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GLOBAL WARMING IN PERSPECTIVE The NCDC present that average global temperature has risen approximately 0.

7C since 1880. However, this fact cant tell the causes of the warming. We believe that increased CO2 (greenhouse gases) emissions caused global warming for example by burning of fossils fuels and forest. But, greenhouse gases can regulate temperature by holding in heat from the sun and necessary for life in normal condition. Global warming will cause animal and plants go extinct in bad condition. Example, Polar Bear threatened to go extinct from their mullet cause environmental changes due to global warming like receding glaciers, melting ice caps, and other changes. But,there are no documented extinctions resulting from global warming. Inconvenient Truth Gore present that an ice sheet slides into the sea, raising the ocean up to 6 m. On the other hand, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change estimates that ocean levels will rise approximately 41 cm during this century. Some people argue that global warming cause hurricanes, tornadoes,floods, droughts, and extreme temperatures. But, Christians use another ways to the issue of global warming. They use principle about Human Dominion that GOD create human to maintain,managing the earth to make it more beautiful and productive.

Kata-kata Sulit 1. Alarmists 2. Settlements 3. Vilified 4. Thriving 5. Negligible

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