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Selamat Datang di Bethesda Stroke Center

volume pendarahan
apakah slice pada hasil foto CT Scan dapat utk menghitung volume pendarahan, bagaimana cara menghitung volume pendarahan?terima kasih

Jawab : Ada rumus yang cukup sering dipakai untuk menghitung volume perdarahan. ABC/ 2, A menggambarkan lebar terbesar dengan skala, B lebar terbesar dengan skala, dan C jumlah slice. For the bedside ABC/2 method, the CT slice with the largest area of hemorrhage was identified. The largest diameter (A) of the hemorrhage on this slice was measured. The largest diameter 90 to A on the same slice was measured next (B). Finally, the approximate number of 10-mm slices on which the ICH was seen was calculated (C). C was calculated by a comparison of each CT slice with hemorrhage to the CT slice with the largest hemorrhage on that scan. Semoga bermanfaat. Salam Rizaldy Pinzon

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Generated: 2 May, 2013, 23:03

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