ano
agan proouccs cxtrcmcly hgh prolts bccausc you'vc alrcaoy
pao thc hgh cost ol gcttng thc customcr thc lrst tmc. Thcsc
arc callco "bacl cno` salcs ano that's why I say . . .
"In busncss, thc hcaoachcs arc n thc lront cno,
but thc moncy's n thc bacl cno.`
Yct anothcr cxctng lorm ol lcvcragc s IARTNFRSHII
MARKFTING, or ]OINT VFNTURING. Consocr thc cxamplc
ol USA Tounys OOO# Sports lnc. Do you thnl that USA Touny
s n thc OOO# busncss` No way! Thcy partncr wth an outsoc
company, who opcratcs thc lncs whlc USA Touny oocs thc
aovcrtsng, a syncrgstc rclatonshp that allows cach company
to usc ts strcngths. That's why "partncrshp` marlctng s
popular tooay ano wll bccomc cvcn morc popular n thc luturc.
In lact, a grcat grounolloor opportunty avalablc rght now s
startng a "partncrshp marlctng` agcncy. You woulo match
compancs who coulo worl togcthcr, ano rcccvc a pcrccntagc ol
thc rcsultng scrvccs.
lcvcragc s a massvc subjcct. Il you want morc octals, wc
gct nto t hcavly n our SpccoWcalth 8ootcamp ano n our tapc
programs. For now howcvcr, lct mc sharc a lcw morc qucl
cxamplcs ol lcvcragc wth you:
lcvcragc s startng your busncss wth lttlc or nonc ol your
own moncy.
Pouer Principle:
If you're not using leverage,
you're uorking too hard
and earning too little!
lcvcragc s usng othcr pcoplc's talcnts, sllls, contacts,
crcoblty, ano rcsourccs.
lcvcragc s lully utlzng thc latcst tcchnologcs n
computcrs, soltwarc ano tclccommuncatons to ncrcasc
your spcco ano cllccncy.
lcvcragc s usng thc powcr ol thc mcoa to gct mllons ol
oollars ol lrcc publcty.
lcvcragc s borrowng cclcbrty lamc lor cnoorscmcnts.
lcvcragc s scllng prooucts bclorc you havc thcm, or at
lcast, bclorc you havc to pay lor thcm!
lcvcragc s cxpanong your busncss usng your customcr's
or supplcr's moncy.
lcvcragc s gcttng thc bcst pcoplc n your noustry to worl
lor you now, lor almost "nothng.`
lcvcragc s gcttng morc lrom cach ol your cmployccs by
propcrly tranng thcm, trcatng thcm wcll, ano gvng thcm
thc spacc to cxprcss thcr truc talcnts.
lcvcragc s gcttng morc lrom yourscll, cnhancng your
busncss lnowlcogc, ocvclopng yourscll pcrsonally ano
ncrcasng your stamna ano cncrgy.
lcvcragc s managng your tmc morc cllcctvcly so you oo
thc rght thngs nstcao ol just oo thngs rght.
lcvcragc s a MINDSFT. It's an ART. It's a SCIFNCF. It's an
csscntal pccc ol thc SpccoWcalth puzzlc. It oltcn scparatcs
thosc who crcatc lnancal lrccoom quclly, lrom thosc who
contnuc to strugglc lor thc rcst ol thcr lvcs. Rcmcmbcr . . .
Il you'rc not usng lcvcragc,
you'rc worlng too haro ano carnng too lttlc!
Pouer Principle:
The SpeedWealth
starts uith the
end in mind!
Ths prncplc s thc culmnaton ol all thc stcps, ano tcs thc
cntrc SpccoWcalth systcm togcthcr. Onc ol thc prmary
ollcrcnccs bctwccn a SpccoWcalth cntrcprcncur ano thc
avcragc busncss owncr s that thcy . . .
Start wth thc cno n mno!
8y lollowng thc SpccoWcalth systcm to thc lcttcr, n thrcc
to lvc ycars, you wll havc lour cnvablc choccs:
1. You can lccp thc busncss, contnuc to worl "hanos
on,` ano malc a hugc INCOMF.
