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2o Days To Succeed In Exams

You Can Do It If You Put Your Mind Into It!

What would you do if you only had 20 days left to prepare and do well for your exams? Dive straight into the books without a clear direction? This report reveals a step-by-step plan you can take to do well! By George Tee & Joel Chue

[20 Days To Succeeding In Exams]


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[20 Days To Succeeding In Exams]


How This Report Came To Existence?

If you are new to the community of SecretsofStudying.Com, let me hereby warmly welcome you! And for those who have stuck with me for so long, I wanted to give you something special. First of all, SecretsofStudying.Com has reached a breakthrough level of subscribers. On average, we have about 50 new subscribers a day joining this community. And SecretsofStudying.Com is now one of the most popular sites among students and teachers. With more and more people reading Secrets of Scoring As eBook, it is possible to discuss more Scoring As strategies since you now have an understanding of the strategies I used. I figured that this report could give you a few more solid ideas you can used when preparing for your exams. Enjoy the eBook, and hey... if you learn from it, I'd love to hear your feedback. It makes writing these things for you, all the worthwhile when I get a little feedback.

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[20 Days To Succeeding In Exams]


It All Started With A Burning Question From A Subscriber

Hi George, Suppose your teachers or professors suddenly announce to you that your term exams are 20 days from now. You have totally forgotten about it as you were having fun all the way from the start of term till now. Mind you, you have been failing all your minor tests and this is your last chance The only bet is your ability to learn fast and effectively which you have taught in your Ebook. What would you do from Day 1 to Day 20? A Defiant Kid, Gabrielle Apparently, this girl figured out what the students wanted to know if they are left with just 20 days to exams; what they can do in order not to just pass the exams but to score at least a B.

To Defiant Kid, This is what I would do

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[20 Days To Succeeding In Exams]


Day 1 Relax and Compose Myself

The most important thing here is to stay calm. I cant afford to panic if I want to pass my exams; I would actually go for a walk in the park or do something to relax. The important thing here is to stay positive. Throughout the day, its essential for me to reinforce certain crucial mindsets that top students possess. 1. The past does not represent the future I would tell myself that my past is not representative of my future to stop myself dwelling in the past. Its going to be a fresh start and the possibilities are unlimited. 2. The more confused I am with the revision and studies, the more I will learn. Ive learnt a lot of stuff in the past like playing the piano, roller skating, percussions, chemistry, physics, math, etc. Its not an easy process to go through especially at the beginning. At the beginning of each skill I learnt, I usually felt confused and do not know what to do at many points in time. But thats when I learnt the most after I get over the painful process and Oh I finally got it when I finally understand and picked up the skill. So for studies, its the same thing too. Im bound to get confused and unsure of what I am doing but its ok because I know Im going to learn a lot afterwards. 3. its a matter of using the right strategies.

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[20 Days To Succeeding In Exams]


Theres no such thing as being smart or stupid. Ive come across people who fail all their way until the end and they still can score full marks. Ive come across others who have failed miserably when they were in primary school but they still scored perfect number of distinctions when they went to college. I would tell myself that its the matter of using the right strategies to score distinctions rather than being smarter. 4. There is no such thing as failure, but only learning experiences for you to learn from. I would tell myself that the past is for me to learn from. Those previous tests I failed are the very valuable learning experiences that I would want to learn from. Those mistakes will make me score As for my exams if I learn from them. Mistakes are after all the most valuable learning tool. 5. I shall ask whenever I need help. Sometimes during lessons, I dare not ask questions because Im afraid of asking the wrong questions or I am afraid of how other people will see me. Thats why I would constantly remind myself to ask if I dont understand. Ask your professors and peers. Discussions clarify doubts. With these 5 mindsets in mind, I would proceed my day to relax and get ready for the next day.

