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Ejercicio 1 1. Larry has to go to the bank. He hasn't got any money. 2. You mustn't smoke in the baby's room.

3. You don't have to pay. The entrance is free. 4. I must hurry up if I don't want to miss the plane. 5. In the company, everybody has to start work at 8:30. 6. You don't have to cook tonight. I have already prepared the dinner. 7. I must pick up my sister from the airport tomorrow. 8. She doesn't have to work. Her husband earns enough money for both of them. 9. You mustn't smoke at the petrol station. 10. If you want to study here, you have to pass an entrance examination.

Ejercicio 2 You mustn't smoke in here. You have to stop to let the other cars pass. You don't have to pay to visit the museum. You don't have to wear a suit and tie on Fridays. You mustn't use your mobile phone in the concert hall. You have to give way at the round about. You mustn't drive faster than 90 km/hour. You don't have to walk to the beach. You can cycle. You have to stop when the traffic lights are red. Ejercicio 3 I have to ___ a telephone call. a. do b. make She didn't ___ her best so she felt sad. a. do b. make It was the first time she didn't ___ the beds. a. do b. make

She was late so she didn't ___ breakfast for them. a. do b. make He ___ the assignment, but forgot to bring it to school. a. did b. make He has to ___ the housework before he can go. a. do b. make There are so many decisions to ___. a. do b. make Did you ___ a reservation for tonight? a. do b. make Did he ___ the doctor's appointment yet? a. do b. make

Ejercicio 4

Use Like to / Have to / Need to / Want to

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