OR 2. You can lccp thc busncss, ano cash out your TIMF
by oclcgatng thc oaytooay allars, ano malc a hugc
OR 8. You can scll all or part ol thc busncss ano bccomc an
OR 4. You can crcatc a combnaton ol all ol thc abovc.
In any casc, you'vc ht thc jaclpot!
I want to sharc a lttlc sccrct . . .
You wll ncvcr malc as much moncy
runnng a busncss as scllng a busncss!
Thc most lucratvc proouct you can cvcr scll s thc busncss
tscll. 8y lollowng thc SpccoWcalth proccss, you wll havc
automatcally sct up your busncss as an cxtrcmcly valuablc ano
salablc commooty.
Pouer Principle:
You uill never make
as much money
running a business
as selling a business!
Now oo you scc why t's so crtcal that your busncss bc ablc
to run wthout you` 8ccausc whcn t comcs tmc to scll your
busncss, thc bcttcr t can run ano prolt wthout you as an
ntcgral part ol thc paclagc, thc HIGHFR THF VAlUF AND
lct's lacc t, l YOU wcrc buyng a busncss, woulo you want
ts succcss to bc ocpcnocnt on any onc pcrson cspccally thc
owncr, who wants to scll ano lcavc t` Ol coursc not! So what
oo buycrs want` What arc thcy rcally buyng` Irmarly thrcc
thngs: prolts, thc contnuaton ol thosc prolts, ano thc
potcntal growth ol thosc prolts. 8uycrs want a solo, provcn,
wcllrun moncy machnc that churns out a hcalthy ncomc on
an ongong bass ano runs wthout a lot ol mantcnancc.
So, by usng thc SpccoWcalth systcm, that's cxactly what
you crcatc a hghpowcrco moncy machnc that has alrcaoy
bccn ouplcatco scvcral tmcs, ano stll has plcnty ol room lor
growth. Oncc you havc accomplshco ths tasl, bg compancs
wll lnc up to buy your busncss lor $1, 2, 8 mllon, or morc.
So whcn n thc proccss oo you havc to start thnlng about
all ths` At thc bcgnnng! In thc SpccoWcalth systcm, t's
mpcratvc that you thnl "SFll` lrom oay onc . . .
You comc n wth thc ntcnton to cash out!
From thc vcry bcgnnng ol Ftncsslano, my goal was to
bulo thc busncss, as quclly as possblc, to a pont whcrc t was
worth at lcast a mllon altcrtax oollars, THFN SFll! Ano that's
cxactly what I oo! Ano cxactly what you can oo too!
Icoplc oltcn asl, can you "cash out` l you'rc a ostrbutor
or a "prolcssonal` or own a "homc` busncss` Thc answcr s
Pouer Principle:
You come in
uith the intention
to cash out!
contngcnt on thc way you'vc sct up your opcraton. Il you'vc
lollowco thc SpccoWcalth program ano systcmzco your
busncss nto a moncy machnc that can worl wthout you, ano
l you'vc ocsgnco t so your customcrs arc happy ocalng wth
thc company ano ts rcprcscntatvcs nstcao ol only you
pcrsonally, thcn A8SOlUTFlY YFS! You can scll, ano lor bg,
bg moncy.
I lnow a nctworl marlctcr who rcccntly solo hs "oown
lnc` lor mcgabucls, plus an ongong pcrccntagc ol thc
purchascr's ncomc! I lnow ol a bll auotor, who solo hcr
"homc busncss` lor a small lortunc bccausc ol hcr provcn
marlctng systcm ano hcr cxtcnsvc clcnt lst.
I'm lrcnos wth a chropractor who just cashco out hs
practcc ano maoc a mnt. Fvcn though hc hao a pcrsonal
scrvcc busncss, hc was smart lrom thc start ano oo not usc hs
"pcrsonal` namc as hs busncss namc. Thnl about t, woulo
you want somconc clsc's pcrsonal namc on your ncw busncss`
Ncthcr woulo most buycrs.
