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Travis Pearson Rules and rough draft of Classroom management plan Student Teaching 2-1-13 Laura Dearing Elementary


Mr. Pearsons Classroom Rules 1. Respect yourself and those around you. 2. Listen when others are talking. 3. Be prepared to learn. 4. Clean up after yourself. 5. Do your own best work.

Classroom Management Plan

Minor 1. Change Student's seat 2. Write name on board 3. Have student write short apology 4. Lose computer time 5. Pick up 40 pieces of garbage from floor 6. Only read text book 7. Sit in happy corner for 5 min. (corner with pictures of smiling students)

Moderate 1. Send note home to parents 2. Have student write down exactly what happened, and what should have happened to avoid the issue 3. Go to other classroom for time out. 4. Have student write their own note to their parents 5. Lose recess 6. Student calls home to explain what happened 7. Walk with student after school to meet parents in parking lot

1. Parent conference 2. Meet with counselor 3. Send to administrator

I plan on having a wide variety of consequences for the students. I will administer the consequences according to each student and what I feel will be the most appropriate for that student at that time. I feel like the students can sometimes stop responding to the same consequences every time. If there are many consequences than I can see which consequences the student responds to best.

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