Day 2 Planning
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[20 Days To Succeeding In Exams]


If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. Someone told me this before and its so effective that Im still using it for whatever Im doing today. Planning is by far the most critical element in doing well for exams. And with 19 days left to examination, planning is even more crucial. How do I plan? First, I would list down all the topics for all the subjects so I would roughly have a guide how should I plan the topics to study each day. Lets take for example, I am taking 5 subjects right now. And I have 7 topics for each subject. Math 7 Chemistry 7 Physics -7 Economics 7 Biology -7 Because I have only 19 days left, its essential to look at each topic and deduce which are my stronger topics and which are my weaker ones. So I would spend most of my time on the weaker ones but at the same time, not to neglect the stronger ones. Its just that the stronger ones may take shorter time to master. In that case, I can probably cut down most of my topics I need to cover by half, which would be roughly about 17 topics. I would use a monthly calendar to plan my time effectively. (feel free to use the calendar found in Secrets of Studying ebook)

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[20 Days To Succeeding In Exams]


From here, I know that I have 18 days before my exams commence. I would want to leave some time in case of emergencies and some days for me to cover my stronger topics. Emergency 3 days Stronger topics -5 days That would leave me 10 days to finish all the weaker topics. I will have around 2 topics to cover each day. I would write in detail what I am going to do exactly at each hour of my next 18 days, which I would share with you while we go into each day.

Day 3 The Race Begins

I would find myself a comfortable and cozy room without much distraction for a start. After grabbing a nice meal, I would start my revision. First, it would be reading up with Power Reading which you can find in my Secrets of Studying E-book. After reading it, I would use a powerful way of making notes which I absorb 5 times faster than average students. (refer to page 48, line 9) I would also dig out all the tutorials and homework the teachers or professors gave and do a detailed revision, to make sure I remember and understand my mistakes. This will probably take me 5-6 hours. After that, I would start on the next topic and do the same as above. So this would take another 5-6 hours. By the time, Ive finished both revisions, its almost sleeping time. I would take this opportunity to recall what I have learnt today. I

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[20 Days To Succeeding In Exams]


would only sleep if I could remember what I have learnt in the day. (with reference to page 56 for strategies to improve memory recall)
Click Here For More Information About Advanced Memory Techniques

Day 4, 5 and 6 Revision and Advancement

Before I began my day, I would do a fast recall on everything I have learnt the day before. We, as humans, would forget 80% of what we learnt the previous day if we never revise. It would take me half an hour or so for me to revise everything I have learnt. After the mini revision, I would start work on the next topic. And this would be the same as the previous day.

Day 7 Ask Questions!

By now, I may have revised quite a lot of my topics. But there would be a lot of concepts and theories I may not understand. So it would be wise to make an appointment with the teachers or the professors to sort out my understanding and to check whether Im on the right track. Sometime, by talking to the teachers and professors, they will highlight to you the more important things, so pay attention to it! It could be something that will come out in your exams. After I clear my doubts, I will continue with my revision.

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[20 Days To Succeeding In Exams]


Day 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12- Continue With My Revision

By the end of day 12, I would finish all my 17 weaker topics.

Day 13 Do Past Year Exam Papers

In order to check whether I have learnt all the concepts for the weaker topics, I would need to test it out. I would go and collect all the past year exam papers available and start practicing on it. If it so happens that I still have questions which I dont know how to do, it would mean that I havent really understood some of the topics yet. Perhaps it is the part where I dont really know how to apply what I have learnt. In that case, I would practice on more questions until I know how to apply the concepts. (more details can be found in Chapter 6 of Secrets of Studying Ebook)

Day 14, 15, 16 & 17 Work On My Stronger Topics

I would use the same strategies on my stronger topics. But for the stronger topics, because Im better at it, I can probably use lesser time for each topics. I can probably cover 5 topics each day? By the end of day 17, I should have finished all the stronger topics.

Day 18, 19 Exam Papers Revisited

Its time to do all the exam papers and read through all the mistakes. In fact for the rest of the 3 days, its more or less the same. I will do more papers until Im confident and comfortable about the exams.

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[20 Days To Succeeding In Exams]


Another important thing here is to check whether I have left out any important chapters. If yes, I will need to quickly revise on it.

Day 20 The Final Showdown

To the last day before the exam, its essential to keep your cool and confidence. The best is keeping the day simple and light-hearted. In fact, I will do some simple revising and recalling.

And there you have it, my 20 day Action Plan to handle exams. I hope this answers your question, Gabrielle And all the best! Cheers, George

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