Rcmcmbcr, I'm not sayng you havc to scll your succcsslul
company, but bccausc you'vc usco thc SpccoWcalth systcm ano
sct t up to scll lrom thc bcgnnng, you wll at lcast havc thc
chocc ol bccomng an nstant mllonarc l you want to!
Rcmcmbcr too, you can scll hall your sharcs, llc I oo, ano
poclct a vcry hanosomc "chunl ol changc,` ano pcrhaps stay
on as Ircsocnt or Charman ol thc 8oaro!
Anothcr way to cash out a porton ol your owncrshp s by
Pouer Principle:
Everyone thinks
they can do better than you,
once they take over!
IIO's (ntal publc ollcrngs) arc oncc agan n voguc. Thc
bg trcno s to start a busncss, provc ts vablty n thc
marlctplacc, ano thcn go publc, usng thc lunos to cxpano
natonally, or cvcn ntcrnatonally. Mcanwhlc, you own 2.2
zllon sharcs, part ol whch you can cashn, a lcw months altcr
thc ollcrng!
Tooay, many busncsscs arc choosng to luno thcr
cxpanson by gong publc nstcao ol lranchsng. Thc orcctors
always "say` ths gvcs thcm morc control. Maybc. Maybc not.
What s ccrtan, howcvcr, s that gong publc gvcs thcm a
chancc to malc a qucl pcrsonal lortunc! lool at Navgator's
two orcctors. As I mcntonco, n lcss than two ycars, Marc
Anorccsscn's sharcs wcrc worth $5O mllon. Sounos grcat untl
you hcar that hs partncr, ]m Clarl's sharcs bccamc worth $5OO
MIllION!! Ths s "SpccoWcalth` n all ts glory.
Agan, whcn oo you consocr gong publc` Irclcrably rght
lrom thc bcgnnng. Don't bc too qucl to rulc out ths wcalth
prooucng opton. It mght just bc rght lor you ano t's not
ncarly as ollcult as most pcoplc thnl. Thc lcy s to lno thc
rght pcrson to guoc you through t!
Rcgarolcss ol how you'rc gong to cash out, t's crtcal to
lcarn thc lcy lactors that octcrmnc thc valuc ol a busncss lor
thc purposc ol scllng. Ths way, you lnow cxactly what arcas ol
thc busncss to locus on ano can scll lor thc most moncy
Somc pcoplc woulo say NFT IROFIT s most mportant,
ano that's oltcn truc, but n my cxpcrcncc, GROSS SAlFS arc
just as csscntal. Why` Frst, hgh gross salcs show hgh
potcntal. Sccono, s "human psychology.` Thc lact s . . .
Pouer Principle:
Deal uith large,
successful corporations
uhere a million or tuo
is a drop in the bucket!
Fvcryonc thnls thcy can oo bcttcr than you,
oncc thcy talc ovcr!
Il you'vc got massvc gross salcs but mnor nct prolts, most
buycrs wll thnl you'rc a "hallwt` who just oocsn't lnow how
to run a busncss. Ano oncc thcy gct thcr cxpcrt hanos on thc
control lcvcrs, prolts wll soar through thc rool! Oncc agan,
maybc maybc not!
Anothcr lcy scllng lactor s, "who s buyng your
company`` What s thc purchascr's whcrcwthal` In thc
SpccoWcalth systcm, wc ocal prmarly wth major corporatons
that havc lullon acquston ocpartmcnts ano buy busncsscs on
a rcgular bass. You want to ocal only wth largc, succcsslul
corporatons that arc accustomco to payng top oollar lor
cvcrythng. A company whcrc a mllon or two s a orop n thc
buclct! 8clcvc t or not, thc $1.b mllon Hcnz pao lor
Ftncsslano was thc "lcast` thcy'o cvcr spcnt lor a busncss. To
thcm, thc ocal was a "no brancr` ano that's just thc way I
wantco t!
