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Redesign Plan

Product Name: Emergen-C Target Group: Anyone that is looking for a fit and healthy lifestyle with the focus on the younger generation. History: Alacer Corp. was founded in 1972 with a focus on vitamin C, complemented by minerals and B vitamins. This vitamin C focus led the company to collaborate in its early days with global vitamin C experts, including extensive consultation with Nobel laureate and vitamin C advocate Linus Pauling. At its inception, the organization was a pioneer in creating products for distribution in the evolving health and natural products retail market. Alacers products were among the first supplements that many natural products distributors and retailers carried and supported. In 1978, Alacer introduced the Emergen-C effervescent powdered drink mix as the champagne of nutritional drinks. The good tasting, fizzy drink mix featured 1,000 mg of vitamin C, B vitamins and electrolytes, which became Alacers signature formulation. The novel delivery system for vitamins and nutrients soon had a loyal following who found Emergen-C to be the fast, fun way to support their health and energy. Redesign Plan: As it stands today Emergen-C is a product that not many of the younger generation are familiar with and uses. However after extensive research on my end it is clear that that is the very demographic that they are going for. The prob lem is that the packaging graphics and design do not reflect the type of design of a product that would appeal to such a group. The product and design needs to better appeal to the audience that it is trying to target. It needs to reflect more of a modern and clean-cut look. The current package design is overly designed and visually bombarding. The plan that I propose is to redesign the logo as well as the packaging of the Emergen-C product by designing it around the target demographic. I will do this by creating a design that is more of modern and simplistic as well as functional. Recent studies show that the younger generation has been conditioned over time to tune out much of the visual bombarding world they experience. So the solution naturally is to redesign the products package as well as the products design so that it is simpler and easier to visually absorb and that it looks and feels like a new (modern/ recently released) product. By making these changes the product will better stand out and appeal to the target audience. This, in addition to a well-planned marketing strategy will change the way the product is viewed. This in turn will create more of an interest among the demographic and increase sales.



Style Guide
Raspberry Maroon Straight Pink Sweet violet Starch white


Futura Heavy Futura Book Futura Light
Size Recomendations: Futura Heavy 20 pt to 70 pt for Titiling and Header Futura Book 9 pt to 10 pt for Body Copy Futura Light 9 pt to 10 pt for Subtext

Futura Bold Gotham Book

Asenine Regular
Size Recomendations: Futura Bold 20 pt to 70 pt for Titiling and Header Futura Book 9 pt to 10 pt for Body Copy Futura Light for Logo Font


Style Guide
Current Logo: Full Color

Size & Margins

Minimum Size:
24.8 mm


3.5 mm

The minimum size the logo can be is 8 mm by 1 cm with the text proportionate to the logo as shown. Any smaller and the text is illegible. In some cases the logo may be used alone without the text. In this case it is recomended that the minimum size of 8 mm by 1 cm still be used.

New Logo:

Full Color

Minimum Margins:

25% 25%

Grey Scale




The logo must have a 25% margin around it. To do this take the full width measurement of the logo multiply it by .25 and add that width to either side. Repeat this process for the height margin.


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