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Hitler and Stalin Hitler killed about 10 million people including Jews gypsies and homosexual o He was paranoid

d o Believe he is the savior of Germany o Inferiority complexes o Born in Austria and a small town o He was abused during his childhood o Was involved in church activities o He was paranoid because he might be Jewish He was diseased and nothing could change him o Domination in classes during his childhood o He was pursuing a career in Art He wants a master race because a Jewish committee turned him down at Art school. o He hated Jews and communists o Stalin was born in Georgia in a small village o Had a hardship during his childhood o He had three siblings and all died o He was not happy with his body o Inferiority complexes. o He was stubborn and violent o He was attract to revolutionary activities and Marxism o Enemy complex o Was involved in church activities o He was involved in violence and was in revolutionary activities o Was exiled to Serbia o He took power when Lenin died and used supporters of him to eliminate threats o He dominated his family life too o

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