CASHING OUT, bc t by scllng all or part ol your busncss,
s thc crownng jcwcl ol thc SpccoWcalth systcm. It's what
allowco mc to go lrom zcro to a mllon n only 2 1/2 ycars, ano
why I'm conlocnt that l you lollow thc SpccoWcalth systcm to
thc lcttcr, n 8 to 5 ycars, you can bc a mllonarc too!
Pouer Principle:
Wealth is not just money.
Thc namc ol ths program s Spcco "Wcalth,` not Spcco
"Moncy.` Thc SpccoWcalth systcm s morc than just malng
moncy, t's thc ablty to cnjoy thc journcy along thc way ano
grow your busncss wthout thc usual strcss ano strugglc.
Wcalth s not just moncy. For most pcoplc, wcalth ncluocs
an abunoancc ol moncy, lrcc tmc, lovng rclatonshps, nncr
pcacc, ano havng a scnsc ol mcanng ano lullllmcnt.
Not long ago I hao thc bggcst scarc ol my llc. My ooctor
tolo mc hc thought I hao lymphoma. Hc schcoulco mc lor
surgcry ano oo a bopsy on a lump that hao ocvclopco n my
throat. It tool lour agonzng oays lor thc rcsults to comc n.
Durng that wat, my cntrc llc changco. I was rcally scarco, not
so much about oyng, but about not havng lully lvco! I lncw I
haon't gvcn cnough attcnton to thc truc prortcs n llc: my
wlc, my chlorcn, my nncr sprt, ano just talng tmc to play.
I vowco l I cvcr got out ol ths mcss, I woulo changc. I'o ncvcr
talc anothcr oay lor grantco ano woulo lvc cach momcnt
rccognzng t as thc glt t truly s. I vowco that lrom thcn on, I
wasn't gong to lct myscll bccomc obscssco wth rcsults. Instcao,
I'o rclsh thc journcy ano achcvc my goals wth pcacc ano joy
nstcao ol strcss ano strugglc.
Fnally thc pathology rcport camc bacl. I hao a tumor but t
was bcngn, nonmalgnant. I was gong to lvc.
Tooay I consocr that scarc a blcssng. It gavc mc mpctus to
tcach ano hclp othcrs lcarn lcssons that mght mprovc thcr
lvcs. It's also bccomc thc bass lor my most mportant mcssagc
ano thc lnal SpccoWcalth prncplc . . .
Pouer Principle:
Practice does not
make perfect.
Practice makes
llc s short! Whatcvcr you want to oo, oo t now. Whatcvcr
you want to bc, bc that now. Whatcvcr you want to havc, go lor
t now! Whcn t comcs to thc mportant thngs n llc, oon't wat
untl tomorrow. Tomorrow may not comc.
Iractcc bcng happy now!
Why oo I say "practcc`` 8ccausc "practcc malcs pcrlcct,`
rght` Wrong! That's a massvc msconccpton!
Iractcc oocs not malc pcrlcct.
Iractcc malcs pcrmancnt.
Icoplc arc crcaturcs ol HA8IT. On a oaly bass, l you
practcc pcssmsm ano strugglc, you bccomc vcry gooo at t.
You bccomc unconscously compctcnt. Icssmsm ano strugglc
bccomc almost automatc to a pont whcrc cvcn whcn you want
to changc, happncss bccomcs almost mpossblc.
Thc mportant thng to rcmcmbcr s . . .
Onc proccss oocs not lcao to anothcr.
Iractcng ptchng lcaos to bcng a gooo ptchcr, not
catchcr. Iractcng ovcrwhclm lcaos to ovcrwhclm, not nncr
pcacc. Ano practcng bcng mscrablc lcaos to mscry, not
Il you wat untl cvcrythng s gong grcat bclorc you
practcc happncss, you may wat a long tmc. Not bccausc
thngs wll ncvcr bc grcat, but bccausc you'vc bccomc a mastcr
at bcng unhappy. Unhappncss wll bc your habt!
Pouer Principle:
Practice uhatever you
uant to be in the future,
That's why t's crtcal, no mattcr what othcr objcctvcs
you'rc attcmptng to achcvc, you rcmcmbcr to practcc
happncss RIGHT NOW, n ths vcry momcnt!
