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Allissa Frindt 419 / 231-0958 400 South Maple Street Oxford, OH 45056 home 7931 Windsor Wood Ct Maumee OH 43537


To obtain a teaching position as an Intervention Specialist in the field of Special Education, which will give me the chance to use the experiences and skills that I have gained over my courses taken at Miami University.

MIAMI UNIVERSITY, Oxford Ohio Bachelor of Science in Education Major: Special Education Mild/ Moderate Licensure Overall GPA: 3.65/4.00 ANTHONY WAYNE HIGH SCHOOL Whitehouse, OH 2007-2011

National Honors Society 2007-2011 FCCLA State Qualifier Deans List, 2 semesters Gamma Phi Betas Scholarship Recipient 2011- present


Scrambler Maries Breakfast Bistro, Maumee OH 2011- present Serving customers and training co-workers in a restaurant setting. Monclova Township Safety City Summers 2011-2012 Working with children entering Kindergarten and teaching them about safety that they may need to now including fire safety, stranger danger, bus and animal safety. Master and Sylvania Driving School Summers 2008-2010 Performed secretarial duties for a teenage driving business, filling out paperwork, filing and scheduling appointments.

Gamma Phi Beta Sorority2012-present New Member Activity Coordinator (POTH) 2012-2013 Teaching Professions Vice President 2010-2011
Teaching Professions was a college credit class taken in high school to give future education majors a chance to explore the fields and take part in school visits and classroom observations. ACTIVITIES

Jr. Cheerleading Advisor 2009-present Autism Speaks 2012- present Gamma Phi Beta Sorority

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