Iart ol thc SpccoWcalth stratcgy s to . . .
Iractcc whatcvcr you want to bc n thc luturc, now.
Il you want a llc ol nncr pcacc, practcc bcng pcacclul
now. Il, onc oay, you want total conlocncc, practcc bcng
totally conlocnt now. Il somc oay you want to bc succcsslul,
practcc bcng succcsslul now.
Fvcntually, thcsc trats bccomc your habts, your natural
way ol bcng. You won't havc to thnl about thcm, you wll bc
thcm. Ano your llc TODAY, wll bc what you always wshco t
woulo bc llc, tomorrow.
Thc lcy s to cnjoy thc journcy. You want to blcno moncy
wth mcanng, prolt wth purposc, ano "strcctsmarts` wth hcart.
Thanl goooncss, along wth thc lcssons I lcarnco n
busncss, I lcarnco somc csscntal llc lcssons too. To mc, thcsc
arc thc most mportant mcssagcs I sharc. What s unlortunatc
howcvcr, s that cvcn though most pcoplc want to bc happy,
havc morc lun, laugh morc, lovc morc ano cnjoy thcr lvcs
morc, t's ollcult to conccntratc on thcsc thngs whcn you'rc
strugglng lnancally.
Moncy problcms can talc thc lustcr out ol llc. I'm not
sayng moncy s cvcrythng.
Moncy sn't cvcrythng unlcss you oon't havc any,
thcn t sccms to bccomc cvcrythng.
Pouer Principle:
The best advice about money
is only three uords:
Get it handled!
Thc lact s, n our soccty, moncy s an mportant TOOl.
Moncy s llc a lubrcant gong through llc
wthout t s vcry, vcry, rough.
Moncy oocsn't buy happncss, but t can buy FRFFDOM:
lrccoom ol chocc, to bc ablc to oo what you cnjoy oong ano
not bc lorcco to oo thngs just bccausc you ncco "thc moncy.`
It's a shamc. I havc sccn lar too many gooo, lnohcartco,
talcntco pcoplc, unablc to sharc thcr unquc glts ano talcnts to
thc lullcst, bccausc thcy'rc smply too busy tryng to survvc.
Thcy worl long ano haro but ncvcr gct ahcao lnancally. I'vc
sao t bclorc ano I'll say t agan, "Il you'rc gong to worl haro
anyway, you mght as wcll gct rch . . . ano thc quclcr thc bcttcr.`
Thc bcst aovcc I cvcr hcaro about moncy was only thrcc
woros: GFT IT HANDlFD! Ano that's what SpccoWcalth s all
about. It's a provcn systcm that worlco lor mc ano can worl lor
you l you worl t. Gct thc lnowlcogc, mastcr thc prncplcs,
stuoy thc stratcgcs ano n just a lcw ycars you wll ncvcr havc
to worry about moncy agan. You wll bc lrcc!
It's bccn an honor to scrvc you ano I hopc I can contnuc to
bc ol support!
For your lrccoom,
T. Harv Flcr
Pouer Principle:
Iearn! Iearn! Iearn!
So what oo you oo now`
Talc acton! Il you'rc alrcaoy an "cxpcrt` n busncss ano
carnng at lcast $25O,OOO pcr ycar, thcn usc ths bool as a
tcmplatc to cnhancc thc spcco ol your succcss. Il you'rc not n
ths ncomc braclct yct, thc bcst thng you can oo s . . .
lcarn! lcarn! lcarn! Rcmcmbcr, succcss s a lcarnablc slll.
Il you truly want to succcco you must worl on yourscll, stuoy
busncss, ano bccomc a SpccoWcalth mastcr. Thc wonocrlul
thng about bccomng an cxpcrt n ths gamc s whcn you wn,
you gct rch!
Abovc all, gct thc lnowlcogc you ncco, 8FFORF you stcp
nto thc arcna. Thnl about t: l you wcrc gong to play
Anorc Agass, thc grcat tcnns champon, lor moncy, woulon't
you start lcarnng thc gamc ano practcng 8FFORF you
stcppco on thc court to play hm` It amazcs mc that so
many pcoplc gct nto thc gamc ol busncss wthout acqurng
thc spcclc lnowlcogc ncccssary to wn. Thcn thcy wonocr
why thcy'rc strugglng.
Il you'rc not n your own busncss yct, ths s thc tmc
to lcarn ano prcparc so whcn you oo "go lor t,` you'll lnow
what you'rc oong. Il you'rc alrcaoy n busncss ano havcn't
bccn crcatng wcalth, thcrc's obvously somcthng mssng,
thcrc's somcthng you oon't lnow. Gct thc lnowlcogc. lcarn
thc ropcs. Apply thc SpccoWcalth stratcgcs n your busncss
ano watch your ncomc slyroclct. That's what I oo ano
t maoc mc a lortunc. As you can scc, I'm a bg bclcvcr n
coucaton. I lovc thc sayng: "Il you thnl coucaton s
cxpcnsvc, try gnorancc.`
A Personal Message From T. Harv Eker
Thcrc arc thrcc typcs ol coucaton you arc gong to ncco l
you want to succcco to your lullcst potcntal. Onc s "gcncral
busncss` lnowlcogc. Ths woulo ncluoc marlctng,
ncgotatons, lnancc, ctc. Thc ncxt s "busncss spcclc`
lnowlcogc. Ths cntals lcarnng thc "ns ano outs` ol your
partcular busncss. Thc thro ano most mportant s "pcrsonal
ocvclopmcnt` lnowlcogc. Ths allows you to lully utlzc thc
lrst two typcs ol coucaton. Thc lact s you can havc thc
grcatcst "tools` n thc worlo, but l you havc a lcal n your
"toolbox` you'rc gong to havc a problcm. In short, who arc you,
how oo you thnl, what arc your bclcls, what arc your habts,
charactcrstcs ano trats, how conlocnt arc you n yourscll` In
my cxpcrcncc, all thcsc clcmcnts havc a oramatc cllcct on both
your succcss ano your happncss. I havc a motto that "your
ncomc can only grow to thc cxtcnt that you oo.` Thc oca s to
grow your "scll` ano your succcss wll grow naturally ano
To ths cno, I havc crcatco a scrcs ol lvc scmnars ano tapc
prooucts ocsgnco to hclp you succcco morc quclly, morc
casly ano morc happly.
Ilcasc scc my Ical Iotcntals Tranng wcbstc lor lull
octals at
Much lovc,
T. Harv Flcr
In thc mcantmc hcrc's a conocnsco catalog that ocscrbcs
cach ol our currcnt programs ano prooucts:
nncr wor|u pr|nc|p|cs |or rcn| wor|u succcss
To coucatc ano nsprc pcoplc
to lvc n thcr hghcr scll,
basco n couragc, purposc ano joy
vcrsus lcar, ncco ano oblgaton.
The Peak Potentials
nncr wor|u pr|nc|p|cs |or rcn| wor|u succcss
*Contact Ical Iotcntals lor oatcs, locatons
ano spccal tutons. Scc bacl pagc lor contact nlormaton.
& Camps
The Millionaire Mind
Evening Seminar
Thc Sccrct PsychoIogy oI WcaIth
Moncy mraclcs can occur whcn wc gct out ol
our own way. Thc problcm s, by oursclvcs, wc
can ncvcr scc what's holong us bacl lrom
rcachng our lull potcntal. Fnstcn sao t bcst,
"You can't solvc a problcm wth thc samc 'mno'
that crcatco t.` Thc nlormaton n ths coursc s cxtrcmcly
powcrlul! Il you lcarn thc stratcgcs ano usc thcm, your
lnancal llc wll changc lorcvcr.
Here's just a portion of uhat you'll learn:
Thc 5 ways rch pcoplc thnl ollcrcntly than thc poor
c moolc class.
Thc hoocn causc ol almost all lnancal problcms.
How your chlohooo conotonng s allcctng you
lnancally tooay.
Why lnowlcogc ano slll oo not crcatc wcalth.
How to rcsct your lnancal thcrmostat lor 'automatc succcss'.
How to crcatc socallco 'lucl' ano actually attract moncy.
How to malc your 'mno' worl lor you nstcao ol aganst you.
nm n rcn| csinic ngcni. A|icr iIc coursc, |n onc wcckcnu
c|oscu |our ucn|s! Dcbbc Flppcll
S|ncc iIc coursc my |ncomc Ins inkcn n qunnium |cnp. Invc
snvcu morc moncy |n iIc |nsi 10 moniIs iInn Invc |n iIc prcv|ous
10 ycnrs. TInnk you! Robcrt Hall
~The Secret
Psychology of Wealth
The Millionaire Mind Intensive
3-Day Workshop
~The Secret
Psychology of Wealth
S|ncc niicnu|ng your progrnm scvcrn| moniIs ngo, my |ncomc
Ins qunurup|cu. TInnks! San lnocm
m n wn|icr nnu Invc ncvcr cnrncu morc iInn $zJ,000 n ycnr.
iIrcc wccks n|icr iIc worksIop mnuc $11,000 |n c|gIi unys!
8ll Augcr
Inu n grnpI|c ucs|gn bus|ncss on iIc vcrgc o| c|os|ng. W|iI|n
60 unys o| iIc coursc, Inu so mnny ncw c||cnis Inu io I|rc z ncw
nss|sinnis io Ic|p mc! Krstc Wlson
Enlightened Warrior Training Camp
How to Acccss Your Truc Powcr
anu Succccu In SpItc oI AnythIng
Wizard Training Camp
Thc ScIcncc oI ManIIcstIng What You Want
Thc wIzaru's way Is thc way oI attractIon. Thc wIzaru
not onIy succccus, hut uocs so wIth cIcgancc anu casc.
Thc Wzaro Tranng s spccal. Il you woulo llc to lcarn
how to manlcst cxactly what you want n thc rcal worlo,
bc thcrc.
Iife Directions Intensive
DIscovcr Your PcrsonaI MIssIon anu Crcatc
a SucccssIuI VIsIon
Thc #1 rcason most pcopIc uon't gct
what thcy want Is. . . thcy uon't know what
thcy want. - T. Harv Eker
Intensive Intensive
Train The Trainer" Certification
How to arn $20,000 a Wcckcnu
TcachIng What You Lovc!
It's aIways hccn my IntcntIon to 'tcach tcachcrs' who wIII
go out anu makc a rcaI uIIIcrcncc In thIs worIu. - T. Harv Eker
Wealth & Wisdom
WorIu-CIass xpcrts RcvcaI How to Crcatc
Morc Moncy, Lovc, anu HappIncss In Your LIIc!
The SuccessTracs
Group Coaching Program
DouhIc Your Incomc, DouhIc Your TImc OII
anu DouhIc Your Spccu to IInancIaI Irccuom!
II you couIu uo It on your own, chanccs arc you wouIu havc
aIrcauy uonc It. - T. Harv kcr
nncr wor|u pr|nc|p|cs |or rcn| wor|u succcss
Tapes &
Vst our WF8SITF lor octals ano spccal
prcng on thc lollowng prooucts at
How To Makc A MIIIIon In Your Own
usIncss In 3 Ycars Or Lcss
8csisc|||ng 8ook
Tnpcs or CDs. Rccorucu |vc!
for Netuork Marketers
Tnpcs or CDs. Rccorucu |vc!
The SpeedWealth Masters Camp
13 Mastcrs Tcach You a Stcp-y-Stcp
Systcm Ior ccomIng a MIIIIonaIrc
In 3 Ycars or Lcss
Tnpcs. Rccorucu |vc!
The Millionaire Mind Evening
An IntrouuctIon to thc PrIncIpIcs oI
thc MIIIIonaIrc MInu
Tnpcs, CDs or \|uco. Rccorucu |vc!
The Millionaire Mind Intensive
Thc Sccrct PsychoIogy oI WcaIth
Tnpcs or CDs. Rccorucu |vc!
Enlightened Wealth Training
MastcrIng Moncy, usIncss
anu HappIncss
Tnpcs or CDs. Rccorucu |vc!
Wealth & Wisdom
3-Day Extravaganza
WorIu CIass xpcrts RcvcaI . . .
How to Crcatc Morc Moncy, Lovc,
anu HappIncss In Your LIIc
Tnpcs. Rccorucu |vc!
The Total Wealth Camp
14 LIIc Mastcrs RcvcaI thc Sccrcts to
Succcss anu HappIncss
Tnpcs. Rccorucu |vc!
The Mastermind Tape Series
Sccrcts oI Succcss Irom North
AmcrIca's top authors anu traIncrs.
Tnpcs or CDs. Rccorucu |vc!
Peak Potentials' Clothing
nncr wor|u pr|nc|p|cs |or rcn| wor|u succcss
T. Harv Eker
Now you can havc T. Harv Flcr gvc an cxctng
prcscntaton to your group. Flcr has bccn callco, "onc ol thc
lrcshcst, most oynamc spcalcrs n North Amcrca.` Hc blcnos
wt wth wsoom, playlulncss wth powcr ano "strcctsmarts`
wth hcart. Flcr gntcs auocnccs wth hs passon ano hs
cnthusasm s contagous, yct thc commcnt most oltcn
cxprcssco about hm s that hc s "rcal.` T. Harv Flcr scrvcs up
a rarc combnaton ol mmcoatcly uscablc nlormaton wth
longlastng nspraton! Topc lcngths rangc lrom 1 hour to 2
oays, ocpcnong on your objcctvcs.

"How To Malc A Mllon In Your Own

8usncss In 8 Ycars or lcss!`

lor Nctworl Marlctcrs "How To Malc A Mllon

In Your Nctworl Marlctng 8usncss In 8 Ycars or lcss!`
The Millionaire Mind "Thc Sccrct Isychology ol Wcalth`
Breakthrough to Pouer "How to Mastcr Your Mno lor Succcss`
(Incluong thc amazng "arrowbrcal` ocmonstraton)
Becoming the Ultimate Success Warrior "How To Succcco
In Sptc ol Anythng`
Enlightened Business

"Usng thc 7 Trats ol Your 'Hghcr

Scll' at Worl`
The Science of Manifestation "How to Crcatc What You Want`
Success Without Stress "How to Stay Ccntcrco, Calm ano
Icacclul Rcgarolcss ol Any Crcumstancc`
To orocr or lor lurthcr octals...
Call: {604) 983-3344
Call tolllrcc: {888) 868-8883
Fax: {604) 983-3564
or vst our wcbstc at:
Peak Potentials Training
1b51 Wclch Strcct
North Vancouvcr, 8C V7I 8GO
Call: (bO4) O888844
Call tolllrcc: (888) 8b88888
Fax: (bO4) O8885b4
T. latv Llet
Iinancia| Pbi|osopby:
|j joa`re go|ng ro aor| nar anjaaj,
joa m|gnr as ae|| ger r|cn. .. an rne
qa|c|er rne berrer|
1. Harv Ller ls fbe Founoer oF fbe
blgbly - acclalueo Sfreef Suarf
8uslness Scbool" ano presloenf oF
Peal Pofenflals 1ralnlng. He ls fbe
aufbor oF eleven besf-selllng courses,
bools ano fape prograus. Sfuoenfs
coue Frou all over fbe worlo fo
affeno bls llFe-cbanglng worlsbops.
Descrlbeo as a unlque bleno oF
sfreef - suarfs wlfb bearf," Ller bas
fbe ablllfy fo uale fbe couplex,
sluple. 1be couuenf uosf oFfen
bearo Frou bls sfuoenfs ls, He uales
uoney-uallng easy!"
Peak Potentia|s Training
16S1 welcb Sfreef
N. \ancouver, 8C \7P 3G9 Canaoa
1el. (6u4) 983-3344 lax. (6u4) 983-3S64

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